《La Lace (Elizabeth Olsen x F Reader)》Chapter 11- Halloween Party


When I left the apartment, I didn't know what date it was but as I made my way down the crowded streets of New York, it's pretty clear what holiday it is.


It's one of my favourite holidays but Christmas will always beat it.

The New York streets were decorated well, some houses going all out whilst others simply had a pumpkin or two on their steps. Florence had made it a point that our home will be the best decorated on our street.

We spent a whole night decorating but once we had finished, the $250 we spent on it seemed to be worth it. Well, the smile plastered on Flo's face was worth it, she looked like a little kid on Christmas but instead of Santa it was skeletons and spiders.

The inside was just as decorated. Pumpkins lit with candles and orange lanterns were scattered around combined with skulls and zombie limbs. We planned on having a Halloween party tonight and so the house was looking like it was straight out of a movie.

My walk seemed slower than usual as it took me around 20 minutes to get to my destination. After the incident 5 years ago, I handed in my resignation to the University and started attending a different one myself. When I had first left University, I had a degree in mechanics but since working on myself and with a little guidance from Florence, I began a Psychology degree instead. Our hope was for me to be a therapist, the money would make life easy and it came with a nice status. I liked the course, even though it wasn't something I had a dying interest in but I could manage. My side job kept me sane... La Lace.

Once I arrived, I sat myself down in my lecture room and the class began. I sat with my beaten-up MacBook and started taking notes. I had one friend there, AJ, who I had met just before my course started. I also had someone at home who was my best friend who had also become my fiancée.


A year after I left my old life behind and the woman in it, Florence and I reconnected. After a lot of work on building our relationship, we dated and 2 years later she proposed. It was a romantic evening at home, wine and the TV on. We danced around my old apartments lounge until the early hours of the morning where she got on one knee. I always thought I would be the one to pop the question so it took me by surprise to say the least. The ring wasn't anything extreme but instead a simple band.

Of course, I said "Yes!"

Florence worked a simple office job but aspired to be an actress. She hadn't received a role yet but that didn't knock her confidence considering she still eagerly went to auditions and told me about it every time. Although it was heart wrenching and slightly irritating when I would have to deal with the tears and mental breakdowns which was a result of these failed auditions.

That's what fiancées do, right?

My lecture room was a cosy type of warm and smelt of vanilla. I hadn't decorated for Halloween, one of my students had drawn a pumpkin on my white board and I counted that as festive enough. Christmas was the only holiday which bought me some kind of joy. As my day came to an end, I went back to my house which had become mine after Robbie and I divorced.

We had tried to make it work but after he cheated on me, I took that bartenders advice and took the opportunity as a gift and left him. After a horrible divorce where I waisted thousands on lawyers, I managed to keep the house and most of the things inside of it.

Tonight, was no different than the others. Aubrey was now living with me and so I came home to her with a coffee made for me and a poorly made dinner. Considering she was staying at my house for free, she tried her best to be a good house wife. It was nice to have good company. We decided in getting a pizza delivery considering Aubrey had burnt our pasta chicken to blackness.


"How was work?"

"Same old, same old" I shrugged, sipping at my wine as we watched The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

"You need to get out there more, Lizzie!"

This was a constant conversation we had. Aubrey thought I needed to get myself into a relationship or at a minimum find a hook up. Don't get me wrong, in 5 years I've had a lot of petty 'relationships' and a few hook ups here and there but I didn't care for it.

"You are getting Tinder, my love" and with that she swept up my phone and downloaded the god forsaken app. She made the account and before I knew it, my profile was made for me.

"Aubrey! What the fuck is that bio?!"

"What? It's not wrong, plus It'll get you matches." She said like she was doing me a favour. I simply closed my phone and forgot about it. That was until the messages started flooding in from both men and women. Aubrey had the joy of replying to most of them, she happily tapped away speaking to strangers on my behalf.

"We need to get you a costume"

"A costume? Aubrey I'm not going to a party. I'm too old for that."

"Yes, you are but live a little!" She said in a monotone voice before pulling me off of the couch whilst I still had a slice of pizza in my mouth. She dragged me to my wardrobe and began piecing together an outfit.

Reluctantly I put it on.

"I'm a genius" She proudly spoke before ushering me over to the mirror.

"Okay, what am I supposed to be?" I asked, looking at myself with a slight head tilt. I looked good but I was not nearly confident enough to show up to a stranger's party with a stranger as my date looking like this.

"He said he's going as Superman so you can just be the 'Scarlett witch' " she said with a shrug, clearly making up the name on the spot as she stood back, admiring her hard work in bringing this costume together.

Superman, is he 12? God, what have I gotten myself in to.

As the night went on, I had been picked up by the dirty blond, blue eyed man who was still nameless as I was too awkward to ask for his name considering he thought I was the one speaking to him on Tinder. He drove a Ford Mustang, in cherry red with a wood interior which reminded me of... It must be a popular car.

A 30-minute drive finished in front of a well decorated house with lights flashing and music blaring.

He didn't open the door for me but instead walked towards the front door as I fumbled my way out of the low car, just as I had 5 years earlier.

Why does everything remind me of her? Why do people buy cars so low to the floor?

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