《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter Four


Wednesday and Thursday were just like Tuesday, she sat next to Clarke in all her classes and next to Finn during lunch. She also got to get to know everyone better, who all seemed like really nice people.

"Hey uhh Lexa, can I ask you something?" Finn asked nervously on Thursday during lunch.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" Lexa's asked.

"Well I know it might sound like a crazy thing to ask since we've only known each other for three days, and I understand if you say no, but I was wondering if you wanted to possibly maybe go on a date, Saturday night?"

"Oh." Lexa said as her eyes widened in shock.

"I get it, we don't have to." Finn said nervously.

"No, no, I was just a little shocked. Yeah that would be nice."

"Really?" Finn asked with a huge grin.

Lexa nodded her head yes.

"Cool, I can pick you up at 5?"

"Yeah that would be great."

"Great I was so nervous you were going to say no."

"Awe why?"

"Well I don't know, you're just pretty perfect and I don't know, I just-"

"Hey Woods!" Clarke yelled from the other side of the table cutting Finn off.

"Huh?" Lexa asked turning towards her.

"Murphy's having a party tomorrow night, you better come." Clarke answered.

"Oh I don't really do parties."

"Bitch then what's this?" Octavia said pulling up a post on Lexa's instagram.


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the babe is leaving 😔😪

NOOOO don't leave 😔

i'm sorry bbys 😢 i wish i could stay

bon voyage 👋

"Oh," Lexa said looking at the phone, "that was just a going away party."

"Well whatever it is proves you party." Octavia said.


"So you coming? Murphy always throws the best parties." Clarke asked.

"It's true."Murphy said nodding his head.

"I don't think so, sorry." Lexa said.

"Please Lexa." Finn pleaded.

"I, I," Lexa sighed, "Fine I'll see."

The whole table started cheering causing Lexa to blush from embarrassment.

"Here give me your number, I'll add you to the group chat tonight." Clarke said.

"Oh okay."

After lunch Lexa had pottery were Clarke practically did Lexa's owl for her.

"Soooo Finn asked me on a date." Lexa said as the science teacher went over a powerpoint.

"Wait what?" Clarke said in shock.

"Oh my god really?" Octavia and Raven asked in unison.

"Saturday, I don't know what we're doing though."

"Are you excited?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah I guess." Lexa replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Wait so you like him?" Clarke asked.

"I mean yeah." Lexa said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well that didn't sound convincing." Raven said.

"Well yeah, why would I agree to a date if I didn't."

"True." Raven said shrugging her shoulders.

Later that night Lexa was sitting on the couch with her family watching Spongebob, when she got a text. It was Aden's night to pick what the family watched so he obviously he picked Spongebob.




everyone introduced urself

i'm Clarke

name bcuz bisexual was already taken so yeah

emoji bcuz i like to paint

why the guy tho lol


bcuz i love the mustache on him


I'm Octavia

Name because I'm bi

Emoji bcuz I like blue butterflies



Name bcuz I'm a lesbian

Emoji bcuz I wanna be an astronaut


Bellamy 😎

Name bcuz taco bell is bomb also has my name in it


Emoji bcuz I like to rock climb


taco bell is shit....kinda like u




I'm Murphy

Name bcuz that's my nickname

Emoji bcuz spongebob is elite

u and my brother would def get along


Can't wait to meet him


Good evening everyone, my name is Jasper

Name because Monty's my ride or die

Emoji because there's no weed emoji



name bcuz the lesbian was taken

emoji bcuz i love winter


Monty here👋

Name because Jaspers my ride or die

Emoji because I love science


It's Miller

Name because I'm the only gay dude here

Emoji because ✨gay✨



name bcuz i fucking love the ocean

emoji bcuz i wanna live on a boat


Also my bitch


Nah ur mine


Lunas not wrong


Fuck you Murphy

Finn obviously

Name because that's my name and no emoji



Name bcuz that's my nickname and I play the harp

Emoji bcuz there's no harp emoji



Name because I love the woods

Emoji because trees😍


I think think this man loves trees more then me


I could never babe


and that's everyone

now pick a name and an emoji

i think i'll just stick with Lexa


do u wanna be fun or boring like finn


Pick a name or we'll do it for you

idk what to choose


Fine then we're picking


How bout smol bean🧁

Bcuz you look like one and act like a cupcake


What about Cupcake☺️

Bcuz like O said you act like a cupcake and you also blush way too much


How much you wanna bet she's blushing rn

i'm not




Aussie girl🦘

Because she's Australian and kangaroos live there


No Bell just no


Yeah I regretted it as I sent it

What about Lexa⛹🏻‍♀️

Because you like basketball.


And this is why you don't have a fun name Finn


i think Sexy Lexy🥵😮‍💨

name bcuz ya sexy and ya name is Lexy

emoji bcuz that's how i bet all of us feel when we see u

"Lexa honey, are you okay?" Lexa's mom asked.

"Huh?" Lexa said looking up from her phone, "Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"Your cheeks are a little flushed. Do you have a fever?"

"No I'm fine."

Lexa looked back down at her phone and rolled her eyes.


Definitely blushing rn

am not


Whatever you say

Why would she be blushing anyway?


Bcuz Griff is flirting with her duh

But she's straight.


So I'm straight but I blush when Monty tells me he loves me


Love you bro😘


Blushing hard rn man🙈



anywho is anyone not ok with her name being Sexy Lexy🥵😮‍💨




The stage is yours Murphy



taps mic*

Is this thing on?


Yes Murph

Now go ahead


Y'all are gay for each other


Am not O

Anyway *clears throat* I object bcuz I don't feel that way when I see Lexa



You already confessed your love yesterday





Damn Bell

Looks like you're gonna have to step up the romance game

Cockroach is falling for someone else


Murphamy is not real Miller


ya sure about that🤔






Awww they even text at the same time


Bell can I say it


Go ahead just this once so make it good


Octavia shut the fuck up u annoying ass bitch


Well someone's grumpy


anyways no one cares about ur reason Murphy


I do


Thank you Bellamy


And you guys are trying to say Murphamy isn't real


^ what she said

now Woods do u have a prob with the name

ig not


Sexy Lexy🥵😮‍💨 it is

👨🏻‍🎨changed to 🥵😮‍💨

Lexa are you coming to the party


u better say yes





don't forget to tell ur parents ur staying over




you have to sleep over


Plz say u will




If you don't you'll miss out on some bombass 🧇&🥞&🍳&🥓


It's true the man makes amazing breakfast



i'll see


chop chop bitch 👏

"Hey Mum," Lexa said looking up from her phone, "can I sleep over my friends house tomorrow night?"

"I don't see why not." Her mom answered.

"Kay, thanks." Lexa said as she typed on her phone.


yeah i can sleep over








Looks like we need to bring more weed Monty


Already on it


Great minds



think alike.



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