《✓ Mianite One Shots》Until Dawn - SyndiSparklez


Before you say "This is a rip off of Until Dawn the game!" well it's not and you'll see what's the difference and it's only the title not the plot, okay?

Now let's start the story.


Sparklez's POV

I walk around my room thinking what should I do. I made a mistake for doing something and now, I kinda like it but I kinda regret it! I'm so confused!


*Ring Ring*

I woke up, took my alarm clock and throw it across the room. I tried to sleep again but failed so I stood up and walk to the bathroom and took a shower. I brush my teeth and put on some clothes. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen and saw a note, I took it and read it.

'Good morning Sparklez. Sorry I'm not in the house again but I will make it up to you if I ever have a chance. Here's your money for the week.'

I sighed and took my money which is 30 dollars. For the week 30 dollars. I took the keys of my car and the house and went to the garage. I drove to school, for 20 minutes I arrived at school. I park my car in my spot, which is clearly mine because I have a name on it and it's far away from the others. I got out of my car and saw the old looking car where it's usual spot. It might be old but I dig it. I took out my phone and look what time is it and it's 7:40 and my class starts at 8:30 so I went to the back of the school and saw down on the grass leaning down to a tree.

"Hey." I turn to my right and saw Tom, the jock of the school but he's not a bully nor rude, he's just, well, him. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"And your not?" I replied back and sound rude "Sorry if I sound rude."

"No you didn't sound rude." He sat down next to me "You seem quite to like this spot."

"Yeah," I smiled at him, he's a chill dude "I'm at ease here and I can relax." he leans to the tree.

"Now you said it, I'm kinda liking myself here." he close his eyes, 2 minutes passed without talking he was lightly snoring. I look up and suddenly felt my left shoulder getting heavier, I look at my shoulder and saw Tom's head on my shoulder. I look at the time and it's 7:59. I sighed and felt my leg getting heavier. I saw Tom getting comfortable sleeping so he laid down and make my leg a pillow, great I'm fat now. "Your not fat."


"Your not fat now quiet I'm trying to sleep, you know what lay down with me." I lay down next to him, he put his head chest so I opened my arms below Tom, not Tom's below. "Don't move or I'll do something to you." He hugs me and continue sleeping. What the freak is happening? I look what time it is and it's 8:01, time, please be faster. I suddenly felt my eyes getting heavy and black out.

*2 hours later*

I woke up and still see a sleeping Tom on my chest. Wait, a sleeping Tom on my chest?! I look at the time and it's 10:03. (Yay I can math XD.) "Tom wake up!"


"Shush! Be quiet we're in the library!"

"We're not and we're skipping class!"


"My grades are depending on my attendance!"


"So I can know what's the lesson!"

"Fine but I want you to come to my party tonight."

"Yeah, sure, whatever now can you please get up?" he stood up and pulls me up. "Thanks."

"7:00 at my house, don't forget or I'll personally pick you up."

"Yeah, sure, whatever, well see you later." I run to my class which is math and it's almost time. I arrive at my math class at 10:28 which is 2 minutes early to my schedule. I sat down next to Sonja.

"Where were you for the last two hours? I didn't see you anywhere!"

"Oh, um, I just over slept, yeah."

"Riiiiight..." she just look at me for 2 minutes "So anyways are you going to Tom's party tonight?"



"I have to make up to the class I miss earlier."

"Our teacher's went to a meeting until lunch so there's no attendance nor lessons."

"Are you for real?"

"Yeah, look at the time, Mrs. Ianite isn't late and she's still not here."

"Well time to go somewhere, bye."

"Wait I'll c-" I run as fast as I can so Sonja won't follow me. I slower my pace and went to the back of the school and saw Tom still sleeping there.

"Hey." Tom opened his eyes and glare at me but soften his eyes when he know's it was me.

"I thought you were in class?"

"No teacher until lunch."

"Great." I just stood up and Tom kept his eyes open and still looking at me "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Get your ass over here and lay down next to me." I smiled and lay down next to him, this time I put my head on his breat taking chest, which is kinda hard and kinda soft. Tom put his arms around me. "You know you talk when you sleep?"


"Yeah, you said earlier that you want to suck my-"

"Well I know that's a lie and please don't."

"Can't I make a joke?"

"Whatever you say."

"Well then let's g-"

"Except for your sexual desires,unless it's ice cream."

"Well then let's get ice cream, my treat." I don't know why Tom's acting this way, we never talk to each other before and this was the first time we talk and touch each other but it feels, weird, I'm extremely relax with him. I'm safe around his arms and I felt my heart beating so fast.

"Nah, I just want to chill here."

"Fine with me." he pulls me up and he put his head on my neck, feeling his breath every second. Now I can't sleep. Wait if I'm sleeping next to him so does that mean that I slept with the hottest, smartest and most handsome jock in school? Is that how it works? Well according to gossips that I hear, if you slept with Tom your going to be the luckiest guy or girl in school but I don't feel it. I just feel, normal, extremely normal. Nothing strange, it feels like he's my brother and best friend.


What the? What was that? I touched my heart and it's beating fast. What is going on? I suddenly moan so I covered my mouth. "Hey, no moaning, maybe if we're in bed but not now." Tom said with his attractive voice. Why am I acting weird? What's happening? "Jordan?" I just look at him. "Jordan?"


"How did you know my name? I never told you my name and my friends call me Sparklez not Jordan." He suddenly felt cold. "Are you okay? Are you cold?" I hugged him and he suddenly burns up.

"I-I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You felt cold then you are burning up, are you sure your okay?"

"I'm A-Okay!" He stoods up, stretch a hand to me so I hold it and it was so soft and warm then he suddenly pulls me up so I got up and loss my balance so Tom and I fell down, our face close to each other. "Are you alright?"

"Yup." I smiled at him and we just stared to each others eyes. For a great 5 minutes. "So should we get a move on?"

"Yeah..." he suddenly sound so... sad. "I think we should." I stood up and stretch a hand to Tom who took it so I pulled him up.

"So... should we split up or something?"

"Go ahead, I'll go in later."

"Okay, see you later then."

"Remember later, okay?"

"Yeah sure." I walk back inside and went to the lunch room and saw Sonja with Tucker, Tom's best friend, with Wag, Dec and Camp. I walk to Sonja. Sonja saw me and she getting her hand ready to slap me for leaving her earlier.

"Why did you fuding leave me earlier?!" she lift her hand so I closed my eyes but I never felt her hand on my face instead a rock hard wall behind me and a warm embrace so I opened my eyes and saw a blushing Sonja, a smiling Tucker, Wag, Dec and Champ. I look behind me and saw Tom holding Sonja's wrist and his other arm embracing me.

"Hi Tom."

"Hey." he let's go of Sonja's wrist but kept his other arm around me.

"Are you okay?"


"So you both already met?" Tucker asked.

"Uh, yeah, earlier, we bump into each other." Tom lied to Tucker but Tucker caught his lie but ignores it.

"Okay, Sparklez can we talk for a minute?" Sonja asked and I just nodded and we walk out the lunch room. "How did? When did? Why did?"

"Sonja, calm down."

"Sparklez, how did you met Tom and when and why did he hugged you and stopped me from slapping you, which is I'm about to do if I don't get an answer."

"Okay, I was running earlier and I bumped into Tom and he help me get up and we went to the nurses' office and get me treated, even though I didn't get any scrape or bruises or anything, and he treated me some ice cream." Sonja suddenly jumps up and down and scream, loudly.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Tell you what?"

"You met Tom!"

"I don't think it's important for you to know."

"Shush! Now my fan fictions are coming true!"

"Fan what now?"

"Oh, nothing." Sonja sung the nothing part. "Also I know your gay, I always know that."

"Because I told you that I am?"

"Oh really? I forgot."

"Yeah you did, and why are you acting so weird?"

"Because Tom l-"

"So are you guys done?" Tom cut Sonja "Why are you glaring at me?" I looked at Sonja who was glaring to Tom.

"Oh nothing, and yeah, let's go." Sonja walks in and went back to our table.

"What wrong with her?"

"I don't know."

"Well I got your lunch."

"Oh, here," I took some money and give it to Tom "I'm sorry if you paid."

"No, no, my treat." He gently push back my hand.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Thanks, I should treat you if I have a chance."

"Anyways we should get going."


*Time skip*

It was the end of my last period by myself. I went to my locker and dump all my books and notebook. I went to my parking spot and didn't saw the old car that I was digging, I guess the owner left early. I drove back to my house and opened my computer. I played games like minecraft, rocket league and more. I heard a knock on the door so I closed my computer and went downstairs. "Who's there?" I opened the door.

"Freeze!" I jumped as Tom gestured his hands like a gun so I played along, I raise my arms like a criminal. "Well what do we have here."

"Officer I didn't do anything wrong."

"I think you did young sir." I giggled when he said 'sir'.

"I don't think I have."

"Well I should read the paper of arrest." Really Tom? Paper of arrest? I'm getting off character if I laughed at him. "Ah, it seems like you forgot that Tom Syndicate invited you to his party."

"Oh officer I just forgot and I didn't mean to, is there any other way?"

"Well maybe there is, go to Tom's party?"

"Maybe I should think about it." I smiled.

"Well then there's no other choice but to arrest you and put you in jail." He carried my in a princess style and we went outside. I saw Tom's best friend and Sonja on the back of the seat of the old car that I've been loving to see for the past two years.

"That's yours?"

"Yeah, I can't leave it behind, I have a lot of memories with it."

"Well it's cute and I love it. I see it in the parking lot for 2 years and I love it." I blushed for admitting it. I took a glimpse to Tom who was smiling and blushing while looking at me. "Well are we going or what?"

"Well our young sir over here is a little eager."

"Well officer I'm getting a little bored now."

"Are you bored in my arms?"

"What if I say that I am?"

"Well I guess I have to bring out the big guns."

"Are you guys done flirting or what?!" Tucker shouted from the car.

"Be there in a sec." Tom is about to put me down but I frown "What? You want me to carry you to the car?" I didn't say anything. "Fine you big baby." He smiled and so do I. I don't know why I love being in Tom's arm but I don't care anymore. Tom carried me and put me on the passenger seat.

*Time skip*

We arrive at Tom's party and it already started. Loud music, couples kissing outside, drunk people. I'm guessing this would be a great time.

"Jordan follow me." I followed Tom so does Sonja and Tucker followed. We went to their basement, well I'm guessing his room, and saw Wag, Champ and Dec there who was drinking vodka in a shot glass.

"So this is the party?"

"Yeah, the other guys are doing a party upstairs but I don't care about that."


"Have a drink."

"Oh I don't drink."

"Oh, okay, you don't have to." Tom said.

"Come on Sparklez! Try it!" Sonja said while giving me a shot glass filled with vodka.

"Again, you don't have to." I look at Sonja who is still giving me the shot glass.

"Fine but only one." Tom groan.

"Yay! Sparklez is a grown man now!" Sonja cheered. I took the shot glass and I stared at it "Well? Drink it! It's not gonna drink itself you know."

"I know." I drink it fast so my throat can rest because if I did it slow then my throat will hurt.

"Here." Tom gave me a water bottle and I took it and drink the half of it.

"I'm not gonna drink more."

"Okay, well then let's party!"

*Time Skip*

Tucker and Sonja left because Sonja got really drunk and Wag took Champ and Dec home because they're black out so it's only me and Tom.

"So, what should we do?"

"Well we cou-" the lights suddenly turns off. I jumped and I magically went to Tom's lap.

"Is there a black out?"

"Yeah, they said it will be black out until dawn."

"Well I can't go home then."


"Mom's not here and I-I'm afraid of the dark..."

"Well I'm here so you don't have to worry about that."

"Thank you." I lean and I felt his lips on my lips. "Oh, I'm so-" I felt myself leaning and kiss him. I can't remove my lips from his lips, I felt like I'm in heaven. Tom hugged me and I wrap my arms around his neck and we kept kissing. I don't know where this is going but I'm liking it.

*After some sexy time*

I woke up and saw Tom and I naked and saw 3 used condom on the floor. I felt my butt sore. I recalled from what happened last night we did it. We actually did it. I gave my virginity to Tom. I stood up and put on some clothes. Even though it hurts like hell I tried to walk.

After some time I arrived at my house and went to my room.

*Present day*

I look at my phone and saw Tom calling. When did I got Tom's number? I answered it "Where are you right now?"

"My house?"

"I'll be in a minute."

"Oh and I can't go down so just come in and lock the door."


What is happening. I still don't know what happened but I really love it. Am I in love with Tom?

"Jordan?" I look at the door and saw Tom standing there. He walks to me and we sat on my bed, Tom notice me twitch so he let me lean on him. "Jordan you know what happened last night?"

"Uhh, barely."

"But do you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"That you said that you love me." I blushed and I did say it to him. "I love you too Jordan, I really do, ever since I transfer school when I saw you with Sonja I fell for you. I've been in love with you since we're freshmen."

"I-I really love you too Tom, I don't know why but I notice you ever since you went to school and I can't take ny eyes off you and when you look at me I look away for you not to notice."

"Jordan will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I do Tom, I would love to be your boyfriend."

"I love you Jordan."

"I love you too Tom."


That's the end.

Well this is my schedule for updating starting wednesday.

In wednesday I will publish a one shot and on sunday I will publish chapter for my other stories.

Don't forget to suggest for what pair should I do next?

Well until then I will see you all next time.

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