《✓ Mianite One Shots》The one who make my heart wild - DiaSparklez


Sparklez's POV

I look around to see if there are cars on each sides, I cross it and no cars drove by, I walk to my house. I saw Tucker with Sonja on the other house and on my left is Wag leaving his house to go to Sonja and Tucker. I entered my house and look around. I sighed. I guess dad is here again. How would I know? The house is a trash. I clean up the living room, dining room, kitchen even the bathroom. I went upstairs and saw dad in the hallway sitting at the end, asleep. I walk quietly and entered my room, as I entered my room I locked it. I look around my room it's still clean. I opened the window to get out of the house, I went out and go to Tucker, Sonja and Wag.

"Wag!" they look at me in horror "Catch me!" Wag run and tried to catch me as I jumped off the roof, he succesfully caught me. We were not hurt. I look at his eyes and smiled at him "Thanks, let's go before dad leaves the house." he puts me down and run inside Tucker's house.

"YD code?" Tucker ask.

"Your dick code?" Sonja asked in confusion, she doesn't know my father, Mianite, always punches me, kicks me, make me his servant but I'm tired from his crap.

"No, YD means Your Dad code." Tucker explained "His dad is a douche and if there's a D Sonja doesn't mean dick."

"I know that!" she mumbles something but we didn't catch it. I look at Wag and hug him.

"Thanks for earlier."

"No problem." he said with a deep british accent. (I think british accent are sexy don't you think? anyways back to the story.)

"So where's Tom." as I let go of Wag.

"I'm here Sparkly Dick."

"Hello to you too."

"Can I stay here Tucker? I mean I need some sleep because I have work tomorrow morning."

"Yeah sure." I walk to the guess room. I look around and it's clean. I lock the door and the windows and lay down on bed. I easily slept.

Morning came like a b*tch. I look at the clock and see it's 6:42 am

Well I still have an hour. I got up to get some coffee. When I go out I saw Tom on the floor with Wag but no Tucker and Sonja. I guess I could have let them in but they'll wake me up. I got some coffee and sat on the island of the kitchen.

I saw Sonja going down. "Uhhh hey!"


"Why so early? Isn't your work starts at 8:45?"

"Yeah but I woke up early."

"I can see that." Sonja walk to the kitchen and get some coffee "Hows your night?"


"Really? We were screaming last night because of the very loud music but you didn't woke up?!"

"Yeaaah, I'm a heavy sleeper after work." I clean the mug and put it on the container.

"Well then." she took a sip on her coffee "What's your work?"

"I'm a cashier in a convinent store."

"Oh, how's the pay?"

"Great, just to cover my school fee."


"Yeah, why?"

"I thought you were in High School."

"Ouch, am I really that young?"

"Yeah." she laughed and I grin.

"Be quiet lady!" Tom shouted to her "I'm trying to get some sleep!"


"Will do Syndicate!"

"Oh f*ck you." he stood up and rub his eyes "Now I can't f*cking sleep thanks to your laugh." he looked at me "Oh hey Sparkly Pants." I sighed from the nickname.

"Sparkly Pants?"

"Yeah, we were messing around with glitters and now he thought that it's amazing to put glitter on his pants but not a great idea. It looks like crap."

"It was 9 years ago Tom! It was back then when we were 10 years old!"

"Haha! Got his ass!" I sighed. I look at the clock and it's 7:07.

"Well got to got, going to my house." I wave at them and climbed the roof and went back to my open window. I took a shower and got some clothes to change with. I look at my phone and it's 89%. It was sunday morning but the rain is not falling. This will be a long walk.

(Time Skip)

As I went to 7/11 the cashier there look relief when he saw me. Well 12 hours of fun here I come. I change to my work clothes. I walk outside and walk behind the cash register. The other guy look tired and he finish his shift so he went to the back door and change clothes and left. I sat on the chair for 6 hours and waited for someone to come.

The door opened and I look at the person who opened it "Welcome to 7/11." I greeted and look at him.

He look around and took a sprite, doritos and pringles. He walk to the cash register "Hey, uh can I get something else?"

"What's that sir?"

"You." he winked at me and I felt a blush on my cheeks.

"Sorry sir but I can't."

"What a shame." he pouted. He's so cute. Wait what? I look at him, he's handsome and a hunk. Is he a model? "You don't know me do you?"

"No, sorry sir." I smiled at him and did my work. "That's 16 rupees sir." (Sorry I don't want to use dollars or anything.)

"Here ya go." he gives me the 16 rupees. "When's your shift going to end?"

"8pm, why?"

"Oh no reason." I put the doritos, sprite and the pringles in a paper bag and give it to him. He took it and left. I sighed this will be a pretty long day.

(Time skip because I'm lazy as hell.)

I called Tom to pick me up because my shift is almost over now and he said he will be here in 5. I saw the guy from earlier walk in again.

"Hey," he walk in front of the cash register "Let's leave here and never come back."

"No." I said bitterly. He kept coming back here in every 3 hours and tried to sweep me off my feet but I kept declining. I saw the guy from earlier and I was happy to know my shift is over. I walk to the back door and change clothes, the guy from earlier was not there anymore. "Do you know that guy from earlier?" he looked at me in shock like I should have known that.

"Are you kidding?! He's Dianite! The greatest model in history of playboy magazine! His body is hot as hell and he has an amazing face! Not to mention his kissable lips!"

"Uhhh, okay..." I look at his name tag "Andor, keep your fantasy to yourself and I'm heading out." a car honk, sounds like Tom's and I walk outside. I saw Tom's car and enter his car.


"Hey Sparkly Dick ready to go back home?!"

"Yeah." I yawn and put on the seat belt.

"Is it that tiring today?"

"Yeah, apparently someone tried to hit on me for the past 12 hours." I yawn again "I think his name is Dianite."


"Am I really that oblivious to sociaty?"

"Yes! He's the-"

"Greatest model in history of playboy."

"How'd you know what I'm going to say?"

"My work mate. He was fanboying when he saw him earlier."

"You lucky bastard! And you rejected him did you?" I nodded and we arrived at Tucker's house "Come before it starts!" we left the car and Tom quickly took my hand and pulled me inside the house, we sat on a chair and saw Dianite in the TV, is he really that popular?!

"I want to tell you all something about my life from earlier." Dianite said "I met a guy, I think his name is Jordan, yeah Jordan." Tucker, Sonja and Wag looked at me in shocked "He didn't know who I am nor like me. I guess he's the type of guy who doesn't mess around with people because their bored, he's like the one who stay serious in their relationship. He's kinda like my type." he smiled and I had a blush on my cheeks. "Yeah, he's my type, I have a crush on him, so those who want him to be their boyfriend I want you all to back off of him because he's mine and all mine." then Sonja turn it off.

"Care to explain?" Tucker asked.

"What? There are many Jordan in the world." Sonja turns on the tv again and my picture flashes the screen, working my ass off.

"This is Jordan, I think I fell for him because one he doesn't know me and didn't fall for my looks and second he's a fiesty one." he wink at the camera "If your watching this Jordan, I'll come for you." I turn off the tv and walk to the guess room but they stopped me.

"You didn't know him?!" Sonja asked.

"Yes, and please stop, I don't want to hear his name again." I shivered "He's creepy, every three hours he buys something. Three hours!" I opened the door "Please don't say his name ever again." I entered the room and slept there.

The alarm in my phone rang, I look at my phone what time is it, it's 5:38, I guess it's time to prepare for school. I went to my house through the opened window and the door is still close, I change clothes and went back down through the window and went to Tucker's house, I made breakfast for me and the others, I made eggs and bacon, I heard running upstairs, I'm guessing it's Tom and Tucker, they love bacon, well who doesn't? I was right, I saw them crawling down the stairs and sat on the chair in the dining area.

"Woah, is there a fire?"

"Yeah, fire in my tummy for that bacon!" Tom said with drool on his mouth. Ew.

"Gross, and those are yours, well for the both of you." pointing at the plates with eggs with many bacon on the sides.

"Thank you Sparklez!" they said in syn.

"No prob." I sat down across Tom and ate my eggs and bacons. As I finish I clean my plate and drink coffee, I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I took my bag in the sofa in the living room. "Bye guys."

"Bye Jordan!" Tucker said.

"Bye Sparklez!" Tom said and Sonja and Wag are still asleep.

"Oh and wake up Wag, he's still in high school, we don't want him to be late." I took 'my' car, it's a truck and I only use it to go to school because it's pretty far.

As I drive I saw a car, well a limo following me. I turn to the right and turn to the left and turn to the u turn and went to school, I didn't see the limo again. I arrived at school and no limo are there. I sigh in relief and park my 'car' and went in the campus, I look around and people are entering, I entered the school and people looked at me, they whisper to their friends and I just went to my room to get out of this hell hole.

Time came by so fast and it was lunch just one more hour then I'll be done for today. I ate with Tony and Josh Modesteps and with Nade and Dec and Champ. We chat together avoiding THAT topic.

"Hey Sparklez." a boy winked at me and I just ignore him.

"Will they ever shut up? It's like 8 people who tried to flirt with you but you just ignore them." Nade complained.

"I don't think they will." I sighed and finish my food, I picked up the tray of food and put it in the trash, the others followed. "One more hour and I'll be out for the day." I told them and they are relief for me. I guess they don't want me to suffer like this.

"Well good luck." the bell rang and we went to our classrooms, I'm with Dec right now, at least I'm with a friend. After the hour past I run well walk and I saw people looking at the limo outside, the one who's following me. The door opened and I saw Dianite walking out. I groan and run to my truck, as I was about to start someone stopped me, I look at my right and saw him smiling at me, I just start the car and close the windows, he knocks on the window but I ignore him. I back up and drive away, I turn to lose them which surprisingly they were out of sight, I drive back hom and parked it, I entered the opened window and unlock my bedroom and didn't saw my 'dad' I guess he's at the bar right now. It's so early to go to the bar. I pack my things and look at my hidden wallet, it was empty I felt emotional but I have to be strong so I took my pack things and run to Tucker's house. I knocked on the door and Tucker and Sonja opened it.

"Hey, can I crash here for two or three months? Until I got back to my feet because dad took all my savings." I smiled at them with sad eyes.

"Yeah, sure, stay here for how long you need too, your my childhood friend so yeah." Tucker said and took my things and put it in the guess room. I went to the kitchen and get some coffee.

"Jordan! Someone's looking for you!" Sonja shouted and I walk to the front door with Sonja and saw HIM I choke to the coffee.

"Why are you here?!" I coughed to relief myself while Sonja pats my back.

"Didn't I tell you t-"

"No you didn't tell me and how could you stalk me like that?! Can you pleas stop following me?! This morning until now?! Why are you following me?!"

"Well it's because..." he walks inside and look into my eyes and wrap an arm around my back pulling me close to him "I love you."

"How can you love someone who you don't know and I will never be yours." I pushed him but his grip was strong "Let go of me!"

"If I don't?"

"Then I'll fucking punch your ugly face!"

"Better let go dude, he nevers swears but if he does then he's serious." Tucker explained.

"I'm sure he-" I punched his face, well eye, and I swung another one on the left cheek.

"Now leave." I push him out of the house and locked the door. I slid down leaning on the door.

"Wooow! You fucked up big time!" Tucker said "We should watch his show tonight if he's going to tell what happened."

"You two will do that and I have to release my anger out." I run out. I run and run and run until I arrived mom's grave. I stopped in front of it. "Hey mom," I smiled sadly "I wish your here, I wish you could help me with this problem." I wipe my tear from my cheek "I don't want daddy Steve to be like this, he use my savings for alcohol and this guy called Dianite is stalking me, he's not helping my problem, he's making it worst." I kneel down on the ground "I want to talk to you... Mommy, mom, mother." I cried "I miss you mommy Martha. I really miss you." I cried louder "I love you mommy." I wipe my tears and saw a bench near the grave, I sat there and stare into the sky for hours.

"Hey..." I heard a voice, an awful familiar voice, I looked where I hear the voice and saw Dianite "I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sorry if I creep you out." he walk to me, he hesitated to sit next to me but I just let him.

"I'm sorry I punched your face." I mumbled and look away.

"It's fine and I deserve it." he sighed "Well, I'm going to stop stalking you and creeping you out." he stood up but I pulled him back down.

"Please don't leave me... I don't want to be alone." I plead to the stranger to me and he hugged me, a very warm hug that I melt, I hugged him back "Thanks."

"No problem." he pats my head like a little kid.

"Again I'm sorry for punching you, twice, it's just because dad took my savings so I can leave the house and he used it for alcohol and for prostitutes." I kept hugging him.

"It's fine, it will just bruise nothing major." he tried to make me laugh but failed.

"Because of me you can't go to work for some days."

"Nah, it's fine and I need a day off or three weeks." now I'm very guilty.


"Don't say sorry, look at the bright side," I look at the sun "Wrong side, look at me." I looked at him and I felt my eyes burn from the sight, he has a black eye and a bruise on the cheek.


"Didn't I tell you already it's okay?"

"I'm a nobody, why would you go after me? You don't know me, and why would you like me?"

"One question at a time, and you may not be a nobody but your a somebody to me, I fell for you the moment I saw you in 7/11, I don't know, I just fell for you."

"Then you'll stop because I hurt you?"

"If you want me to stop." I shook my head "So I still have a chance?"

"If you stop the creepy act and the stalker mode and announcing my name in the world."

"But if I didn't do that then someone might sweep you off of my arms."

"And who would be that? No one notices me before, just my friends and I don't like having any relationships because it will only cost drama, more and more drama."

"You wouldn't understand the drama once you never try," he kissed my forehead "Once you fix the problem in the relationship your feelings will be lit up by something and you will feel fine."

"Well..." I look at the time and saw it's 5:23 "I got to go, they might be finding for me." I tried to stood up but Dianite picked me up bridal style and put me in his limo.

"Well watch the show tonight, this will be a special episode." he smiled and once we arrive in front of Tucker's house I opened the door "See ya soon Jordan." he winked at me and I walk out ot the limo and closed it. I walk to the door and knocked.

"For the last time w-" Tucker opened the door and saw me "Jordan! Welcome back!" he look around and saw the limo driving away "Did he?"

"No, he just drop me by and what time will be his show tonight?"

"6:30, why?"

"No reason." I entered the house and look at the time, it's 6:27, almost time, I change the channel and saw him starting.

"You might be wondering right now how did I got this black eye or bruise in my face, well I made a mistake and I fell on the sofa hitting my eye and my bruise is just well I hit it on the door." he laughed and tried to cover it up "Well someone is watching today, someone who's really dear to me." he pointed at the camera "Yes you, Jordan, I know your watching this right now." he smiled "I'm just going to say that... Well I'm going to London for the couple of months." I felt my heart broke "And if your asking, no I won't bring Jordan, because he's not mine, yet." My heart broke in pieces. "I just need a month or two to regain myself from something." he smiled at the camera "See you next time!" I turn off the tv and head to 'my' room. I locked it and cried myself to sleep.

(Ten Years later)

I watch Dianite's new tv show, well he's with his boyfriend. Mot, Tom's twin brother. I'm still in love with him even if I hurt him many times. I know that those months will be years, those years that he never show up he's with his boyfriend. I'm with no one, I'm single since birth, I'm a wizard and I hate it. It's hard to admit that I'm a wizard, a thirty year old man who didn't have sex once in his life.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Dianite, alone, I'm watching in the tv that 7/11 installed a while back. I scan his sprite, doritos and pringles. He gave me the bill and I put his things in the paper bag. I look at the time and my shift's over. I went to the back room and change, I went outside with a bag and walk to my new house, still next to Tucker, well across to Tucker's. I saw Dianite leaning on his car kissing his boyfriend, my heart broke once more, I run with my tears falling down. I bumped into someone, a lady.

"Sorry." I help her up "I wasn't looking in my way."

"No, no it's f-" she looks like Dianite "Oh! Your my brother's crush!"

"Oh you must be mistaken."

"No! Dianite said your his crush! I'm his sister by the way, Ianite."

"But he's with Mot?"

"Oh you must be mistaken, he has a twin brother, Mianite, I'm a year younger than them."

"Sooooo Mianite has a TV show?"

"Yes and they thought it was Dianite so they named it Dianite but they will correct it." Ianite said.

"Wait, where's Dianite?" her face dropped, well not dropped on the floor but felt sad.

"He-he died last week, from a car crash, we never let it go to the media and let it a secret."

"He-he." I fell on the ground wiping my tears.

"Sister what are you telling to this young gentleman?" I heard a familiar voice, I looked up and saw Dianite "Jordan?"


"Sorry Jordan I lied." she poked out her tounge out.

"What did you tell him?"

"Oh nothing."

"I thought you were dead!"

"Me? Dead? Non sense! I will never be dead, who told you that?" I look at Ianite who was giggling.

"How'd you been?"

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