《LGBTQIAP+ GET TOGETHER | #PrideatWattpad》7 | Social Media Gayms


We would like to welcome you to the first-ever , where we host little games for you to participate via your Instagram story or Twitter!

We will be hosting these little Gayms more and more throughout the months to come so this is just a taste of what you might expect. So we'll stop talking now and get to it!

Follow us on and , where the Gayms will take place.

Read the directions for each of the Gayms in its entirety.

Be respectful of everyone's choices.


Links to download are below each image. Post them on either Instagram or Twitter and tag us @wattpadlgbtq in each for a chance to get shared or retweeted!

(A writing initiative and contest that aims to help users write more works that celebrate diversity and all the themes it comes with. Join us as we host a novel writing contest in preparation for the 2021 Wattys.)

The best thing about goals is that it can change at any given time. You don't have to stick with a goal that you once had if you no longer feel the passion you once had towards it. You need to make sure that the goals you are working towards help make you the best version of you. For our Gaym, please list the top 5 life goals!

Let us know on the inline comments what your preferences are as well!

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Did you know that next month is National Ice Cream Month?? If you had no idea, then welcome to the club! In anticipation of such a sweet month, we want everyone to give us their THIS or THAT ice cream preferences.

Let us know on the inline comments what your preferences are as well!

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(From the countless old school classics to the more recent additions to the franchise, the team here has got you covered! Whether you're all about whistling while you work, wondering why the rum is always gone, or smuggling spice in a galaxy far, far away, you're sure to find something here that really tickles your fancy!)


Lesbihonest, we all watch Disney. In fact, we know for a fact that more than a few of you have sung off-key in the shower to Little Mermaids "Under the Sea". For our Gayms, we want you to share your favorite Disney things using emoji's.

Let us know on the inline comments what your favorites are as well! Bonus points for using emoji's!

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Thank you for participating in our first-ever Disney Gayms! We will be hosting more of these in the future so please keep an eye out for them. Hope your Pride Month is going well so far!

Stay groovy, folks!

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