《✓ Mianite One Shots》Switching Spells and Potion - Sparklington


Waglington's POV

Ah! I only need to find a spell parchment! I search in the chest near my wizard sh*t and no avail. I called a random person, I look at the communicator and saw I called the annoying one, Sparklez. I sighed as he picked up "Hey Sparklez."

"Hey Wag!" he said in a cheerful voice "Why did you call?"

"Do you have any spell parchment by any chance?"

"Let me see," I guess he's looking at his ME System "Actually I do have one!"

"Perfect, meet me in my wizard place."

"One sec." I guess he turn on his portal and in two seconds he arrived in front of me "Here ya go!" he gave me the spell parchment "So what'vha makin'?"

"A spell." here goes the annoying point.

"What kind of spell?" his eyes lit up, forgive me but he's like my annoying little brother "Wag? What is that?" he pointed at a nature guardian.

"Duck!" he panic so I tackled him, just in time as the guardian throws it's scythe, I attacked it with my rapier so does Sparklez, we fought if for 20 minutes since it's regenerating life "Are you all right Sparklez?" I looked at him and he's not good, he was hit by the scythe, he's bleeding "God damnit Sparklez! You could have back out!" I took out my spell and healed him. He was healed instantly.

"Thank you and sorry." he pouted and my heart pounded like a maniac, he's so cute, wait, fine, I'm kinda attracted to Sparklez, but not anyone else!

"It's fine."

"No! It's not!" here goes the overly exaggerated Sparklez, "You lost some mana in you and-" I throw him a sleep spell but when I looked at the name it was a love spell, sh*t, "And you save me again!" huh? I guess it didn't work.

"Sparklez it's fine, I can eat a mana cupcake." I said as I throw the spell parchment in the thing, it popped out a spell and I took it, I renamed it 'Super Sleep Spell' (not really a spell) it can put anyone to sleep for 7 days "Oh Sparklez!" I sang and looked at him showing him my spell but not let him read it "Can I test something to you?" he just nodded, I use half of my mana on that spell but worth it, Sparklez collapsed on the stone ground, f*ck! I picked him up bridal style, I, we went inside my tower and put him in bed, I looked around for potions to wake him up, I saw it beside the love potion that I never use, I took the one on the right and splash it on him since he can't drink it, but he didn't wake up, I run to the same place again and saw that I took the love potion, I wish I could remember where I put things and where I found them! I took the potion to wake him up, I walked back to him and splash it on him, we sat up and look around with scary eyes but when his eyes landed on me his eyes soften, I melt from the sight Sparklez waking up.


"What happened?" wait my love spell and my love potion didn't work in him?! That's weird.

"I use my super sleep spell on you, sorry for not telling you about that."

"No problem, how long will I be out if you didn't wake me up?"

"Seven days." I looked outside and when I looked at him again his eyes are sad, why is he sad?

"Oh," he sighed "Well I should go." he stood up and left.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I sat down on the bed and thought why my love spell and potion didn't work, I thought about if it made the opposite effect? Or maybe it will affect me not him. Oh my gosh.

(Several days later)

Jordan seems very distant to me, when I was going to talk he said he's going to do something, when we're alone together no one dares to speak, hell I even 'followed' him everyday because he doesn't talk to me, he talks to everyone except me, my heart hurts, it hurts like it wants to explode, when he's asleep he always calls me, when I was about to go in he wakes up so I didn't bother. I miss Jordan, I even went stalker mode on him. Maybe I-I fell for him? Maybe I really l-love him? I look at Jordan who was talking to Tucker and Sonja and I'm in the other side being ignored by Jordan but Sonja and Tucker is talking to me. I-I wish I could go back in time and chase him and not let him leave, I wish I could hug him right now, I wish I can call Sparklez mine. "Sorry guys but I think I'm going to retire for the day, I'm not feeling good." I was standing up, I saw my tears falling down my eyes and on the table.

"Wag?" Sonja called me but I teleported back to my room. I locked it and went to bed, crying. I felt my eyes getting heavier, I didn't feel anything so I just sleep.

"Wag?" a familiar voice called me, I looked up and saw Sparklez close to my face "Why are you crying?" he look... guilty.


"Why would you care?" I asked with a harsh voice and his face are growing more guilty.

"I'm sorry Wag! I was very distant to you lately! I'm very sorry but everytime I see you I can't control myself! I know you put a spell on me before the sleep spell because my love from you doubled! I barely control myself, when I woke up and saw you again my love from you tripled! I can't control myself any longer because if I don't control myself you could get hurt! I could rape you! I-" I kissed his lips and he melted from my lips, I pulled away and he look at me with love.

"Sparklez, before you say anything, I'm in love with you, at first it's just a small crush but when you were distant to me my heart felt empty, I couldn't stop thinking about you! I love you Jordan, I really love you, you are my forever, you are my life, you are my everything." I cupped his face "I love you very much that I can leave anything for you, hell I will even sacrifice myself for you! I really love you! Please don't ever leave me again!" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Shhh, it's okay, I love you too, I always do! When we're back at Mianite I always look at you but you don't notice me, (insert notice me senpai here), but when you teached me how to make a house my heart can't stop beating fast, my heart was exploding in happiness." he kissed my forehead "Sleep for now my adorable wizard, and tomorrow will be a good day for us." he was about to leave but I hold his hand.

"D-Don't leave me Jordan." I beg and he walk towards me.

"I won't leave you James Waglington Hayes." he kissed my cheek and I scooted over to my right and he lay down to the left side, "Good night Waglington."

"Good night Sparklez." he cuddle for the night until we fell asleep.

I thought that I really love Sparklez ever since he arrived in Mianite, I let him win that who has the best house, and teached him how to build a house, that house was the very best, it was spacious for me and for Jordan to live in. I never made accidents, everything I do is on purpose, I use a spell on him on purpose, I used the love potion on purpose, why because I really love him. I love him all my life. Switching spells and potions? More like Using spells and potions in order to get him.

I'm more dominant, I may sound like a crazy person but I am crazy for him and I would kill anyone who stands on my way.

He is mine and I am his.

My Sparklez.


Sooo? I'm sorry if your confused at first because I really don't ship them that good buuuut I love waggy and jardan!

This is dedicated to and !

So who should I pair next? Comment down below and any suggestion in their personality?! I really enjoy making you pair some mianite cast and crew XD

And I'm sorry for the poor chapter but I'll make it better next time!

I love you all and Until next time!

Peace out!

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