《Fairytale: The Punishers Mate》Chapter Nineteen
It had been two days since I had received Thunder and whilst I was becoming more and more enthralled by my wonderful new pet, Kavos was becoming more and more annoyed . I suspected it was jealousy as most of my attention was now directed towards Thunder, not that he would ever admit but I could feel it .
I was currently sat in Kavos's office with Aztec begging Kavos to give us his card so I could order Thunder some clothes, a leash and some other cute things I could put her in . Aztec had also taken to Thunder incredibly well and was taking his self proclaimed godfather duties very seriously .
"I'm not spending $500 on a custom made playpen for a baby dragon , that's ridiculous Aztec. What play pen costs $500 ?" Came the disbelieving voice of Kavos .
"We get to design it ourself , I was thinking to make it two stories with a cute little -"
"I couldn't care less what you have to say , the answer is no "
"This is so not fair , Blue tell him to stop being an asshole and think of Thunder. You want the playpen don't you, Thunder?" Cooed Aztec, picking up Thunder and cuddling her .
Thunder was currently dressed in a tiny t-shirt with a printed image of herself and Aztec with the caption 'Aztec's favourite god daughter !" On which was adorable but also incredibly funny . It was so weird to see such a sentimental side of Aztec, it was obvious that when he did have children , he would spoil them rotten. Unlike Kavos who had glanced at the t-shirt with disgust before walking off .
"Please can we get the playpen? Also, I think we should convert one of the spare rooms into a bedroom for Thunder , Aztec spoke to someone called Mimi Harper and she said she can get the whole room done for $3,000 in under a week " I explained , clasping my hands together and giving him my best innocent experession .
"$3,000? For a room for a pet, Blue , that's ridiculous "
"Mimi Harper is the most sought out designer in the whole of the Fairy realm, only the best for Thunder. Besides , you're the ruler of the world , I don't know why you're being so stingy with money " Grumbled Aztec.
Sighing, Kavos turned towards me and said "You know I cannot refuse anything you ask for my little lamb , take my card and buy as you wish . But do not give it to this idiot, I'm still not happy about him deciding it was appropriate to use my card to buy a 26ft portrait of himself and have the cheek to hang it in the hall"
Stifling a giggle at the memory , I snatched the card up , blew Kavos a kiss , grabbed Aztec and ran out the office before he could change his mind .
"I thought he would have appreciated it , it was national best friends day " Pouted Aztec , once we got into my room and logged into my computer.
"You know he isn't into sentimental things " I snored rolling my eyes.
"That's not true, he carries a tiny picture of you around in his pockets and has your name tattooed in Greek" Mumbled Aztec absentimedmly as he typed away on the computer .
Unable to stop it , a huge grin appeared on my face as I felt the emotions of love and warmth settle around my body at Aztec's words. Kavos kept a picture of me and had my name tattooed on his body permanently , it made my feelings for him continue to blossom and I wanted nothing more than to be in his presence . Kavos was one of the least emotional people I had ever encountered so the thought of him carrying a picture of me made me feel lucky , it was only a small gesture but it was so significant to me .
"How do you know this and I don't ?" I asked , unable to remove the goofy grin off my face .
"It's my business to know what he's doing and where's he's going at all times Blue"
"Well, I wanna see it . Buy whatever you want , I'll be back later " I grinned , getting off the bed and walking towards the door.
Skipping to Kavos's office , I burst open the door about to ask him to see the picture and tattoo when I spotted him talking to a ridiculously attractive woman. I wasn't just talking about good looking , this woman was absolutely stunning and immediately made me feel insecure .
She looked around about 5ft10 with flawless honey coloured skin, brown hair in a bun with a few lose strands and was dressed in an off the shoulder striped shirt , tight figure hugging dark blue jeans and knee high boots. She had a incredibly powerful aura too , it was obvious she wasn't human.
I was suddenly conscious of my own attire that consisted of a long sleeved striped T-shirt, black cut off shorts , fluffy socks and my hair was left out in its natural curly springy state as I had yet to do it.
The lady was sat at the edge of Kavos's desk, nodding to whatever he was saying and I felt an uncomfortable unnameable feeling pool at my stomach with how close they were. Her legs were almost touching his and I had an urge to push her off the desk and tell her to move away , although I wasn't exactly sure why . Maybe it was jealousy but as I hadn't actually felt it before , I wasn't sure .
As soon as I entered the room, both heads snapped towards me , Kavos in his usual cool but ever watchful demeanour whilst the lady looked curious .
"Was there sonething you needed ?" Kavos asked , his tone seemingly more tense than it was last time we spoke in his office which stuck me as odd.
"I, uh, it can wait " I murmmed , shifting uncomfortably as I glanced at the girl who's eyes seemed to bore into my very soul.
"Why don't you go your room? I'll come speak to you after " Suggested Kavos , his eyes flickering to the woman who's eyes had yet to leave me.
"Wait! You're not going to introduce me to your infamous mate, Kavos? How very rude, I'm Angelica, better known as the Goddess of the Luck and the holy saint to Faires " she e , standing up and shooting me a beaming smile .
My mouth dropped open and I had the sudden urge to let out a fan girl squeak , I had read all about Angelica when I used to study with Margret , she was an important Goddess but like all of them , nobody actually knew what she looked like . Fairies were incredibly lucky and it was were the ideas of leprechaun came from, it was believed that they got their luck off Angelica who had created the first ever fairy as a companion when she was cast from the heavens after falling in love with a human.
She was known to be abit of a rebel and was completely badass, unfortunately for me , I also remembered that she had an incredibly promiscuous nature as she vowed to never settle down again after losing her first love in respect for him . That made me very aware of how ridiculously attractive Kavos was and that anyone with two eyes would want him , I suddenly wasn't too fond of Angelica .
"Hi" Came my blunt reply as I glared at Kavos who looked taken aback by my sudden hostile gaze .
"Is everything okay baby ? " Kavos asked with a frown , waking towards me .
As soon as he was in my proximity, I grabbed his hand and let him pull me into his embrace as his arm curled protectively around my waist, who told him to be so good looking ?
"Your mate feels threatened by my presence " Grinned Angelica , mirth floating around her eyes.
Embarrassment flooded my body at her words and I curled myself into Kavos's body , not daring to look either one of them in the eye. Yes , she was right but for her to voice it openly made me feel stupid. I felt like a child.
"Stop it, you're making her uncomfortable!" Snapped Kavos , angling his body so I was slightly blocked from her view .
Holding up her hands, she said "I meant no harm to your mate. There's no need for such jealousy my child, your mate and I have not had sexual relations in many many years . I am here for strictly professional purposes ".
Everything seemed to freeze as I digested her words , your mate and I have not had sexual relations for many many years, Kavos had slept with her . Angelica and Kavos had sex.
Her words kept echoing in my head and a sickly feeling began to pour into my stomach and a bitter taste crawled into my mouth, this goddess had seen my mate naked , she had gone further with him than I had . My thoughts and feelings we're all jumbled up and I wasn't sure how to react, I knew Kavos was very very old and I wasn't silly enough to believe he was virgin but it still hurt.
My lip began to tremble and I knew I had to get out of here , everything felt suffocated and I began to feel as if I couldn't breath, I had to get away. However, Kavos's vice like grip on my waist prevented me from escaping, even as I tried to wiggle desperately to get away. I didn't want to cry and make a fool of myself in front of both of them.
"Let me go " My voice was surprisingly calm and quite, it didn't reveal my inner turmoil but I knew my body language and face were giving away how I really felt.
Kavos let out a string of harsh words in Greek, his body tense and his eyes blazing with anger as Angelica stood there looking genuinely confused by my reaction . She spoke to Kavos in Greek, her eyes briefly flickering towards mine and her voice sounding soothing as she tried to appease his anger .
"Let me go " I repeated , my voice becoming high pitched as my need to get away heightened.
I didn't want her looking at me, I already felt inferior and every time our eyes met I was reminded of how beautiful she was. I wasn't ugly , I would describe myself as pretty average looking and knew that if I dressed up I could be described as pretty but I was a realists. Her looks surpassed mine in every sense of the word and she was a Goddess while I was a human , she was far better suited to Kavos than I was.
"No, Angelica is leaving" Came Kavos's blunt reply as he stared intensely at her.
"No, we have very important unfinished business to discuss Kavos , you and I both know that it cannot wait. Just let her go, you can deal with her after , this is far more urgent" Scoffed Angelica , rolling her eyes and sitting back on the desk.
"Kavos, she's right , I'm sure you have unfinished things to discuss. I'll be in my room" I murmbled quietly.
"Nothing is ever more important than you, the whole world could rot in flames for all I care, your happiness is my only priority. Angelica , I will only ask you one more time , leave" Was Kavos's instant reply , his hand giving mine a quick squeeze .
"Watch your tongue Kavos, I am a Goddess and not some minion you can order around. You are letting yourself become distracted and an easy target-"
Before she could finish speaking , Kavos's hand was wrapped around her neck and the room took a frighteningly chilling turn. He had moved quicker than I could blink , nobody had seen it coming and I let out a gasp. Angelica wasn't some human, she could fight back and hurt Kavos and the thought of him being hurt made my stomach clench .
However, instead of doing something to get him off, her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a sadistic smirk as she said "Kavos, you should remember how much I loved when you choked me , especially as you fucked me nice and hard . The memories make me shiver" .
The imagine of them in an intimate position invaded my mind and the sickly feeling came back in full force, how could she say something so nasty ? She knew it would hurt me , what did she have to gain? Stumbling backwards , I turned towards the door and bolted out and ran to my bedroom as tears poured down my face .
My heart felt heavy and my body felt numb as the images and her words continued to swirl around my head, it was too much . I had to get out of here.
"Aztec, p-please teleport me somewhere . I-I can't b-be here" I choked out , my teeth sinking into my bottom lip to try and stop the trembling .
"What's going on ? What happened ?" Aztec Demanded, his hand wrapping protectively over my wrist and his body tense as if he was looking for some unspoken danger .
"Angelica is here a-and she s-said, I , please, I have to get out of here . I can't even repeat what she said "
Her words refused to leave my mouth , I felt as if I said them then it would become more real. Kavos and Angelica .
Angelica and Kavos .
"Fuck! That's stupid crazy bitch. Blue , you know Kavos loves you and he feels nothing for her, I feel like you should hear him out . It's not a good idea to disappear , he'll overreact and go into complete crazy possessive lock down mode " Explained Aztec wryly .
"I don't care ! I cannot be in the house with her here!" I screamed , tears flowing down my face "They probably had sex in this very house , they have , haven't they ?!"
Aztecs solemn guilty look told me all I needed to know .
The house abruptly began to feel dirty and claustrophobic, it didn't feel like home anymore and I knew that they would have had sex in Kavos's bed . The same bed I had been sleeping in for three days straight . I had to get out of here before I threw up .
Without thinking , I began to pack up my stuff, ignoring Aztec's pleading to stop , I couldn't focus on anything else apart from leaving .
A herculean like strength wrapped around my hand and my face was pulled up to look at the furious purple eyes of my mate . As I looked into his eyes I saw that behind the fury was panic and an anxiousness that was far to intense for me to look at .
"What do you think you're doing ?" Snarled Kavos.
"I can't stay here, not knowing what's been done in this house . I-I know it's silly but I can't Kavos , I really can't" I whimpered before throwing myself into his arms and sobbing .
His arms closed around mine and he buried his nose in my hair, numbering soft Greek words to me " I had never spoken Greek in my whole life , yet as soon as he uttered the words , I knew what he meant , I will always love you .
After five minutes , I had calmed down and was curled up on Kavos's lap as he rubbed my back smoothly and continued to tell me how much he loved me. I wasn't mad at him , I had no reason to be but I still didn't feel comfortable in the house so I voiced it to him.
"We can get a new house , it's up to you, whatever makes you feel comfortable" He replied with a shrug, layering my face and neck with tiny little kisses.
"But you've always lived here and I feel bad , I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do . Maybe I should stay with Cassandra or the twins for a few days and then I'll feel better " I suggested , feeling slightly guilty .
"Over Aztec's dead body will you be going anywhere " Came his blunt reply , his arm tightening warningly over me.
"Uncallled for !" Came the annoyed shout of Aztec from somewhere around the house.
All this supernatural hearing was seriously off putting.
"When can we look for a new one then ?"
"Immediately, I've been thinking we need a new one anyway , this place isn't big enough "
"Isn't big enough for the two of us ? It's got like 5 bedrooms !" I exclaimed.
"Yes but we have to think about when we have children , plus it's very secluded and fortress-like , children need open space apparently " Came his casual reply .
Children ?
Kavos was thinking about having kids with me ? I wasn't sure how I felt about it , of course eventually I wanted to have my own family with him but I was seventeen years old and had barely lived my own life . But in saying that , in the world of supernatural , people had children pretty young and the thought of having mini Kavos's did make me feel giddy .
Looks like we were moving into a bigger house for when we eventually had children .
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