《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter Seventeen


"Hey sorry if whoever is in here isn't Lexa, but if it is let us know so we can come in." Raven said from the other side of the door.

"Shit!" Lexa whispered.

"Go in the bathroom. I'll make an excuse about why you need to change shirts." Clarke whispered back.

Lexa went into the bathroom and Clarke went to open the door.

"Hey, yeah she's here, she's in the bathroom. Ummm some dumbass spilled their drink on her so she's changing."

"Okay well we need to talk to her." Octavia said walking into the bedroom with Raven and Callie behind her.

Lexa put on the shirt and smiled when she noticed how much it smelled like Clarke's perfume. She then fixed her hair and walked out of the bathroom, "Hey guys" she said with a smile.

"Lexa we need to tell you something." Raven paused, "It's about Finn."

"What's wrong?" Lexa asked confused.

"Well when he came back up from the basement, there was a girl sitting on the counter in the kitchen. And they started pashing." Callie said.

Lexa looked over at Clarke then back at the other three girls."Oh ummm okay I guess." Lexa said.

"Pashing?" Clarke asked.

"Kissing." Callie answered.


"It doesn't bother you Lexa?" Octavia asked.

It didn't bother her. She doesn't even like Finn in a romantic way, she likes Clarke. She would never tell herself that but in the back of her mind she knew. She actually felt bad for Finn, all he did was kiss a girl while Lexa got fucked by one and made out.

Lexa nodded her head yes pretending it bothered her. "Hey umm Callie. I- I think we should go home now."

"Yeah of course. I can drive."

The two girls started walking out the room, when Callie looked down next to the door and saw Lexa's shirt, she grabbed it and kept walking.


They got into the car, "So you and Clarke?" Callie asked.

"What?" Lexa asked pretending to be confused.

Callie held up the shirt, "No alcohol on it, not even wet from water. And the way it was sitting next to the door looked more like it was thrown off."

"Well I don't know what to tell you." Lexa said shrugging her shoulders.

"You can start by telling me why your wearing a different shirt."

"Already told you why." Lexa said looking out the window.

"But I know that's not why. Theres literal proof that your lying." Callie said showing Lexa the shirt again.

Lexa shrugged her shoulders again.

"I also saw the way you two were dancing. It definitely wasn't a 'I'm just dancing with my friend' kinda dance."

"Well that's all it was. We danced then someone spilled a drink on me and we went to her room to get a shirt."

"Lexa you're fucking lying. I have your shirt in my hand. Lexa just tell me the truth." Callie said raising her voice a little.

"Fine Callie!" Lexa yelled, "We hooked up again and she left a hickey that you could see if I was wearing that shirt. Happy? Now can you shut the fuck up!"

Callie sighed, "You know I actually feel bad for Finn and Clarke. Finn likes you a lot Lexa, he wants to be in a relationship with you, but you won't tell him that you can only see each other as friends. And Clarke likes you a lot too, and you let her fuck you and then tell her your drunk, knowing damn well your not. I get you wanting to explore your sexuality but your leading them both on. Either pick one or pick none."

"I'm not exploring anything, I'm straight, and I was drunk. Now can you shut the fuck up!" Lexa said annoyed.


"It's just wrong."

The rest of the ride home was in silence. When they got in the house Lexa ran up to her room and locked the door before Callie could come in.

"Lexa open the damn door." Callie said banging on the door.

"Fuck off."

"Alexandria language. Callie what is going on? I thought you guys going to stay over Clarke's?" Lexa's mom asked coming out of her room.

"Lexa's mad because she knows I'm right about something. We left because Lexa was being stupid. And now she won't let me in the room."

"Come on Lexa, let Callie in." Lexa's mom said trying to open the door.

Lexa ignore both of them turning her music on. "Lexa at least turn the music off. It's four in the morning, you're going to wake Aden up." Lexa's mom said angrily.

"Lexa I hope you know that your acting like a piece of fucking shit, and that I'm right but your way to fucking naive to see that." Callie yelled over the music.

"GO. FUCK. YOUR. SELF." Lexa screamed.

"Girls language please."

Callie yelled in trig.

Lexa opened the door with tears in her eyes, "Don't you dare act like you know anything."Lexa yelled gritting her teeth, "You know fucking nothing. NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Lexa's screamed slamming her door.

Aden came out of his room rubbing his eyes, "What's happening?" Aden asked looking up at Callie.

"Nothing love. You mind if I sleep in your room tonight?"

"Sure. Let's go." Aden said grabbing Callies hand, walking them back into his room.

When Callie was gone Lexa's mom knocked on the door, "Lexa honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Lexa yelled from the other side of the door.

"You and Callie have never fought like this before. You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Mum, I'm sorry for waking you. Just please go back to bed."

Once her mom left and went to her room, she spent a good 20 minutes trying to keep herself from crying. She decided to facetime someone.

"Hey Sexy Lexy, what's up?" Clarke said answering the phone.

"Hey, are you busy?" Lexa asked.

"Nah, the party's over. Everyone left besides for Octavia and Bell they fell asleep upstairs. So I'm just cleaning some stuff up."

"Oh okay good."

"So what's up?"

"Nothing I just needed someone's company."

"Isn't Callie with you?"

"Umm we had a fight. I basically locked her out of my room."

"Oh, you wanna talk about it?"

"No, not really."

"Okay, umm would you like to watch me clean the house?"


The two girls were on the phone together until 5:30am talking about random things.

"Sooo I don't know if I should say this," Clarke said looking at the screen, "but you look so cute with glasses."

"Thank you." Lexa said starting to blush.

"Like deadass you're so fucking adorable." Clarke said while taking a screenshot.

Lexa blushed even more, "Awww thanks."

"I'm just stating facts no reason to thank me."

"Well thank you anyway." Lexa said rolling her eyes.

"If your not doing anything tomorrow, wanna come over? Well actually I guess it'll be later today because it's almost 6am." Clarke said looking at the time.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"Cool. You can bring Callie and I'll tell O and Rav to come over."

"Oh umm, I rather not bring Callie."

"Even better," Clarke said with a smile, "it can just be me and you, spending some quality time together. Just gals being pals."

"Don't make it awkward or Im not coming over." Lexa said laughing.

"Okay I'm done."

The two girls said goodnight to each other and barely slept at all, waiting for 4pm to come around.


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