《LGBTQIA+ Problems》|| Rant ||


Honestly, why do people compare LGBT+ people (especially transgendered people) to pedos? Pedophiles are people who are attracted to minors. LGBT+ people are not attracted to children, they're attracted to one gender, two genders, all, some or none. Some identify with a different gender than their biological one.

I don't understand how this is pedophilia??? I mean, how is being attracted to the same gender the same as being sexually attracted to a kid? How is identifying as bigender the same as raping a child? How in the world is not having any sexual attraction the same as making child porn???

What makes this worse is pedophiles trying to worm into the community. There are actually pedos who claim being attracted to minors is normal, or a sexuality when in reality it's disgusting. Being attracted to a child is NOT a sexuality! It's disgusting!

MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons, aka pedophiles) are disgusting people, no matter if they're non-offending or not. Being attracted to a six year old when you're, say, thirty is sickening. If you're an adult and you feel attracted to kids, please get help. Pedos are unforgivable.

Child porn and rape are two absolutely DISGUSTING things. They exist because of pedos. I'm not saying all pedos are rapists or child pornographers, but a good amount of them are. It's sickening.

Pedophilia doesn't belong in LGBT+ and never will. It isn't a sexuality. It's a sickening thing that should be exterminated.

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