《His Silly Student - Love Story Between A Teacher & A Student | ✓》[5] baby shark



I almost choked on my own saliva, what the freak?! What the- Did he just ask me to go freaking see a movie when we haven't even talked for years? Did something hit him today, a car? A bus? A banana? '' Uhm, Tariq... Why so sudden? '' I asked him confused. He smiled at me. To be honest, his smile was so breathtaking. I'm not gonna lie, he smokes and things but his teeth are whiter than white. His dimples make my heart flutter, but I hate him though. '' I miss hanging out with you, I know I did some stupid things and It's hard for you to forgive me but trust me I will change your mind about me. '' He says. I look at him with my eyebrows raised, does he think I'm dumb.

I'm not the old Rasha who used to believe every word that came out from a human's mouth. I don't have time for this crap, my mom used to say that every human being deserves another chance. But I don't think that, if I forgive him now he will do the same thing again. '' I'm sorry Tariq, I have other plans after school. '' I say and smile at him, It's true. Mr.Bashar is tutoring me. '' Princess, please let me change your mind about me. What about next Sunday then?! '' He asks me, I sigh. Should I really accept it, let me just say yes so he can leave me alone. '' Fine, Sunday. '' I say and walk away.

'' I'll message you where you will meet me and when! '' He shouts and I smile, I give him a thumbs up and continued walk towards the class.

While I walk towards the chemistry I see Donia beside her locker, I walk up to her. '' Wassup girl! '' I scare her and she flinches. She looks at me with her eyes widen. '' Rash! You scared me! '' She says and I laugh. '' Sorry hun! '' I say and she chuckles. She locks her locker and crosses her arm with mine. '' You have chemistry, right? '' I ask her. '' Yes, do you? '' She looks at me confused. '' Yes, I do. '' I smile at her.


'' Um, Rash... don't get angry at me now I just want you to ask you something... '' She says and I look at her confused. '' Go on. ''

'' I usually see you chatting with Mr.Bashar like yesterday and when I walked into the school I saw you chatting with him... Um, do you like him? '' she nervously asks, I swear this time I choked on my saliva! What's wrong with people today?! '' Donia, Mr.Bashar is a freaking teacher, why don't people get that in their heads?! He's much older than us and he will never date someone at our age! '' I say frustrated. '' I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you something that didn't make any sense. '' She says nervously.

'' I'm sorry I overreacted a bit, but why we were talking is because he's tutoring me in history. I have a low grade in history and he's ordered by the principal to tutor me. '' I explain and she looks at me confused. '' Really? ''

I nodded, '' But why didn't you tell me that from the beginning? '' She says. '' I'm sorry I thought it was too embarrassing...'' I tell her and she shakes her head. '' Why would that be embarrassing? '' She asks and I shake my head. '' Whatever, let's just get to class '' I say,

after school

The whole school day was just normal, normal lessons, normal breaks and nothing more. Right now I'm watching everyone running out of school, ugh I wish I could do that too. I take my history binder with me to Mr.Bashar's classroom. I get and see him sitting in his desk texting someone. I take a seat in front of his desk. He looks up, '' You're here good. '' He says and I nod. He looks back at his phone and starts smiling like he's texting a girl. '' Mr.Bashar? Can you start tutoring me? '' I frown.

'' Yeah, yeah. Just let me answer this. '' He says and I roll my eyes. '' Looks like you're in love. '' I say, he looks up at me. '' In love? I'm texting my friend. '' He chuckles.


'' A girlfriend, ahhh. '' I tease him, he looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed. '' That's why you have a low grade in history, your memory isn't good at all. '' He says and walks towards me. He sits on my desk and looks down at me. '' Hey, just because you're single doesn't mean you can't like a person! '' I tell him and he shakes his head. '' So do you like someone, your cousin? '' He jokes, and I glare at him and he chuckles. '' Who said I'm single? '' I winked at him, he looked at me confused. '' Do you have a boyfriend? ''

'' Nah I'm married, to my chips. '' I say and he shakes his head. '' You're weird. ''

'' Well you're weirder, I mean come on you're 25 and not married yet? '' I tease him and he glares at me. '' I tol- Never mind I'm not discussing this with a baby. '' He says and walks to the board. I stood up and looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed, '' I'm not a baby! '' I say and he laughs. '' Sure baby shark. '' He winks at me and I cross my arms.

'' Right, what did Tariq talk to you about? '' He asked confused, why does he even care. Why should I even tell him? He's my teacher that a met a few days ago. Strange, but If I tell him I will make him distracted and we will miss this whole tutoring thing for the day, Wallah I'm so smart. And because I can't talk to my friends about these things, so why not tell him? hihi

'' He wanted to watch a movie with me today, but I told him that had plans already. '' I tell him, his expression turned into a serious one. '' Did he really? '' He walked to my desk and took a seat on a chair in front of me. What's wrong with this dude? '' Rasha, stay away from him. He may be like his older brother. '' He says, I look at him confused. '' Maythem? What's wrong with him? ''

He took a deep breath, '' Just stay away from him Rasha, I'm warning you. '' He says with a serious tone. '' I will, '' He's right, I need to stay away from him. He's not a good guy, even if he was my best friend a few years go. '' You shouldn't just stay away from Tariq, stay away from any guy. The guys in your age aren't looking for anything serious, they are just looking from something to have them distracted. '' what he's saying is pretty true. The boys at my age are unmatured.

'' But what if I want to get married? Who should become my husband if every guy is a fuckboy? '' I joke, It's not like I really mean it. I can live without a man beside me, period. '' Rasha you always have your chips. '' He says playfully and I laugh. '' But when are you getting married? '' I ask him and he chuckles. '' When I've found the one I love, the one who lights up my world and my future. Then I'll get married. '' He tells me, aww that's so cute. I wish there were more guys like him. '' Aww, I hope you find her soon. '' I smile, '' Inshalla. '' He says. '' But then you will invite me to your wedding, right? '' I smile like a five-year-old girl who wants a cookie, like why not? It's been a long time since I've been to a wedding and I miss those times. It's the bests time wallah, and I don't care if he's my teacher as long as we have fun!

'' Only if you promise me that you'll bring your chips with you. ''



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