《✓ Mianite One Shots》You will love forever, right?! - Syndisparklez


(Jordan's POV)

I look at Tom as we search for Andor in Inertia. He looks so cool! Yes, I am in love to Tom and yes I am bi. What do I love him? His hair, his personality, his eyes, his smile, his everything! He's perfect to me! Tucker is sometimes mean but he's just salty of Tom. Why? Because he's sooooo handsome!

"Sparklypants look out!" he tackled me on the ground as an arrow flew on top of us where I use to stand.

"T-Tom! Thank you!" I blushed knowing he's on top of me. I kina figured that if we're together I'm the girl in the relationship.

"No problem Sparklyd*ck." Oh my gosh I love him calling me that! I'm getting hard just hearing his voice but nows not the right time. If you look us Tom is sitting on my croch and my hands are up where my head was and his hands are beside my head. He got up and I felt the breeze of the wind knowing he left me. I got up and we continued to search for Andor.

"J-Jordan?" I heard Andor's voice.

"Andor?" I looked at the cell "Andor!" he has a black eye and bloody face, his clothes are rip, he has a bloody arm and he has no wings "Guys I found Andor!" I shouted, I found the key on the desk and opened the cell door of Andor, Martha, Tom, Sonja, Tucker and Waglington are here with Steve? He also got rescued I guess. We carried, well Tom carried Andor bridal style and a sharp thing pierce to my chest, it was jealousy. I just hid the jealous me with a smile, when Andor looked at me he poked out his tongue but when I blinked again he was smiling at me mouthing a thank you.


We traveled back to Ruxomar (is it spelled right?) Tom carried Andor to Martha's house. We say good byes to each other, Tom was going back to his house so I 'followed' him until there. He's about to enter his tree house but Martha called him.

"Uh... Thanks for carrying Andor, that's pretty... manly of you."

"Nah, I carry Sparklez a lot and an old man when we're at our dimension."

"Really? Uhh... I don't have a reward to give you but this will do." Martha kissed Tom on the lips and anger rushed to my head, I called Martha in her communicator and told her to meet me in my reactor. She told her good bye to Tom.

I teleported from my spectre dimension to my reactor, as soon as I arrived at my reactor Martha arrived too. I felt my other self come out. I texted Dec to remove respawn for a minute and he said okay. Perfect. "Martha over here!" She will never know.

"Jordan what do you want to show me?!" she said with excitment on her voice.

"I'm called you here to say..." I took the Pivot of Balance out and decapitated her "Good bye Martha!" she died in front of me, her blood gush to my face, the chat said MarthaTheMistic was slain by CaptainSparklez using the [pivot of balance] Tucker and Sonja said "get rekt" and I said "Sorry I accidentally hit her."

I took her body and burn it in lava and my clothes, I clean up the bloody ground and my body. I took another pair of clothes in my spectre dimension and my sweeter self is breaking free, he was strong so I give in.





"HAHAHA IF I'N CRAZY WHO'S THE ONE TALKING TO HIMSELF?!" he's right, I'm talking to myself. I go to Tom's house, it's good that he's there, the agressive me was quiet... for now.

"SparklyD*ck what do you want?!"

"Isn't that a bit rood?!" I sighed "I want to tell you something..." I blushed and look on the ground.


"I-I..." looked up and look at his eyes "I love yo Tom, ever since I arrived in Mianite." I confessed to him and he smiled at me and our lips met.

"I'm waiting for you to say that Jordan." he kissed me one more time "I love you too."

"So are we a thing?" I asked him and he just smiled "Tom?"

"No, I'm with somebody right now, I'm with Martha now."

"TOM GET AWAY FROM THAT MURDERER!" I heard Dec's voice, I took my bow and shoot at him but he dodge, my agressive side takes over once again "HE KILLED MARTHA! HE ASKED ME TO TURN OF RESPAWN FOR A BIT AND HE KILLED MARTHA!"

"YOUR MINE TOM!" I took the golden lasso and wrap it around his arm and feet, I drag him inside the house, I tied him up in his bed "Your mine forever Tom! No one will steal you away from me!" I violently kissed him and he cried my name making me have a hard on "Yes Tom cry my name!" I removed his pants and suck him, he kept crying, I removed my pants and put his thing inside me. It was magical, he kept moaning my name.

In two hours we finished, we had a lot of stamina. "You... You monster!"

"Oh Tom," I laugh with a crazy laugh "You will love me forever, right?!" he didn't say anything "RIGHT?!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"You WILL love me forever!"


Omg this is a scary thing that I wrote, I hope you enjoy this but I think I made a permanent scar, for you and for me...

Don't hate me! 😢😢

Until next time.

Peace out!

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