《La Lace (Elizabeth Olsen x F Reader)》Chapter 4- Instagram


The morning came fast, thank God. I couldn't sit with my thoughts any longer. I dreamt of her, my bartender. We lived like a married couple, like Robbie and I but without the distance and communication issues. I got to work early, planned the lesson and walked to the desk Y/N had been using. I cleaned the simple clutter off the desk and readjusted the unmarked papers. Whether she would notice I didn't know, but if her clutter was in my classroom, I would clean it up. I like things tidy, organised.

She hasn't looked at me once, not even a glance. I hate this. She was taking my comment to the extreme, even when I mentioned her whilst talking to the class, she ignored me. I was getting the cold shoulder and it pained me. I just wanted her to look at me and see I didn't want to be ignored, I just couldn't let myself go like that one, amazing, night. I agree that I have to make my mind up but I don't want to. The thoughts of her stress me out enough, let alone contemplating the outcome if I did choose her over my life. Would she even stay around for long? She doesn't seem like the committed type.

Lunch was slowly approaching and I think I have figured out what I'm going to say. A simple 'Do you want to get lunch' Easy. That would be easy; to say and to answer. I think it would give enough of a hint to the fact I want to see her but not 'let's have sex'. I've figured this all out. It has to work.

Just as I dismissed the class and built up enough courage to walk over to her desk and ask her to lunch, she got up and left. She picked up her phone, left her bag and without another word hurried out of the room. I was crushed, I think my heart sank to my feet. I sat back at my desk, I'm an idiot to have thought she would give me a second glance. Out of the corner of my eye I see her outside, what? I walk to the window and peer out, only enough so she couldn't see me. I watch her leave site, and head towards the low brick wall which borders the university. There I see her take a seat on it looking down at what I can only assume is her phone. After a few minutes a blond, very pretty woman walks up to her and they embrace each other in a hug. Fuck.

It's not until the woman turns around, having a glance around before sitting down that I realise who it is. The stripper from the other night, the ex. I go to sit back down, but I just can't help myself. I watch as they talk, laughing and an arm goes around the blond woman's bare shoulders. She was stunning, I can't lie. No wonder Y/N seems to be so hooked up on her. After seeing them kiss, I bought myself back to my desk. It felt like someone how knocked the wind out of me and I just stared down for a few minutes unable to compose myself. I go to leave; I can't handle being in this room knowing they're just outside. I leave to go for my lunch but as I walk past her desk, I glance down and see the stack of papers she has completely marked... In a red Paper Mate Ink joy pen. That was the moment all my emotions hit me. She had gone out of her way to buy the pen I had specifically said I liked to be used when marking papers. She had remarked the few papers she did in blue but this time in red. Wow. I really have feelings for Y/N. But she's outside with another woman.


Wine. Wine and cooking will solve all of this. I cooked Robbie's favourite food, anticipating his arrival to be soon considering it was 5pm on a Tuesday. Half way through caramelising onions, my phone goes off. Aubrey, of course.

Did u see her today?


Y does that seem like a bad yep?

Everything ok?

Everything's fine 😊

I went to put my phone in my apron pocket but then I got an Instagram Message, from my sister. I'm just going to ignore it, I'm not in the mood right now. My suggested friends list must have an ulterior motive because who do I see on it? Y/N. I couldn't help myself; I have to click it. A light stalking never hurt anyone.

4,000 followers. Damn. I suppose she does work in a strip club; it must all be girls she has met. I scrolled her page like I was investigating her. Her tagged photos explained the followers, she was posted multiple times on the official strip club page in her black shirt and trousers. Looking fine as always. I looked at every photo and smiled at most. It dated all the way back to 2017 and my God has she changed, for the better. She was still cute but the side part wasn't a good choice. Neither was the multiple pictures of drug paraphernalia and pictures with half naked women, one of which caught my eye. It was her. The ex. The caption was an eye roll. 'My two main bitches' but what made me interested was the tag. It led me straight to her page. Florence.

Florence Pugh was her name; she was just as beautiful online as she was from a far. I didn't even get to start scrolling before I had to put my phone down.

Of course. They made up. Just my luck. They looked happy and it made me spiteful. Why couldn't they of had a messy brake up? With tears and more slapping.

I didn't bother to look any further and just put my phone away. I was hurt over a girl who had a girlfriend. What am I saying? I have a husband. God, Lizzie.

The hours went by and food was done, no Robbie to be seen. After multiple texts and no reply, I simply put.

'Ignoring your wife? I'm going to assume you're with Lisa.'

I think that summed up how I was feeling. I hate tonight, it has to be the worst night I've had in a long time. Stranger Things, wine and this food should make that better. I managed not even half of the food, I packaged it up and as I was doing so... I made Y/N a container of it. I couldn't help myself, It was the first thing I thought of when I decided to have it for my lunch tomorrow. She was the first thing I thought of. She clearly didn't eat lunch yesterday; I didn't know if she had eaten dinner tonight. If she had eaten something, I don't think it would have been dinner. Florence probably has her tongue down her throat right now. It made my skin crawl.


Considering I was already thinking of her, I'll look at her Instagram one last time. As I scrolled, I landed on a photo which made me lay down on my velvet couch. I look at it intensely.

I don't if it was the tattoos or the under Boob but something started tingling up my body and I couldn't contain myself anymore. I was home alone; the TV was the only light source so I moved my phone to my left hand as the other slid its way down to my sweatpants. My thumb held down on the screen to keep it steady as I vigorously moved my hand but as time passed and I start to reach my high, my thumb slips... Pressing the like button. My hand immediately retreated from my pants and I shot up. I had to pick up my phone with the hand that wasn't... You know. But once I did, I unlike it, praying it wouldn't go through for her to see. After panicking and panicking, I decided to just go to bed. That had ruined the high I hadn't felt in a long time and one which only I seemed to be able to get myself to. I showered and got ready for back.

My phone screen lit up.

'Y/N liked your post'

My eyes widen and I darted to pick up my phone, fully naked but I was in my own home, so who cared?

I stared at the notification. She knew, it went through. I liked a post half way down her feed. Not only that but the most revealing and sexy photo on there. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I want to die. What had she liked of mine?

I clicked the notification and it took me to the post. It was of me, sat by the side of a pool in a light green bikini. She's cheeky. It was from last year's holiday, it was the third picture on my Instagram out of 28 posts, she had scrolled down too. My heart was pounding. I mean it was already pounding before I clicked the notification, but now, now it was going wild. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't used to this whole flirting online thing. This was flirting... Right? It must be. She wouldn't have liked the only sexy-ish photo on my whole Instagram if it wasn't. I clicked the 'message' button and after writing out a few different ways of saying 'hey' I decided it wasn't the best idea. Considering I was angry at my husband and sexually frustrated.

It said she was active now. She saw me typing, deleting and then retyping... How embarrassing. I'm such an idiot. As I went back to my home screen, I saw another notification.

'Y/N liked your post'

I excitedly travelled back into the app to see which one.

My anniversary post from a year ago. A picture of a bouquet of roses with an 'I love you' note attached. That was painful to know she had seen it, read the soppy 'My one and only' caption and liked it to let me know she saw it.


I was hurt and a little angry considering she was trying to act like I was the one who was creating the issues, when just a day earlier her ex-girlfriend, who I can only assume is now her current girlfriend, posted a picture of them, clearly cuddled up to each other. She was guilty too.

I decided it was my turn to mess with her feelings. She had just thrown me through a loop so it was my turn to show her that she is just as in the wrong as I am. I like the post. The post which she was tagged in. On her current girlfriend's page.

Florence wouldn't even know who I am and considering it already has more than 500 likes, what does it matter? I knew it would come up on Y/Ns phone that I had like it. Perfect. I even debated commenting but decided that was too far, I was a grown woman I didn't have time for drama. Except for trying to get back at Y/N.

I waited for a sign that she had seen it, I knew she would have but would she bite the bait?

It had gotten later and later; I gave up waiting for the notification and for my husband to return home. I went and laid in our king-sized bed, in our large bedroom.


'Y/N sent you a photo'

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