《Nontraditional Partners》26


You don't even know how I feel right now. I've been waiting for someone to appear in our lives and do a change.

Soren was hit by mom's dead way more than me. I know it's wrong to say, but they've always been closer to each other.

He was the first born, her everything and their personalities were almost identical.

I always thought that I maybe reminded her of dad. Even thought I don't know what he's like.

Of course, I was grieving. A lot. But I think I might be okay now. It hurts, but I feel like I can start enjoying life again and take care of myself.

I'm not sure about Soren thought, he is just stressed about being my parent.

Our family isn't big. Besides our parents, we only had one aunt and uncle but they live so far away. It would be difficult to contact them and after all, ... we are both adults.

Why would they adopt us and gave us money, if we are adults. Surely they heard about mom's death, but they never reached out or went to the funeral.

Our grand parents are older so they are in the nursing home already. And our friends ... a lot of them just stopped talking to us, because they didn't know what to say.

How stupid.

Now, it's just me and Soren and even though I always liked to pretend how I don't like him and he's annoying, I love him a lot.

And he's a great older brother. He is my adult role model and I know he things he's a bad one, because he's a sex worker, but I don't judge him at all.

But thanks to his job he met Lars and I adore Lars.

Not only he's so handsome and charismatic, he is rich! He's a literal millionaire and lives in this mansion. I would so want to live there, but I understand that it would be ... strange.


So, when we could talk face to face, I was so excited. He explained me his plan about the jobs and living and couldn't agree more.

He literally gave us jobs in his company and made sure we have a cheaper living. How could you refuse?

I didn't. So, I already signed my contract and took the key from our new flat from him.

Soren will just need to agree with the both of us. It's one against too.

"But you know ..." I put a hand on his shoulder, "you can continue sleeping with him. I don't mind and since you paid." I told him.

If he's finally about to get a boyfriend, he better choose well and I'm all for Lars.


"I hope it will work out. Call me if there were complications." Lars says.

"Do you want our address?" I raise a brow.

"Can I have it?"

I shrug. "We will change it anyway. You might as well know." I write it on a note. "here."

"Hm. Do you have a car?"

"A car? Do you know how expensive cars are? No, we take busses, trains or just walk." I shrug, "you can't be too picky."

"So, should I drive Soren to work then?"

"I think he would really appreciate it and I'll tell him to quit the horrible job at a shop. He always comes home so tired."

"I understand."

He's so kind. Shockingly. I thought rich people are assholes. "Thank you for this. You must be the only person that cares."

"Sometimes one is enough."

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