《Nontraditional Partners》13


"What are you doing?" Atila says annoyed, "move."

I turn to him with a pale face. "It's, it's ..."

"What?" he says confused.

"It's him." I whisper.

"Who's him?" he asks quite loudly.

"Shhh, it's him. The guy that booked me. I think it's him behind us." I whisper.

Atila gives me a smirk and I know he will do something bad and embarrassing.

He lets go of the shopping cart.

"Atilla." I whisper yell, "hey, no." I try to stop him.

"Excuse me, sir." I look at Atila talking to sir. His eyes meet mine and he's as frozen as I am.

"Yes." He says.

"My brother here, Soren." Shit he said my name. Now sir knows it's me. His eyes darken too, "he's so short. He cannot reach the top shelve for the biscuits. Can you please help him."

"Of course." He smiles at him. Watching Atila from up and down.

He walks to my cart and I gulp down.

"Which one would you want?" he asks me.

"What?" I bite my lip.

"Which biscuits."

"Ehm, the green package." He easily takes it and puts it in my hands. My body gets electric shocks when he touches me.

"Thank you, sir." I put it in the cart.

"You don't have much things in there." He looks into our cart.

"We have a budget." I gulp, "we have to go now. Excuse us. Atila." I scold him. No, I told my brother's name. Now he knows.

"I'm going. Thank you very much." He winks.

I grab Atila's hand so painfully and drag him away.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"What? He was obviously happy he saw you and he was flirting. Did you really ignore that?"


"You are just imagining things. We have sex for money, that's what we do. Nothing more.

Now take the biscuits and throw them somewhere."

"No, I want them."

"Fine, but don't do these things again. You know we can't talk about our identity outside the hotel. Now he knows you too. And he knows we shop here."

"So? That's a good thing. He is rich."

"Atila. Please." I sigh. "I'm trying my hardest. This is not a joke."

"I know you are, Soren and I appreciate it. I just think you should not miss an opportunity."

As I was saying, our mom died and we sold the apartment we were living in. It was too expensive and it had memories we didn't want to keep.

We bought a flat together with the money and I was able to pay of some rent.

But paying for 2 young people is expensive. Rent, electricity, water, wifi, tv, shopping, school, clothes, hygiene, social life. Everything twice.

It's not as easy as it seems.

We both gave up on college. I had to because I had to find a job. Also, I had bad depressions and had to take pills.

Atila is still finishing high school but he said he won't go to college. Instead he will work too.

We aren't broke, we don't have to live in the streets and we are doing quite fine so far.

But it's a hard work and we don't have a luxury others could have.

I try to give me and Atila a good life without mom, but tit hurts.

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