《La Lace (Elizabeth Olsen x F Reader)》Chapter 12- Drunk Confessions


My drink sloshed around in my red party cup, I don't know what the concoction was but it was very strong and smelt fruity. It made being this strangers date bearable. The music was loud and seemed to be coming from the large speakers on the TV, where a few people stood queueing songs to be played next. The room was dimly lit by string lights and a rotating star projector. The main colour scheme was obviously orange and black; pumpkins, skeletons and spiders were dotted around. It was very clear that the organiser of this party tried very hard to make it as Halloween as possible.

My costume seemed to fit in well with how others were dressed. I couldn't count on one hand the number of sexy costumes there were: nurses, pirates and of course a school girl with blood splattered on them. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, dancing to the music whilst also talking to their peers, was I the only stranger here?

My date introduced me to a few people, he still hadn't said his name so whenever I needed his attention, I just placed my hand on his arm and that seemed to get his attention rather quickly. He was a handsome man but the boyish attitude he radiated definitely wasn't for me but he did make the night enjoyable.

It was pretty clear who knew each other and who didn't. Couples danced together exchanging kisses whilst the strangers laughed over nothing interesting.

"I'll go get us some more drinks" I said loudly into his ear over the music, he simply nodded and turned back to dancing.

My walk to the table which had an orange cloth over the top was quick as the room wasn't the largest. It had a cauldron looking bowl with the alcohol concoction in and the red cups were stacked next to it. I used the large ladle to pour two cups full and I helped myself to a few of the chips to the side, which were in a pumpkin shaped bowl with a zombie hand sticking out of it. I cringed slightly at the idea of the number of hands this has touched. God, I just need to enjoy myself, for one night, I deserve it.

After standing at the table for a little while, I turned to walk back to my mysterious date who was still dancing to the blaring music but that had quickly stopped when he picked up a mic and began singing to the lyrics on the TV with another girl. The noise made my ears feel like they were bleeding but the laughter which erupted in the room made up for that. I watched as he embarrassed himself on stage before stumbling off when it had finished. He made a B line to me and downed the drinks in my hands.

"Liquid courage" He laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we stood. I refilled the cups as he had just drunk both of them and the next singers got in front of the large fireplace which had fake limbs in. This seemed to be the stage area for the karaoke. The singing came to an end and whistling began, I turned to see what the commotion was over.


On the 'stage' two women took a break from singing to lock their lips in a drunken kiss, the mic against the blond one's face as the other held her face steady. The blond seemed to be dressed as Harley Quinn judging by her coloured pig tails and mini shorts with a bat in her free hand. The other woman was the joker, the face paint gave it away. Under the white paint, faint outlines of tattoos could be seen.

As they pulled apart to continue singing, I realised.

They were the same tattoos I had traced in the morning 5 years ago.

"'Cause I'm beggin', beggin' you

And put your loving hand out, baby

I'm beggin', beggin' you

And put your loving hand out, darling"

Florence and I broke our kiss as the chorus of Beggin' by Maneskin began, one of my favourite songs which was clear by how I jumped up and down and sang like I was in a rock band. Let's just say the alcohol tonight was made VERY strong. We danced together in our couple costumes like no one was in the room.

As the song came to an end, we took a bow and kissed once again, this time being interrupted by the next song coming on. We laughed as we stumbled off the 'stage' area and made our way into the crowd where we continued dancing. Tonight, was going better than we could've expected and we didn't want it to end.


Y/N and Florence, back together again. That one hurt. I guess a lot can change in 5 years.

The sight of the two love birds kissing made my stomach wrench and I couldn't help but watch as they shoved their tongues down each other's throats. I was jealous. We hadn't spoken since that night and everything came flooding back to me when I saw her grabbing Florence the same way she had grabbed my waist.

"I'll introduce you" A deep voice spoke, I looked up to see my date gesturing to Y/N and Florence who were now taking pictures with a few friends, as their matching costumes were amazing. How cute... Not. It made me cringe at how happy they looked, wow, I really am jealous.

"No" I blurted out, smashing a cup into his chest to make him drink the liquid in it. I didn't measure my force and the liquid went all over his chest. We both took a step back as he began laughing, too drunk to care.

"Shit I'm so sorry."

I grabbed the eye ball print napkins on the table and began rubbing the liquid off of his Superman costume. The fake abs on the stomach of the costume made me laugh as we fumbled to get off the very strong-smelling alcohol.

"AJ, what's going on here then?" I heard a voice behind me in a teasing tone. AJ, that was his name! Finally, I can call him something rather than tapping on his shoulder every time. AJ, the name suited his fraternity style personality. He was a nice guy, but far too young for me.


"Just getting a rub down" He replied... Ew, men.

I smacked the napkin into his chest as I pulled away, he fumbled to catch it. A laugh leaves the person behind me and I turn around with it sounding so familiar.

My bartender.


It took me a few moments to realise who I was looking at. My brows furrowed into a V shape and I looked at her as though I had seen a ghost.

"You know my date?"


Date. Okay, this is going to take me a moment to process.

"I told you I was going to bring a girl tonight; this is the girl. Elizabeth." He said, gesturing to my past lover in front of me who looked at me as though she had been caught stealing $5 from her mom's purse.

She didn't say a word. I nodded as I processed the information and as the conversation fell quiet, AJ broke the silence.

"And how do you know each other?" He questioned, looking to Lizzie who stuttered to find her words. She replied to him but her emerald eyes stayed on me.

"We're old... friends"

Friends. Ouch.

With that I gave her a smile and hummed in agreeance before turning to look at Florence who had now begun dancing alone, not a care in the world.

"I'm going to go dance with my fiancée now."

I saw the smile drop from her face as she watched me turn around and speak.

"AJ, be careful with that one." He simply laughed at my comment and wrapped his arm back around her.


"They got engaged 6 months ago. I'm going to be the best man, want to see my suit? I look hot."

As fumbled through his phone to get the picture up he so desperately wanted to show me. I stood in silence as I watched Y/N walk over to Florence and initiate a kiss. Fuck her.

I knew her well enough to know she was doing this to make me jealous... It was working.

Call me petty but without a second thought, I grabbed AJ by the hand and pulled him to the dancing area. I danced as though I was back in college and with a few more drinks, I was ready to embarrass myself. I slowly inched us towards Y/N and Florence and Y/N noticed. She shook her head at me like I was doing something wrong.

"I'm just dancing" I mouthed to her. That seemed to get a reaction which I liked.

Y/N walked off outside. I took this as my chance to follow behind her. Once we were outside in her garden, I noticed how well it was decorated. The Halloween themed carried on outside and it stretched to even be on the vegetable patches and green house in the garden. I knew Y/N didn't garden so that must be Florence.

"You're engaged?" I asked boldly. I think the alcohol is starting to get to my head because the confidence I'm excreting is definitely out of the ordinary for me.

"Yeah, I'm engaged." She snapped back. She stood on the patio area, looking out to the garden like she needed a few minutes to breath.

I couldn't gage how she was feeling: was she angry at me? Upset? I can't tell.

"I'm divorced" I blurted out.

I think she expected me to drop everything and kiss her, whisk her off her feet and run into a fairy land. Why? Because she divorced a man she cheated on and then left me for?

"Okay?" I said with a scoff and a frown. I could tell she wanted something more from me, she watched me like I was supposed to say something. I shrugged and shook my head at her.

"What do you want?" I say coldly.

She looked at me speechless, as though I had done something wrong. I look at her, taking in all her features. She looked beautiful.

"Have fun with your date." I say, almost reminding myself that she came here with a man. So, in my mind she's still 'straight' and so I definitely don't want to be talking to her right now. I made my way back inside and back to my party; I wouldn't let this ruin my night.

"You okay, babe?" Florence asked seeing my frustration and her voice made everything better again.

"Let's dance"

I embarrassed myself, that's the only thing I am sure of. What was I thinking?

I don't know what I want but what I do know is that it hurt my heart to see her back with Florence. But she's happy and that's all that matters... I guess. It just sucks it can't be with me, I ruined that.

They're the perfect couple.

AJ seemed to get more attractive as the drinks got into my system but once I hit my limit, the tears began.

Pick me up?


Y/N is here

Send me your location

Aubrey arrived not long after I sent her my location, the walk to her car made me even more emotional as I stumbled past AJ's car which I now realise he borrowed from Y/N. I cried the whole way home; I think I was too drunk to process everything that had happened and after AJ tried to kiss me to 'make me feel better' I decided it was time to go home. It was 3am but I knew Aubrey would be there for me.

We got home and I pulled out my phone to see all the videos of the party still thriving, in every post I spotted Y/N.

They say that anything you do or say when you're drunk is what you're holding in internally, maybe that explains why I went to Instagram and texted Y/N...

"I miss you"

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