《✓ Mianite One Shots》Thank You - SyndiSparklez


Jordan's POV

As I walk around the village someone caught my eye, he's a zombie who isn't burning in broad daylight. I just looked at him, when he look at my direction I just walk where I was going, I saw his face, he might be a zombie but he is handsome, err, nevermind, he also has a blue hair, maybe he dyed it.

"That would be 9 Nuggets." the villager said, I gave him the nuggets and took ten porkchops. I walked around and saw him go to the cake shop, where I was going, I sighed and went to the cake shop.

"How much is this?" he asked.

"That would be 70 nuggets." as Sprinkles said and when he heard the door opened he looked at me "Ah! Sparklez! The cake is here!" I walk to him "This would be 40 nuggets since it's your daughter's birthday."

"How many times do I have to tell you Sprinkles, Ianita's not my daughter, she's just my niece."

"Whatever you say." he laughed and I gave him 50 nuggets cause the cake costs 60 and I don't want him to be bankcrupt.

The zombie is looking at me "Hi, I'm Syndicate." what a cool name.

"Hi, well as you heard I'm Sparklez."

"Is that a S or a Z?"

"A 'z'"

"Oh! That's a cool name!"

"It's just a nickname." I pouted and he blushed but he tried to hid it.

"Sparklez here's the cake." Sprinkles gave me the strawberry cake "Well, Syndicate, will you buy or not?" that's kinda rude.

"Uh Sprinkles..." he tought for a second what he was said.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I said what kinda rude!"

"Nah it's fine and I'll buy this chocolate cake."


"Here." he gave the nuggets to Sprinkles.

"See ya later!" I said to Sprinkles and Syndicate, I walk to the door, I opened it and Syndicate hold the door for me "Uhhh, thanks?"


"No problem young lady."

"Uhhh, clearly I'm not a lady."

"You are not a lady but you are in my eyes." he winked at me, I looked at him in shock "Oh look at the time, it's time for me to go." he left and I went back to Martha's house.

"Martha! I'm back!"

"Oh! Sparklez!" she rushed to me and took the cake "Perfect! Just in time! They are coming!" we heard a knock on the door "They're here!" as she opened Spark, Ianite and Ianita was there "Oh! Happy Birthday Ianita!" she said with a cheery tone.

"Thank you sister Martha!" she hugged her, she's currently 6 years old.

"Happy Birthday Ianita." I ruffled her hair and look at the couple "You are both lucky to have another child." I smiled at them.

"Thank ye mate." Spark said, Spark is my twin brother, he looked like me but he always wear black tshirt and green shorts but I always wear a white shirt, black jacket, black pants and a red and black sunglasses since I hate my eyes and I will not talk about that.

"Uncle Sparklez what did you bring me?!" Ianita asked and I kneel until I was on her eye lever.

"I made you," I took out a teddy bear in my bagpack "This!" she squeal like she won a lottery.

"Yaaaay! I will call you Mr. Cuddles!" I may not look at it but I am good at sewing, machines, witchery, thaumcraft, force fields and all kinds of stuffs that is hard work but Spark is kinda different, he doesn't like making things but he sure do like making children. I heard Ianite chuckled, well she's my goddess anyway and she can hear what I was thinking so she heard what I was saying.

"What's funny honey?"


"Oh nothing." she sang the 'ing' in the nothing.

"Anyways Andor, Helgrind, Al, Mianite and Dianite are inside!" Martha said.

"And Steve?" she just shook her head.

"Uh sorry but I got to go," I said to them "I'm sorry if Ianita but I have to go, something is happening, a bad thing happening." she just nodded "Happy Birthday Ianita and have a great birthday!" I kissed her cheek and run to the field and took out my angel ring and put it on. It's not true that something is happening, I don't know why but I have a feeling that I was being called, I flew to my witchery hut and saw Syndicate there, hurt I flew down, he jumped and took out his sword "It's me Sparklez!" I said and he puts down his sword "What happened?"

"I was training my twin brother and a creeper decided to join."

"Where's your brother?"

"Probably in his house."

"Come in let's get you heal up."

"That's l-" as I opened the door with my key "-ock. Oh. It's your hut." I nodded "You do witchery?"

"Sometimes." I sang the 'times'.

"That's cool!" he walk inside and sat on the chair. I looked in my shelves saying Healing Potion in repeat and I finally found it, it was a pink potion. I have it to him.

"Here drink this."

"Will this kill me?"

"Didn't I say that I'll get you healed and it's not from witchery, I brew it myself in the brewing stand." pointing at it near the witche's oven.

"Oh." he drank the potion and his bruises and blood spots disappeared "Whoa! That's an instant! Can I have another one for my brother?"

"Yeah sure," I took another one and handed it to him but he wasn't taking it "Syndicate?"

"Oh sorry, I don't trust myself holding any glass bottles."

"Oh okay." I took the bottle and put it on my bagpack "Let's go?" he nodded and lead the way. Once we got where we were going we are in a forest and in front of us is a huge tree, there's a door in the tree.

"This is it, our house." O-our?! "Mine and my brothers! We made it together! Well nature did the tree but we decorated the inside." Oh... I was kinda sad a bit. He opened the door and I saw his bother on the floor bloody, I run to him and let him drink the potion, he quickly gain conciousness.

"Uhhh, hi?"

"Hi." I smiled at him and he looked at Tom like they were communicating.

"I'm Mot by the way."

"Sparklez my name!"

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Tom?" A girl came out of nowhere "Hi!" she saw me with Mot "I'm Alyssa!"

"J- Sparklez." I almost said my real name.

"Thank you for healing this idiots of my big brothers."

"No problem, if you excuse me I will be on my way." I was about to leave with my wing out Tom hold my hand "Yes?"

"Thank you, and this is my payment." he pulls me down, wrap around his arms around my neck and kissed me on my lips. I could feel sparks in every kiss he makes I give in and kissed him back. We pulled from each other, he winked at me "Thank you." pecking my lips.

"No, Thank you."


End of story

So how was it?

Anyways this is my first one shot soooo don't be mad at me.

Anyways I love you and comment who should I do next! Until next time!

Peace out.

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