《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter Eighteen✨



Throughout the day Lexa only talked to her parents and Aden. She completely ignored Callie and when 4pm finally came around she said bye to her parents and Aden.

Lexa got to Clarke's house and the two girls watch Netflix, ate junk food, and shared laughs. At some point, neither of the girls know how, but Clarke was laying down on the bed twirling Lexa's hair around while Lexa was laying her head on Clarke's stomach looking up at the ceiling. The two girls had an unreal amount of butterflies, but it just felt right.

"Hey, can I asked you something?" Clarke asked as she stopped playing with Lexa's hair.

"Yeah of course. What's up?"

"Well umm well if um, well I just wanted to know, if you weren't umm, you know, straight would you like ummm find me attractive?" Clarke asked.

Lexa couldn't help but smile at Clarke, she's usually so confident and Lexa got to see Clarke nervous, which she thought was adorable.

"Clarke, me being straight doesn't mean I don't find you attractive, in my opinion, you're probably one of the most attractive girls in school. Why?"

"I don't know, I was just wondering." Clarke smiled, starting to play with Lexa's hair again.

They sat like that a little longer before Lexa decided it was time to go home. Clarke was about to open the bedroom door but stopped and looked over at Lexa.

"What's wrong?" Lexa asked confused.

"I just I" Clarke sighed looking down at Lexa's lips.

There was a long pause, both of them looking back and forth from eyes to lips, and without thinking, Lexa pulled Clarke in for a kiss. The kiss was slow, but Clarke pulled away from it and looked at Lexa confused, "But you're not drunk."

Lexa shook her head no and pulled Clarke in for another passionate kiss. As they kissed Clarke slowly backed Lexa over to the bed. Once Lexa sat down, she looked up a Clarke.

"Are you sure?" Clarke asked.

Lexa nodded her head yes and Clarke gave her another kiss leaning down so that she was hovering over the brunette. She swiped her tongue across Lexa's bottom lip asking for entrance.

Lexa parted her mouth wider letting Clarke's tongue explore inside her mouth. She started running her hands up and down the blonde's back, under her shirt. One of her hands went up to the blonde's neck and pulled her in closer deepening the kiss.

They stayed like that kissing for what felt like an eternity until Lexa pulled Clarke's shirt up breaking the kiss so she could pull it over her head, Clarke then took Lexa's off.

She left kisses down the brunette's jawline and neck, smiling every time she heard a small gasp. When she got to the bruise on Lexa's collarbone that she made last night, she gave it a small soft kiss and got up to take her pants off. After she took her pants off she put her hand on that waistband of Lexa's sweatpants, "Your positive, right?" Clarke asked.


"Yes," Lexa said nodding her head as she lift her hips up so Clarke could take her pants off. Clarke took them off, then took off her own bra and underwear so she was completely naked in front of Lexa.

Lexa saw the blonde and was completely stunned. Her jaw dropped and she was frozen. "Y- You're- You're beautiful." Lexa stuttered.

"Thank you." Clarke said with a smirk.

The only girl Lexa ever saw somewhat naked before was Callie and they were practically sisters so she never thought anything of it. But she was so amazed at how the blonde standing over her, completely naked, was so beautiful. The way her hair fell over her shoulders, her milky white porcelain-like skin, her curvy hips. As Lexa looked Clarke up and down over and over again, stopping at certain areas like her breasts and center a little too long, she felt her own center begin to throb and moved her legs to try and stop the feeling.

Clarke noticed the movement and looked down at Lexa's center to see a small growing wet spot on the brunette's underwear. Clarke's smirk grow wider as she hooked her finger on the waistband of Lexa's underwear, "You're one hundred percent positive right?"

Lexa shook her head yes vigorously and Clarke took the underwear off tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. She straddled Lexa's waist smiling as the brunette let out the smallest moan from the feeling of having Clarke's naked body on top of hers. Lexa looked at her still stunned.

Her eyes stopped at the breasts in front of her, "C- C- Can I-" Lexa stuttered not able to make a full sentence.

"You don't have to ask. Just do whatever you're comfortable with." Clarke said. She then took Lexa's hands and brought them to her breasts. She showed Lexa what she liked by using the brunette's hands to palm her own breasts. Clarke's hardening nipples slipped between Lexa's pointer and middle fingers to roll them, while her hand kept massaging the breasts.

Lexa felt a small flow of wetness from Clarke go onto her waist as the blonde's head tilted back, she rocked her hips forward, and a low moan came out of her. When Clarke looked back down to see Lexa's stunned face, she kissed it. Then started kissing and sucking down her neck to her covered breasts, leaving small hickeys as she went, making the girl under her squirm around.

"Can I?" Clarke asked putting her hand around Lexa's back to the clasp of the bra.

"Y- yes. Of course." Lexa said nervously.

Clarke took the bra off, throwing the last item of clothing to the pile. Both girls were completely naked looking at each other.

"You're beautiful." Clarke said smiling.

"Th- Thank you." Lexa stuttered.

"You don't have to be so nervous. We can stop whenever you want. Do you want to stop?"

Lexa shook her head no.

"Then just relax."

Lexa took a deep breath and nodded her head.


Clarke moved so she was just wrapped around one leg. She went back and forth flicking the nipples watching them harden as she dragged her hand down the brunette's body to her center. She sucked one of the breasts, swirling her tongue around the nipple, while using her other hand to roll the other nipple.

"Ohh" Lexa moaned as Clarke let go of the breast letting her teeth graze it.

Once the blonde gave the same attention to the other breasts, she started kissing the brunette again. Lexa moaned into the kiss as Clarke dragged her fingers up and down the green-eyed girl's slit. She brought her hand to the girl's clit and rubbed light circles making Lexa's hips jerk forward. She started speeding up the circles but stoped then Lexa spoke, "Clarke."

"Should I stop?" Clarke asked.

"No, no, more. I, I need more. I need you inside." Lexa said between pants.

Clarke smiled and slowly thrusted two fingers into Lexa. The girl under her moaning made the throbbing in her own center more pronounced, so she started rocking her hips back and forth on the brunette legs, to get some kind of friction. Each rock forward made each thrust deeper, both starting to moan.

Besides the feeling of Clarke's palm rubbing against her clit and her fingers curling and thrusting inside her, she could also feel Clarke's own arousal dripping onto her thigh, Clarke's tongue in her mouth, and their breasts dragging against each other. It was all too much for Lexa.

"Fuck Clarke I'm gonna cum." Lexa panted.

Clarke started going a little faster, curling her fingers up against Lexa's front wall hitting the spot with each thrust. The space between Clarke's two fingers started fluttering as Lexa tightened her grip to the bed, her back arching, as she chanted a bunch of moaned fucks and Clarkes.

Clarke felt her own orgasm coming soon from watching the girl under her. When Lexa was done riding her orgasm out, Clarke took the hand that was in Lexa and started rubbing her own clit as she rocked faster on the brunette's leg. Lexa was running her hands down Clarke's sides, back, and legs not really sure what to do.

She started giving Lexa needy sloppy kisses as she moaned and rocked back and forth.

"Shit Lex." Clarke moaned against Lexa's lips.

Lexa felt her center throb all over again when she heard Clarke moan her name, not even her name, a nickname. She wasn't even really touching the girl and she was moaning her name.

Clarke's head went into the crook of Lexa's neck, moaning, rocking against Lexa's leg faster, rubbing faster and tighter circles on her clit, while the hand that wasn't doing anything slipped between their bodies, rolling and gently squeezing a nipple. Once she came she stayed there for a second panting in Lexa's ear. "Fuck." She half panted, half-whispered, as she moved to look down at Lexa.

"Umm okay, I uhh umm yeah wow." Lexa stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Shhhh, you haven't seen anything yet." Clarke slowly crawled down Lexa's body, placing wet kisses on Lexa's toned tanned stomach as she went down, smiling every time she saw the stomach flex making the brunette's abs more pronounced.

"Clarke? Wh- What are you doing?" Lexa asked knowing damn well what she was about to do.

Clarke looked up at her resting her head right above her waistline, "You know exactly what I'm about to do, but I will stop if you want or need me to."

Lexa looked at her dumbfounded.

"Would you like me to stop?"

"N- No."

"Good," Clarke said with a grin from ear to ear, "just remember tell me if you want me to stop, and relax."

Lexa took another deep breath and nodded her head.

Clarke moved down a little more so that she was staring at the glistening folds in front of her. She licked her lips then brought her mouth to Lexa's thighs, dragging her tongue over them, licking up all the arousal that was there. She heard a gasp come from the brunette and then flattened her tongue against Lexa's center and licked up her slit, stopping at the girls clit to gently suck on it, moaning into her from the taste.

The moan sent vibrations through Lexa making her hips jerk forward as she instinctively grabbed ahold of Clarke's hair.

"You can pull," Clarke said looking up at Lexa from in between her thighs.

Clarke started lapping at Lexa's folds steadily as Lexa moaned and gently tugged encouragingly at Clarke's hair. Her hips jerked forward into Clarke, her moaning got louder, and she wrapped her thighs around Clarke's head as the blonde's tongue made its way inside her and the blonde started rubbing her clit.

"F- f- fuck Clarke. Oh god yes!" Lexa panted out between moans.

The girl became a squirming moaning mess practically screaming from pleasure. Her center kept grinding into Clarke's mouth as she started tightening her grip on Clarke's hair pushing the blondes face deeper into her center, and her other hand went to tightly grip the bedsheets.

"Clarke! Oh fuck!" Lexa practically yelled between moans as Clarke brought her mouth back to the brunettes clit and sucked, while a hand moved up to roll a nipple.

She looked down to see that Clarke was staring up at her the whole time and started to feel a strong feeling in the pit of her stomach, stronger than any of the other times she's come. Clarke squeezed Lexa's tan breasts and it felt like that knot contracted as her back arched extremely high, her eyes rolled back right before shutting tightly, her eyebrows scrunched together, and her legs began to shake around Clarke's head as she came. Clarke slowly lapped up the cum as the brunette's legs shook and once she was done she crawled back up to Lexa.

"How ya doing?" Clarke asked wiping her mouth and chin with a smug smile.


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