《La Lace (Elizabeth Olsen x F Reader)》Chapter 19- Mine, again


I forgot how long unpacking takes. Especially with the number of little mementos I have which need to be placed in specific places or my life feels unbalanced. I have always had these weird feelings if something I have changes. A good example of this would have to be the lighter I keep in my back pocket whenever I go out, I have to. I've had it since I was 15, when I started smoking. I've since stopped smoking, after meeting Florence who was adamant, it was a 'disgusting habit'. It's one of those stainless-steel ones with my initial engraved onto the side... by engraved I mean AJ and I took a knife to it and scratched away the letter.

So, needless to say, unpacking took hours. I didn't end up going to bed until 5pm, the next day. I only managed to sleep for 6 hours before being woken up by my stomach growling for food. McDonalds, that's what it was screaming for. I just know It.

After pulling myself out of bed at the thought of a greasy, salty McDonalds I got dressed into semi nice clothes considering I was going to offer to get Lizzie food as well, so I might be seeing her. Is it bad that I got changed multiple times to try figure out what would be best to wear to impress her, or even just to steal a glance from her.

The outfit was simple yet I knew she would acknowledge the effort. On my way to my bike, as that is now my only mode of transport, I pull out my phone and text her number.

Good morning

I'm going to McDonalds, I guess I could treat you to it as well.

After no reply for a few minutes, I get on my bike and just as I'm about to pat the helmet down over my head, my phone starts vibrating.

Incoming Video Call from Elizabeth...

"McDonalds, really Y/N?" Was the first thing I hear once I accept the call.

"Hey! Why the judgy-ness, you could've just said no to my really nice offer"

"You're going on your bike? How do you carry it" She asks with a grin. She was sat on her cough, a wine glass in her hand and I can hear the TV faintly in the background.

"I put it in my rucksack, stupid." I reply, shaking my head. I slide on my helmet, opening the visor so she can still see my eyes. I rest my phone on my bikes handle bars as I fix the strap under my chin.

"Aubrey and I are wining and dining whilst watching movies..." She starts, turning the phone around to show the display of takeaway boxes on the coffee table and the wine bottle they're sharing, before facing it back to her. She looked perfect. Her hair up and looking at perfectly wavy, a brown/burnt orange sweater over her skin and what I think was, jeans?

It took me a minute to reply as I psychoanalyzed her outfit choice before seeing her bob her head for me to talk.

"Sorry what?"

"I said, do you want to join us?"

"Yeah, free wine"

And with that, we laughed and ended the call. I drove to McDonalds and bought everything I had been craving, considering I hadn't had it since Florence and I met. She thought a lot of takeaways were 'gross and horse meat'. I agree but its gross in a good way, you know?

Once I had packed the paper bag into my rucksack, I made my way to Elizabeth's house.


"It's purely innocent, I swear!" I try to convince Aubrey as she rolls her eyes at my attempts to assure her Y/N and I are just friends.

"Yeah, okay. Tell me the same after that bottle of wine is finished"

As we have a mini argument over the fact, she thinks I'm desperate, I hear the loud growl of Y/N motorbike, I sound I miss. I hadn't seen her ride it since the days of working alongside each other. I miss those days. Not the cheating on my husband parts and the constant questioning of my sexuality but the warm feeling I got when I saw her and being able to watch her from the corner of my eye, capturing her vulnerability.

"The doors open!" I call out and I hear it unclick and open. The instant smell of McDonalds fills the air and I'm quick to look back at Y/N who is juggling her helmet and phone in her hands as she attempts to take her rucksack off her back. Even though she pottered around like a circus act, damn she looked fine. The outfit made my eyebrow raise; she knew I liked her dressed like that. One night as we were lying in bed, not cuddling because she hated that, I told her how the feeling of her jeans reminded me of her because she had bleached them lighter so they were rougher to the touch as well. I also told her, when it was getting steamy, how I loved taking her belt of or even watching her take it off, It was sexy either way.

My staring continued as I took a sip of my wine, following her movements to the kitchen as she speaks to Aubrey, who makes sound effects every time Y/N almost drops something. Once she's out of my sight, I repeatably blink considering I hadn't for the 2 minutes I had been stalking her. Aubrey gives me another eye roll.

"What?!" I say, offended by the looks she's giving me right now.

"You! You so have a crush" she says, monotone and unimpressed.

"And so what if I do?! She's single, so am I." I say with a small grin, she doesn't reciprocate it but instead looks to Y/N who has now walked back in.

"Did you get me something?"

"No, I didn't offer you." Y/N said back unforgivingly. In an attempt to hold back my laugh, I just leaned my head back on the couch, Aubrey laughing in shock of the reply.

"No wine for you then" The bottle got placed between Aubrey and I. Y/N went and sat on the other side of our corner couch, diagonal to me. I was sat on the end, the arm rest supporting my back so I was able to face the two. The way she sits even makes me get butterflies. She sat how I slimy man would: legs spread open, leaning very far back with her food resting on her stomach. Yet when she does it, It makes my mind race with all the things I want to do to her.

"Game of Thrones"

"Hmm?" I say, snapping out of the stare I had been holding on my bartender.

"I said, I want to watch Game of Thrones. You clearly want to watch me." She said, smirking as Aubrey laughed.

"Game of Thrones it is." I said, moving the Firestick Remote which I used to turn on the TV series.

As we watched and Y/N ate, I periodically caught her eye and we would share a few seconds of what I would call 'passionate tension'. I mean, come on. She looks at me as though it's our wedding day, no way does she not have a crush on my too?


"She's hot" Y/N spoke as Daenerys Targaryen came onto screen naked, the blonde woman who is very pretty.

"Agreed" Aubrey hummed. Is it bad that I got jealous? Over some fictional character? I shifted in my seat at the thought and Y/Ns eyes landed on me again. "Jealous?" She mouthed over to me with a frown.

I shook my head; she didn't need to know I was jealous of a made-up woman. "He's sexy" I said as Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo came into view.

Y/N's head shot to me, she didn't smile, she didn't make a sarcastic remark but instead looked defeated. Shit, that's not the reaction I wanted. I wanted that look she gets in her eyes when she's jealous, the clenched jaw and the cocky attitude, not the lip bite and lack of eye contact.

Aubrey looked to me with raised eyebrows looking concerned over the fact we had watched this episode a million times and I had never mentioned him being 'sexy' before.

"Okay, keep it in your pants" Aubrey tries to break the silence. I nursed my wine, trying to make that shitty feeling disappear.

As the hour-long episode comes to an end, Y/N hadn't looked at me since my comment. She looked to Aubrey whenever someone spoke and gave her the smile I so badly wanted.

"I hate the smell of McDonalds" I said, trying to make conversation as Aubrey left to get another bottle of wine. Y/N didn't reply but instead she reached down into her back, pulling out her cologne and spraying it a few times on herself and in the air.

She wore a men's cologne; I knew the smell well. It was Paco Rabanna '1 million'. Whenever I smelt it, I thought of her, being so close to each other that even after a sweaty, hot night together, I could still smell the slight scent left on her neck.

My eyes didn't leave her as she placed it back into her bag, looking down into her phone. Still sat in a way which made my legs week.

"So, you're still straight then" My face dropped into a frown as my eyes dart to hers. She looked at her phone, not at me. By the deep tone of her voice, she was angry and not asking a question but instead stating what she felt was a fact.

"I was never straight" I replied with a frown, my head tilting at her attitude which seemed stand-off-ish.

"Sorry, I'm just going off on what you told me." She said with sarcasm laced in her tone.

"Do you really think that I thought I was straight whilst I was between your-" I started, hoping to make her heart beat rise. I think It did. Judging by the way she turned to look at me and the way she shifted to lean up slightly. Aubrey cut me off as she waved the bottle of red wine in the air, stopping me from making her jump my bones right here, right now. She had that look. When i took my hair down from the bun on my head, her pupils dilated even more.

I laid against the arm rest with a small smile on my face as she looked at me with hunger. If Aubrey wasn't here, I don't think we would be this far apart.

As the hours went by and the night / early morning got darker, the second bottle of wine had all been consumed by Aubrey who now stumbled her way up the stairs. She had assumed Y/N and I had fallen out again, judging by the silence between the two of us. She was completely wrong.

The silence was laced with tension, throughout the movie she would look over to me and I won't lie, I would attempt to seductively bite my lip or flip my hair over to one side, the skin of my neck and collar bones being exposed. It was a little game now, she would rub her hands up and down her thighs and I would watch intensely, she would then watch me as I rolled my head back.

As soon as Aubrey left, I stood up. "So, you're not straight?" She asked me, looking up at me. I shook my head slowly as I made my way over to her.

I think I'm going to throw up my heart. The sight of her slowly walking over to me with her bottom lip between her teeth and her hands making their way up the sides of her body as she approaches me, could make me faint. I watch like an 18-year-old at a strip club. I stare up at her, lust in my eyes and so clearly in hers.

She stood in front of me, between my legs which were already open... No joke intended. She bends down, her hands sliding up my jeans as she lowers herself to my level. Her fingers wrapped around my waist as her thumbs pushed into the crease of my thighs as I'm sat down. The look she would give me next, sent me off the rails- She slowly lifted her head to look at me, no words spoken but instead a seductive smile and small giggle as though she knew she was being mischievous.

"Don't look at me like that" I lowed, my hands still on the arm rests, my knuckles white from gripping at the fabric, in an attempt to not jump her bones. I was stronger than this.

"Don't look at you like what?" She lowed back before leaning in like she was going to kiss me, her nose brushing mine slightly at the closeness but she leans backwards instead of connecting us. She clears her throat, looking down to my hands which were now attached to her jeans waistband and now tugging at the belt loops, in an attempt to pull her on top of me.

"Friends, remember?" She whispered with a fake look of seriousness. I acknowledge her sarcasm with a fake smile. The whole time our eye contact has stayed strong, that was until she breathed a shaky breath into my ear and my eyes closed to feel my fifth sense more intensely.

"I missed you" I say back. As I sat with her breathing in my ear and my hands on her waist, I felt vulnerable. I had given in and was going to do something I swore I wouldn't a few days ago, she wouldn't get the luxury because of how she treated me, but all that has gone to shit as I'm basically unravelling underneath her.


I stood up abruptly, causing her to stumble and have to catch her balance.

"You don't get off that easy"

"What?" She responded, confusion in her voice.

"I'm not just going to act like you weren't a bitch to me" I say sternly.

"You're still not over this? Still crying over your 'Ex-Fiancée'?" She mocks my voice, standing with her arms against her hips.

My eyes travelled back to her as I raised my eyebrows, I shook my head in disbelief. "Wow"

"I thought we were past this, Y/N! You have to let it go at some point." She says a little louder, clearly frustrated.

"Say sorry, properly." I say, crossing my arms.

"Sorry? You have to be fucking with me." And with that comment, I walked over to her and pushed her to the couch, a little gasp leaving her lips as the air is knocked out of her.

"Say sorry" I reiterate and she cocks a brown at me.

"Fuck off" She scolds before grabbing me and pulling me onto the couch next to her, I land on my front, she swiftly climbs on top of me, straddling just below my ass.

"I'm not going to say sorry because I did nothing wrong."

"You're a cunt." I say as I try to push myself of the couch but she grabs a handful of my hair and pushes my face into the couch.

"Sorry, what was that?" She teases, letting go of my hair to which I immediately lash out.

"Get the fuck off me, Lizzie. Before I make you."

"And how are you going to do that when I can just do this?" She says before throwing a hard slap onto my ass in front of her. My hand lunges back to grab her but its quickly forced behind my back.

I was normally the dominant one, so I don't know if it's the wine in her veins or if she's just that angry but she's the one in control and I think that I... Like it.

"Slut" She whispers into my ear and after a few moments, she feels me sink into her grip. As she roughly tugs down my jeans and shoves my shirt up enough for her to scratch down my back, I look back to see her pulling me up from the couch by my shirt as my jeans have now been discarded across the room. Her hand meets my throat and I look to her with pleading eyes.

I had never seen her like this, so vulnerable and submissive. Normally I was the one with a hand print on my ass and hickeys covering my body but she has changed. I don't know whether it's because of everything that's gone on or whether it's because I'm the one who has gone full storm ahead with taking charge. I used to battle for it but would give up when I could tell she wasn't backing down.

I don't know why she always likes to be dominant but I didn't mind. Tonight, is different though.

After looking into the eyes of the girl who I really just want to make scream, I move my free hand to cup her face, running my thumb over her cheek.

"You okay?" I whispered, she didn't say 'yes' or nod, so my hand moved from her neck to the other side of her cheek.

"I'm sorry." I spoke again as she looked at me. As soon as I spoke those two words, her lips were on mine but instead of a rough and intense kiss like we were going to have 5 minutes ago, it was passionate and slow. My hands held onto her face and hers ran through my hair before landing on the small of my back.

We both fell back onto the couch, a few laughs escaping our lips as we didn't anticipate how hard we would hit the couch. I rolled on top of her and her hands found my neck, not squeezing or choking me how I liked it, she rested them on the back and guided my lips to hers. My shirt was off after a good 10 minutes of us showing each other how much we missed one another, normally it was off in the first minute but this was different. After all this time of being apart and everything that could've gone wrong, going wrong, we just wanted to show each other how much we... Loved the other.

This was better than the day dreams I had been having these past 5 years of when we would meet again. Everything I've ever wanted to say was unspoken but instead expressed through how I touched, felt and embraced her.

She's mine, once more.

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