《We're Just Friends (Clexa AU)》Chapter One


September 25 was like any other Tuesday, Clarke was in the hallway with her best friends Octavia and Raven waiting for their first period teachers to show up, when the announcement speakers went off.

"Sorry for the interruption ladies and gentlemen, but can Clarke Griffin come to the main office. Clarke Griffin please come to the main office."

"God what does Principle Jaha want now." Clarke mumbled to her friends rolling her eyes.

"Probably to tell you that your getting held back." Octavia said laughing.

"I mean I don't need school to become a famous artist. If Jean-Michel Basquiat, Frida Kahlo, and Vincent van Gogh can do it, so can I."

Clarke started to walk away from her friends when she heard Raven yell, "Yeah but their shit was actually good."

"Fuck you." Clarke yelled walking down the hall with her middle finger facing them.

While Clarke walked down the hallway to the main office she turned the corner and saw the boys.

"Hey boys." Clarke said in a flirtatious tone.

"Hey princess." Bellamy and Finn said in unison, while Jasper, Murphy, and Monty just said "Hi."

About 10 minutes passed and she was still talking to the boys in the hall when the announcement speakers went off once again.

"Sorry for the interruption once again students and staff. Clarke Griffin please come to the main office now."

"Bye guys." Clarke said rolling her eyes.

She hugged all the boys goodbye and walked to the office.

She walked straight into the principals office with out knocking and jumped into one of the chairs with her legs hanging off the armrest, "Hey Principal Jaha. What's up?"

"Miss. Griffin you should really watch how you talk to your elders."


"Because Miss. Griffin you won't get anywhere in life disrespecting people."

Clarke smiled, "Two things. One, I'm not disrespecting you, this is how I talk to everyone. And two, never underestimate me, I know exactly where I'm going in life."

"And where is that exactly?"

"The more people I tell the less likely it comes true." Clarke moved her pointer finger in a no motion, "Not telling anyone who's gonna try and doubt me."

"Going to not gonna."

"Tomayto tomahto. Now why did you call me down? I was actually in the middle of a very important conversation."

"Was the conversation about school?"

"Nah, that's not important. It was about this weekend."

The principal knew it was probably about partying but didn't feel obligated to do anything about it since it wasn't on school grounds.

Principal Jaha rolled his eyes, "Anyway, Clarke I need you to show the new student around."

"Why me?" Clarke asked confused.

"Because if you do this then I can make it so you don't actually get held back by the end of the year. From the looks of it you're not trying this year, so if you do fail I'll make it so you just pass with a 67. That's the lowest D there is but at least you won't fail."


"Fine. I guess." Clarke sighed.

"Mrs. Green you can bring Miss. Woods in now." The principal said into the speaker of the phone. "And please Clarke be nice, make her feel comfortable, and maybe introduce her to some people."

"Yeah yeah of course."

"And please sit in the chair properly."

Clarke leaned her head back over the other arm rest, "But I'm comfortable like this."

Then the door opened. Clarke looked up to see a brunette a little taller than her with bright green eyes.

"Oooo a hot newbie. Hey cutie." Clarke said with a smirk as she looked the brunette up and down.

"I umm hi?" The girl said confused.

Clarke looked behind the girl and saw Mrs. Green, "Hey Monty's mom. How are you today? I saw Monty he seemed good."

"Clarke honey, you know it's Mrs. Green during school hours. When your at my house it's Monty's mom or Hannah, but in school Mrs. Green."

"Sorry Mrs. Green. Oh by the way me, Finn, Raven, Harper, Murphy, and Jasper are going over Bell and O's tonight, can Monty come?"

"Of course just tell him I said he better be home by 11."

"Will do." Clarke said saluting Mrs. Green.

Monty's mom laughed shaking her head as she shut the door.

"Hi I'm Clarke Griffin. What's your full name Woods?"

"I'm Lexa. Well Alexandria but everyone just calls me Lexa."

"Wow cute and Australian. Well Alexandria I think Ima call you Woods. Cool with you?"

"I'm going to not Ima Miss. Griffin." Principal Jaha said rolling his eyes.

She looked at Jaha with a smile, "Like I said earlier tomayto tomahto."

"Miss. Griffin I wish you would set a better example for the new student."

"Oh it's fine." Lexa said.

"No it is not. Clarke should behave herself. She isn't getting anywhere in life with this attitude."

"Hey like I said before I have a plan. So I rather you not belittle my future thank you very much."

Jaha handed Clarke Lexa's schedule, "Can you just show Miss. Woods to her classes?"

"No problem." Clarke said grabbing the paper.

"Have a good day Miss. Woods."

"Thank you. And you too." Lexa said waving to Pike.

"Have a good day Miss. Griffin."

"Bye." Clarke said walking out the door.

They walked past the secretary's desk, "Bye Miss. Green see you tonight, I'll drive Monty home." Clarke said waving to Monty's mom.

"Okay honey, see you then. Bye Miss. Woods."

Lexa waved bye and walked out the main office door.

Clarke looked at Lexa's schedule, "Oh well this will be easy. You just have to follow me around all day."

"What?" Lexa asked confused.

"We have all the same classes. Besides for last period. While I'm in photography you'll be in gym with O and Rae."


"Who's that?"

"O is short of Octavia and Rae is short for Raven. I'll introduce you to them during lunch."

"Oh okay." Lexa slowly nodded her head.

The two girls walked to their first period class which was history with Mr. Lightborn. After he made Lexa introduce herself to the class she looked around the room nervously to find a place to sit.

She saw a boy with longish dark brown hair and dark brown eyes wave her over and started to walk towards him, but then saw Clarke a few seats behind him wave her over.

"I'm only letting you sit here because you're hot." Clarke said once Lexa sat down next to her.

"Oh umm o- okay. Thanks I guess." Lexa replied nervously.

"Are you always this nervous?"

"I- I don't know." Lexa said as she started to blush from embarrassment.

Clarke nodded her head as a smirk appeared on her face.

"W- what?" Lexa asked confused.

"Nothing, just blushing flustered you is apparently super cute." Clarke answered as her smirk grew into a big smile.

"I- I- I"

"Anyway," Clarke said looking back down at her paper, "you probably wanna listen to the teacher and I would like to get back to my drawing."

"Y- yeah, of course."

After history Lexa had math, english, and American Sign Language (ASL) and sat next to Clarke during every class. Every time the brunette looked over at the blonde she was either drawing in her notebook, looking out the window, looking at the clock, or just looking off into space.

After ASL was lunch. Clarke walked Lexa through the cafeteria to these blue double doors that brought them outside. They walked over to what looked like two or three picnic tables pushed together under a big tree.

"This is everyone." Clarke said gesturing towards what seemed like 15 kids.

"Who's that?" One of them asked as they pointed at Lexa with their french fry.

"I was getting to the Murphy." Clarke cleared her throat, "Attention everyone we have a newbie. Also the newbie is Australian. I repeat she's Australian. Her accent is pretty hot not gonna lie. This is Octavia, Raven, Finn, Monty, Jasper, Harper, Miller, Bellamy, Luna, Lincoln, Niylah, and Cockroach. Everyone this is Lexa." Clarke said as she practically sat on the boy who was apparently named Bellamy's lap.

"Uhhh Murphy not cockroach." Murphy said correcting Clarke.

"So everyone is a senior, Octavia and Bellamy are twins, both hot which isn't fair."

"Thanks babe." Octavia said blowing Clarke a kiss.

"Octavia is dating Lincoln, Raven's dating Luna, and Monty's dating Harper. If you're into guys Bellamy, Murphy, Jasper, and Finn are single. And if you're into girls, which I hope you are, me and Niylah are single." Clarke said with a wink.

"Oh uhh okay." Lexa said a little taken back by the wink.

"So are you into girls?" Clarke asked curiously.

"Clarke leave the girl alone." Octavia said

"It's fine. Umm yeah no I'm not sorry." Lexa answered.

"That's cool." Clarke said shrugging her shoulders as she took a fry from Bellamy.

As Clarke started talking to her friends Lexa looked around the table to see one seat left at the end of the table.

"Finn." They boy sitting next to her said.

"Lexa, but I guess you know that because Clarke already told everyone." Lexa said awkwardly.

Finn started to chuckle.


"Nothing just awkward is cute on you."

"Oh." Lexa said looking back over at Clarke and Bellamy.

"Their not dating if that's what your wondering?" Finn said a couple minutes later.

"Huh?" Lexa asked looking back over at Finn.

"You were kind of staring."

"Oh I didn't even realize." Lexa said as she started to blush from embarrassment.

"They did date last year, no one knows why they broke up though since they were kinda perfect together. But yeah if your into Bellboy go for it."

"Oh I'm not. I didn't even realize I was staring. I mean I don't even know him." Lexa said nervously.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself Lexa?" Finn said chuckling.

Finn and Lexa laughed and talked for the rest of lunch until the bell ran for the next period. Lexa's next class was pottery with Clarke and Octavia.

"So," Octavia said handing as she handed Lexa some clay, "it looked like you and Finn hit it off pretty well."

"Yeah I guess." Lexa said as she started wedging the clay, or at least thought she was.

"You're doing it wrong." Clarke said to Lexa.


"You have to use all your weight, like this." Clarke took Lexa's clay and started pushing all her weight into the table as she wedged the clay.


Once Clarke handed the clay back to Lexa she started doing what Clarke told her to do.

"Wrong again." Clarke said chuckling a little.

"How? I'm, I'm doing what you said." Lexa said confused.

"Like this." Clarke took Lexa's hands into hers and placed them where they were suppose to go, "Now press down and use your weight to push."

Clarke kept her hands on Lexa's adding a little more pressure, "Good."

Lexa started to get nervous and moved her hands away, "Kay, yeah I get it now."

"You positive. I mean I don't mind holding her hands." Clarke said with a smirk causing Octavia to roll her eyes and Lexa clear her throat.

"Yeah, yup, I got it."

The rest of pottery was full of Clarke flirting with Lexa, Octavia rolling her eyes at Clarke, Lexa being a awkward nervous mess causing Clarke to laugh, and Clarke basically making Lexa's pinch pots for her.


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