《Nontraditional Partners》18


"This is my house." We arrive at the gate first. Carlo opens it with a controller and drives us in.

"Oh my god. It's so spacious." Soren says shocked and a bit terrified.

"I hope it's a compliment. I have the front garden with trees around my fence so people aren't nosy and a pond."


"Well, it's like a pond and Fontaine. With fishes. I can show you other time. And then I have the back garden."

"You have it all for yourself?"

I smirk. "For now, but I would love to share it in the future with someone."

"I see. So you are already planning to have a family."

"Of course. Doesn't everyone?"

"My family is my brother." Soren says and opens his car door in the garage.

Only his brother? Not his parents, or cousins? Grandparents?

I have siblings, cousins and grandparents since one divorced. Not even mentioning aunts and uncles. Oh, and my nieces. Sometimes I'm selfish enough to wish for a bit 'smaller' family circle.

I take his hand and guide him inside my house. Some would call it a mansion even, but house sounds more like a home.

"This is really beautiful." He says astonished. "I mean."

"Not as beautiful as you." I give him a side eye. He blushes.

"You don't have to flirt with me. I'll have sex with you anyway." He gulps.

I frown a bit. "Yes, but , let's take it more easy. We are not at the hotel anymore. You can relax more.

I'm going to treat you how you deserve."

"But you are only my client. Not like ... my boyfriend or anything."

"Boyfriend?" I smirk, "I'm better than that. I'm your provider."


"I still have another job." He says and I stop myself.

"Wait, really?" I surprised. What does he mean?

"Yeah, just in a shop. Well, I need money, okay? But I still need to have some free time."

"You work in a shop?"

"Only twice a week. Where people don't know me. I don't like it, but," he shrugs, "I need money."

"Soren, what exactly is your situation?" I look into his eyes.

"Where is your bedroom?" he looks around, "is it upstairs." He points to the staircase.

"Wait, just wait a bit."

"Lars, respectfully. I don't know you, I can't talk about my private things.

And looking at the way you live, you wouldn't understand it.

I'm thankful you are my client and ... I would like to work."

"I'm going to pay you the same amount of money regardless of what we do here tonight. We might as well just talk with each other."


"I care."

"If you care, then let's have sex so I can some back home to my brother."

So he lives with his brother and he needs money."

"Do you have a bank account?" I ask him.


"I'm sure you need one."

"Yes, I ... I do have it."

"Good. Then give me the number."

He takes out his phone out of a small bag, almost a purse, he has. He finds it with shaky hands and shows it to me.

I sent him , all at once and show it to him.

"There. Your money for the next month." I smile, "now we can call down. Also, I think you know how things work.

Once I send it, I can't take it back. So the money is yours whether I want or not."

He stares at me without a word.

"You just send me this much money? What if ... I just don't show up next time and you lose it?"

"Well, the money is yours. You can do what you want with it. it's not up to me.

Now, if your so into having with me, let's go upstairs then."

He nods, almost in trans.

"Can I call my brother first?"

"Of course."

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