《✓ Mianite One Shots》My Brother's Best Friend - Mot x CaptainSparklez


Mot's POV

I put on my headset and put the volume on 99% in my phone since I don't want to be THAT deaf. No I am not deaf, I just don't want to be deaf, well I would want to than my brother, Tom stop shouting and yelling with his friends.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder I turn around and saw a beautiful, cute, gullible and hot Sparklez. Yes I have a crush on my brother's best friend, I also know Sparklez before Tom does because my best friend, Spark, was Sparklez's twin brother. Unlike me, Tom was older by a year. I take of my headset and look at Sparklez.


"Hey Mot!" oh lord dianite, why would you make a perfect human being like him.

"Sooo? What's up?"

"Nothing... Just hiding since your me and the others are playing hide and seek, don't question, Tom requested that, he's very childish." he sighed.

"So? Where'd you hide?"

"I-" we heard a knock on the door, I pointed under my desk since it's cover and I can cover him with my chair while I sit there.

"Come in." Tom enters and looks around.

"Hey, did someone or some people come in here?" he look around one more time.

"No, why would people come here?"

"We're playing hide and seek! You should join!"

"Nope." I felt Sparklez hands on my legs cause it's very hot and too narrow to be there, I spread my legs and I can hear him breath for the moment but Tom didn't notice, Sparklez just hold my legs.

"Okay," he looks around one last time "Are you sure?"

"Positive, go and search for your friends."

"Oh no, Sparklez the only one who I haven't found." he enters one more time "Are you sure he's not here?" he walks to me.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Maybe he's..." he walks to my bed "Under your bed!" he crouches down and look under my bed but no avail.

"Didn't I already told you that's he's not here?! Why would he even be here?! Go! Your invading my privacy and I'm doing some homework! I study college unlike you, having youtube as a work." I mumble the rest but he can hear it.

"Whatever lil' bro'." he walks to me and ruffles my green hair, I grabbed his hand and throw it to him.

"Don't touch my hair!"

"Okay, bye." he leaves the room and I move away and Sparklez crawl out under my desk, he is sweating "Sorry, it must be hot in there." I throw him a towel and some of my clothes since we're the same body size.

"Thanks." he removes his tee shirt, I felt my jaw drop because he has a two huge pecks and six pack abs! He's not hairy like Spark so he doesn't stink like him. He wipe his sweat with my towel, MY FAVORITE TOWEL! Oh gosh yes please! I want to smell his sweat! Wait... I'm getting creepy... I need to stop. I sat down on my chair and continue to do my homework. To hide my boner from Sparklez's body.

"Hey, do you really have homework?" Sparklez walk to me and lean down, his head near mine, he's right and on the desk and his left arm on my shoulder, left shoulder "Oh this is quite difficult but easy as the same time." he looked at me, how would I know because I was looking him, we're very near to each other, veeery very near, I can feel his lips a millimeter away when he talks.


"Care to help me?" I looked back on the hellish paper filled with questions.

"Yeah sure." his lips brush on my cheeks, I was blushing but now I don't know what my face looks like now "Let's start." he walk to get another chair and teach me.

(Time skip)

Having a half a day with Sparklez is a dream come true, I mean I'm always in Spark's but I never to get to know Sparklez. I just know his name and he's Spark's twin brother.

"So did you finish your homework?" I stretch my arms and look at him, he was on my right, while I was stretching my arms upward I didn't notice I put my hand on Sparklez's right shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Now I can finally sleep!"

"Wait, you haven't sleep?"

"No? Why?"

"That's why your brain functioning! You didn't sleep!"


"Yeah! Now go to sleep." he walks to the door "See ya tomorrow?"

"Maybe, I don't know, I'm in school tomorrow the whole day."

"Oh..." he sounded a little disappointed "Well see you later... Bye Mot."

"Bye... Sparklez." he left the room and I sighed. I think I'm falling for him.

I walk to the door and put a sign out saying "Do not disturb, I'm f***ing sleeping." hahaha I added that part, do not disturb is not a word that keeping Tom out of my room.

I walk to my bed and lay down. I stare at my ceiling while I feel myself drifting to sleep.

"Yo Mot! Wake up! Spark's waiting for you!" I open my eyes and saw Tom in my room.

"Why the hell are you in my room?! You could have knock!"

"Well knocking isn't always great." Tom pulled me out of my bed and stood me up "Go and get ready for your test with your boyfriend lover boy!"

"Spark's not my boyfriend, if I say to you go to Sparklez's house because he's waiting for your loving, will you not feel awkward?!"

"Touché, no go and ace that test of yours! And soon you will be free from that hell hole!" Spark and Sparklez are in college by the way, Tom is just busy in his youtube career that he forgot to study college, and guess who is working his ass so I can finish college, yeah you guess right, it's Tom. Instead of hate I should be grateful from him working his ass to get me in college. The best college in the town. Well I do love my brother but well that's what we call a brotherly love. This is also why I need to ace my academics to show thanks to Tom. We celebrate my grades and average because I'm always at the top. Well second to the top. Sparklez is always at the top in overall rank. Even though he's in his senior year and I'm in my junior year. He's going to graduate this year and I'm going to graduate next school year. Spark is also in his senior year but not the brightest star there. I need to help him so he can maintain his average.

"MOT YOUR COMING OR NOT?!" I heard Spark yelling.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I WAS ALL NIGHT DOING YOUR HOMEWORK YOU A**HOLE!" I yelled back and took the homeworks in my bag and took my bag.

"Took you an hour!"

"Next time I won't do your homework or projects in the finals!"


"Oh Mot you know I'm kidding... Right?" he uses his puppy eyes but I ignored him. "Oh and someone already called shotgun so go to the back."

"Is Jeriah and Alyssa here?"

"No, Jeriah took care of Alyssa today because Alyssa's sick."

"Well more homework for me to do." I laugh with sarcasm. I enter the car and saw Sparklez in front "Hey."

"Hey," he look at the mirror and saw me "Told you I'm going to see you today, my car broke if your asking why I'm here."


"Spark and I are home early because senior have a half day today if you want to know and since Spark's not going to tell you." Spark enters the car.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing important now drive you idiot." I said and look outside from the window.

"Geez, someone's in their period." he said and I kick the back of the seat and he shaken up "Okay okay, we're too young to die so don't do that."

"Whatever." in a couple of minutes of honking, driving in the wrong lane, don't listen to the traffic light we arrive in school earlier that expected "I'm not going to kill us but you are you dimwit." I punch his arm.

"Ow! That hurts and besides we didn't die did we?"

"You think?! Look at the poor Sparklez! He's so quiet for the whole trip." Sparklez was beside Spark just staring in front and when I called his name he just look at me "See! He's having a fear near you now!"

"I do not have a fear near my brother besides we look the same, if I have a fear like that then I'll scare the crap out of myself."

"Then why are you like that?"

"Because Spark is a little idiot."

"Why only a little?"

"Okay a lot."

"Hey! I'm still here!"

"We know!" we said in sync.

"Well good luck in your exams Mot!" Sparklez ruffled my hair but I just ignore the ruffling and fix it after. I can't hurt my... er... I can't hurt Sparklez, I can't call him mine... Yet.

"Thanks." I entered my first subject, Math.

(Time skip)

I said bye to Spark and Sparklez in lunch time, they left me alone. I just eat my food alone. Well DG, Deviser Gains, is with me and Nade also with the modesteps and Steve. We seat in Deviser Gains table because he has no friends and I want to be friends with him. We know each other but we're not very close.

"What are you taking Deviser? You never told anyone." I asked.


"Cool! I took game design!"

"Cool! Maybe sometimes we can make a game together!"

"Why not?!" we smile at each other, we're going to be business parters!

After lunch we said our bye and go back to our classrooms and finish the exam. I finish the exam first because it's really easy. I texted my brother to come and get me in school since Spark is not here.

A car honk and I run in front of the school, people run there too, well the people who's my classmates. They are a fan of my brother but they didn't know he's my brother, we look a like but I didn't tell them he's my brother.

"Yo Mot! You coming home or what?!"

"I'm coming Tom!" I run to the car and my classmates chant Tom's name "That's my classmates, they're your fans."

"Oh really?" he opens his door.

"Don't do it."


"They're really crazy for you."

"Well I'm going to give them swag soooo be right back or you want to come with me?"

"Whatever, I'll come." I took another bag of clothes. We walk to my classmates and give them the clothes, I look at my brother who was trying to flirt with Deviser so I punch his arm.

"What did I do?!"

"Harassing my friend, come on Tom I have things to do back home." I grip Tom's forearm and pulled him to the car.

"Call me!" Tom give his other cellphone number.

"Really? Why Deviser? He's not your type."

"How would you know my type?" as he started the car.

"I know you like Spark."

"Pfft, what no!" he just look at the road.

"Just admit it! You like Spark!"

"Fine I like him now will you stop it or I'll crash this car."

"Do it the you'll never see my best friend anymore." he groans and fasten the car. We arrived in the house safely, no scratches, bleeding nor bruises.

"So how's the test?" we walk in the house and lock it.

"Easy enough." I walk up the stairs.

"Wait!" I stop from the top "Sparklez and Spark are in your room playing since my controllers are broken."

"WHAT?! YOU LET THEM IN?! YOU DON'T KNOW SPARK IS A STUPID MAN SO HE'S SNOOPING AROUND MY ROOM RIGHT NOW!" I run to my room and saw Spark holding my JOURNAL not my diary but a Journal. I tackled him as he read it quietly "Don't you dare read it." I took the journal from his hands and he look at me "Get out! Both of you! Please!" they walk out of my room and I locked it. Oh lord dianite this is going to be the end of me. Sparklez's gonna know. I heard a knock on my door. "Go away!"

"It's me, your brother."

"Come in."

"I can't since you locked the door." I grumbled and walk right there and open it. Tom walk in and close it.

"So what now?"


"Your going to tell Sparklez that I like him?"

"Nope, Spark is a great guy, he told me what happened but he didn't tell anything to Sparklez."

"So what do you need me to do? Forgive him from snooping to my stuff?"


"Argh!" I fell on my bed as Tom sat on my bed.

"Come on Mot, he's your best friend."

"He's your boyfriend."

"Not yet."

"Whatever, I know he's in the door listening." the door open and he entered.

"I'm sorry Mot."

"It's fine and hey you didn't tell him."

"Yeah..." he scratch the back of his head.

"You did... Did you?"


"Now he's going to hate me!"

"No I don't hate you." Sparklez come in my room, Tom and Spark left "I think those words and those poem's you wrote is quite sweet."


"Yeah, and yesterday when I was holding your hips I saw your having a hard on that's why I'm getting sweaty yesterday. Also I really intend to change in front of you and lean very close to you because why?"

"Why?" he walks to me and pin me on the bed. I gulp from his stare.

"Because I already fell for you, just like you, you fell fron me from the first day we met, I do too."


"Yeah." he said in a hot deep sexy voice. He leans close to me and our lips connected. At first we didn't move out lips but when sparks fly in my body our lips are practically dancing. Our lips disconnected "Mot, can I call you mine? Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes Sparklez!" out lips dance with each other again "I love you Sparklez!"

"I love you too Mot."

Well dating my brother's best friend isn't that bad. Tom is dating Spark though.

Well we are happy that's it matters.

(10 years later)

"Deviser! Are you done yet?!" I shouted at him.

"Almost aaaaaaand done!" he looked at me and stretched his arms "The game is out and ready to play in any mobile devices!"

"Good work Deviser!"

"Hey didn't we promise that we're going to make games?"

"And our promise stays forever."

"Look, your husband and your brother is here with his husband." I turn around and saw Sparklez, Tom and Spark on the door "Bye Mot, see you soon."

"Bye Deviser!" I run to Sparklez and kiss him "Hello sexy man."

"Hello to you too cute twink." he wink at me and I blushed.

"So is it out yet?!" Tom asked.


"Great! Fortress Fury will be great to be in a youtube content!" Sparklez said, he gave me the idea to make the game since he like medieval and strategy games, he also made a youtube channel and Tom, Tucker, Sonja and Sparklez are playing minecraft for days. They stream everyday, well almost everyday.

"So, any cheats?" Tom ask and I shook my head "WHY?!"

"You don't need cheats in this game Tom, it's a strategy game."

"Whatever." he grumble and took out his iPad and dowload it with Spark and Sparklez.

I love my life.


This is the end! Woo 2631 words! It's a new record but is it worth it? I don't know. Leave a comment if it's worth it!

Who should I pair next?

I wrote this since the last one shot I made is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mature. Also did you downlod Fortress Fury yet? No? Then what are you waiting for? Download it!

I love you and Until next time!

Peace out!

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