《Path To Restoration (Fighter's Den, #3)》Chapter 25 - Nate
I use my hip to nudge the door open while balancing all of Zack's things in my hands. I drop the heavy baby bag and overnight bags on the floor and step to the side to make room for Del. She walks in with Zack snuggled into her side and shuts the door behind her, sighing at the noticeable heat of the house. Now that winter is here in full force, the air outside is colder and crispier and piles of snow adorn the entire space of my front yard. I make a note to clear it up later today.
"Mom! Dad! We're home!" I call out around cupped hands.
I've barely said the words when I hear a group of loud footsteps speedily heading our way. My wide eyes meet Del's equally horrified ones and we take a simultaneous step back at the sound of stampeding. I swear the house shakes a little. A second later my sisters burst into the living room with excited faces only to halt and come up short when they see Zack.
"Oh my God!" Mia squeals and claps her hands.
"He's so cute." Lexie coos and I swear her lip quivers a little.
"Can we hold him?" Eleanor asks not-so-shyly.
"I'm not the youngest anymore!" Harmony jumps into the air.
All I can do is burst out laughing at Delilah's shell-shocked expression. She's clearly not used to the excitement that comes with an additional member joining an already big family. We take babies real seriously.
"Let me through, girls." I hear Mom before I see her. She squeezes her way through Mia and Lexie and gasps, hands going to her chest. "Oh, Delilah. He's even more gorgeous in person."
"Thank you." Delilah grins with obvious pride. "Would you like to hold him?"
"I'd love that." Mom walks to us with outstretched hands and Delilah hands Zack to her. Zack immediately burrows his head into Mom's neck, his eyes falling shut. Poor kid is tired as hell from the drive here.
"He likes me!" Mom whisper-squeals. I suppress a smile, not having the heart to tell her Zack likes everyone and isn't picky about who holds him.
"Are they here?" Dad steps into the living room and smiles when he sees us. "Let me guess—your mom is already hogging him."
"Shush." Mom scolds, rocking side to side with her arms wrapped around Zack.
Dad chuckles and comes to stand beside her, peering down at Zack over her shoulder. "What a handsome guy this one is."
"Thank you." Delilah steps into Dad's arms when he reaches out to hug her. He pats her on the back affectionately.
"We're proud of you." He tells her softly and Del nods, looking emotional. I watch my parents as they treat Del as if she's their own and can't help but feel so fucking lucky to have them in my life. I hope I never take them for granted.
"I forgot how good you look with babies." Dad kisses Mom's cheek and waggles his brows. "Should we make some more?"
"No!" The girls and I yell at the same time, holding out our hands in surrender.
Mom and Dad burst out laughing along with Delilah, the three of them clearly entertained at our absolute horror.
"Six is enough, don't you think?" I shake my head. "Jesus, keep it in your pants."
"I will when you do." Dad returns easily, not taking his eyes off Zack as he strokes his hair.
"Gross!" My sisters groan.
"This conversation is officially over." Lexie gags. "Call me when the parents are done stealing everyone's babies."
"And done making them." Mia grumbles, following Lexie out of the living room.
"I'm going to finish my book." Eleanor grins at Delilah. "Come to my room after so we can talk about it!"
Del gives her a wink. Harmony rushes over to hug her and Del laughs, returning the gesture easily.
"I'm so excited you're back." Harmony grins up at her. "We should bake cookies today!"
"We should." Del agrees. "Later, though. Okay, squirt?"
My chest warms at her use of my nickname for Mona.
"Okay." Harmony agrees and skips out of the living room.
"Are you two staying the night?" Mom asks.
"Yeah. We've got to head out tomorrow afternoon. I have to start training for my next match and Del needs to finish her book before her next deadline."
"Well, we better make the most of today then." Mom gives Delilah an apologetic look. "The kids are right—I'm probably going to hog your son all day."
"Go for it." Del laughs. "That just means I can go and get some sleep right now."
"So I can keep him until then?" She bounces on her toes.
"Mom, he's just napping. What're you going to do—stare at him?"
"Yes." She says in a duh voice. Then she walks away and heads for her room without waiting for a reply.
"Oh wait, babe. Dinner..." Dad trails off when Mom closes the door behind her and sighs. "Never mind. I'll make it. Hope you like fajitas, Del. I'm kind of a master of them."
"Fajitas sound great, Matt. Thank you."
"Great. Let me go look for Mona. I could use her enthusiasm in the kitchen."
He heads off and I grab Del's hand, leading her up the stairs to my room.
"I hope you weren't serious about sleeping." I tell her over my shoulder with a wicked grin. "Cause I'm not about to let you."
That sweet blush takes over her cheeks as she admits, "That's totally fine with me."
I throw my head back in laughter at the unexpected response. "Damn, Angel. I think I've officially corrupted you."
"Actually..." She bites her lip and closes the door of my bedroom shut, locking it then leaning against it. I hold back a smile at the direction this is going in.
"What?" I ask curiously.
She takes a deep breath. I tilt my head and watch her carefully. What does she look so nervous about?
"I...um." She looks down at her boots and I follow her gaze. The white boots are hot as fuck. They disappear into her trench coat so I can't tell how long they are but since her trench coat falls just under her knees, I'd guess they're knee-length. The heels aren't too long but they're stilettos and that just makes them look even sexier. I've found myself wondering all day why she's wearing these. I know Del prefers comfort over style, especially now that she has Zack. I figured she missed dressing up but something about the way she's acting right now tells my gut I'm wrong about that.
"Baby, what is it?" I keep my eyes on her as I take off my coat and fling it on to my bed. I sit on the edge of my bed and pat the spot next to it, wanting to talk about whatever is bothering her.
"I wanted to do something for you." She says instead and ignores my request.
"Okay?" I'm obviously not following.
"In an intimate way." She elaborates and my brows go up. I definitely didn't see that coming.
She pushes the hair out of her face and I notice she has more makeup on than usual. It's still pretty natural looking but it also somehow looks more. Her hair is styled too, I realize. She usually keeps it straight but today it's in long waves that reach the middle of her back. Something is definitely going on here.
"What..." I start but my words fail me when Del starts to unbutton her coat with slightly shaking hands, keeping her eyes on mine. I stare back intensely as she opens all of the buttons but I still can't see what she has on underneath because she's holding the jacket closed. I wait patiently, not wanting to scare her away by saying something when she takes another deep breath and then finally pulls back the sides of her jacket to let it drop, revealing herself to me.
I feel my lips part and my breath whoosh out of me like I was punched in my gut. All I can do is stare at her nearly-naked body, encased only in white lingerie that's lacy and ribbony and leaves almost nothing to the imagination. Besides her barely-existent underwear, the only other thing she has on are those fuck-me boots that match the lace perfectly. I suppress a groan when I realize she attached the garters to the boots that are—I was right—just above her knee. My blood catches on fire, spreading heat through my veins, and I can feel my body literally vibrating with need. I'm so fucking gone for this girl.
"Holy...fuck. Fuck." I grip my sheets tightly to fight my sudden lack of control. Seeing Del like this and knowing that she did this for me makes me feel like a goddamn animal. An animal that wants to ravish her and not give a fuck about being gentle. I swallow down the growl that's trying to fight its way out of my throat. "Angel."
She smiles a small and shy smile and clasps her hands behind her back. She looks so fucking innocent and sexy at the same time, I swear I might lose my shit. "I chose white because you're always calling me Angel. I figured you'd appreciate that."
"You figured right." My voice is husky. Tight. My control is absolutely slipping and I don't know how much longer I can hold myself back. My dick pushes painfully against my jeans and it throbs with so much fucking desire I can feel my face contort from the effort of keeping myself in place. "You really do look like a fucking angel. I...shit."
"You like it?" She whispers and stands just a little bit taller. "I've never done anything like this for anyone before but I'd say you're worth me making a fool of myself."
I shake my head, rising to my feet and stalking my way to her slowly. Her breath visibly hitches and she practically plasters herself against my door. I don't stop walking until I'm an inch away, my hands coming up to rest on either side of her head and caging her in. In these heels, she's almost at eye-level with me and I find that even more attractive. When I speak, my voice is low and demanding. "You have no fucking idea what you do to me. Without even trying you're the most gorgeous fucking girl. For you to do all of this makes you sexier than ever. If you had any clue what's going through my head right now, what I want to do to you, I think you might run for the hills."
"I doubt that." She says just as quietly. "I'm not exactly having innocent thoughts of my own. I want...I need to experience so much with you. Only you make me lose my mind like this."
Her admission just makes me harder. It's still hard to believe that Delilah is actually mine and she wants me just as much as I want her. I feel like I'm about to wake up from a dream but this is actually my life. How the fuck did I get so lucky to have her?
"I'll do whatever you want me to do. You're in charge today." I close the final bit of distance between us. Delilah gasps at the same time I groan when our bodies touch. Feeling the heat of her bare skin searing through my clothes is making me feel restless. I want to feel all of that smooth skin against my own with no barriers between us. "Is that okay with you? Whatever you're comfortable with."
"That's okay with me." Even though she's breathless, she sounds confident and that makes me smile. Seeing her open up to me and come out of her shell, knowing I helped her get here, makes me feel so goddamn possessive of her. I can't help but think that I fucking own her the way she owns me and I know, like I've always known, that there will never be anyone else.
"Have at it." I whisper and drop my hands back to my sides, waiting for her to make the next move.
She nods and takes a deep breath like she's preparing herself and I press my lips together to stop my smirk. So fucking adorable.
But I lose my train of thought entirely when she grabs the hem of my shirt and whips it over my head before I have the chance to blink. I'm even more dazed when her lips land on mine, kissing and sucking teasingly, and her hands trail down until she's gripping the loop of my jeans. Never taking her mouth off me, she undoes my belt and the button, pushing my jeans down as far as she can while she's upright. I push them down the rest of the way using my feet and step out of them, leaving me in just my boxers. Delilah's hands grip my hips as she presses her body against mine and we both suck in a breath at the first touch of our nearly naked bodies coming together. She pulls away from my mouth and meets me eyes intently, keeping them on me as she slowly lowers her body until she's on her knees in front of me.
"Del." I start. I know she's never done this before and while part of me is throbbing everywhere with anticipation and desire, another part of me doesn't wasn't her doing this just because she feels she has to. "You don't have to."
"I know." She tells me as she grabs my boxers anyway, lowering the waistband until my dick springs free. It's harder than it's ever been, pulsing against my stomach, the tip reddish-purple with pre-cum all over it. I watch Del's reaction carefully, her eyes widening slightly as she blurts, "I usually find penises ugly but yours is really hot."
And I can't help it — I burst out laughing. Delilah visibly blushes and rolls her eyes, muttering, "Can you not make this moment more awkward than it already is? I feel like I'm having a conversation with your manhood."
"Well, it's having a conversation back." I grab my cock by the base and slightly bob it forward. "Look—it's saluting you."
"Oh my God." Del lets go of my boxers with one hand so she can cover her mouth as she giggles. "This is so not sexy, Nate."
"Actually, I find this ridiculously sexy." I lick my lips, growing serious again. "You don't know how many times I've imagined you on your knees in front of me the way you are now."
I thread my hands through her hair, pushing it back from her face and revealing her to me. She stares up with those big doe eyes that are hooded with desire and I moan low in my throat. "You're fucking beautiful like this, Angel."
She smiles and turns her attention back to my cock. She grips it at the base like I had done moments ago and it jerks in her hand, pleased. Seeing her small and dainty hand barely able to grip the entire width is such a hot sight I have to clench my jaw painfully so I don't come right now.
"You're going to have to walk me through this." She teases, repeating the words I said to her the first time I went down on her.
"Tighter." I immediately instruct. "You won't hurt me."
She nods and tightens her hold gradually, watching my face for cues. When I feel the pressure I want, my face contorts and she stops squeezing.
"Wow, this tight?" She looks surprised.
My laugh is pained. "I bet your pussy will be tighter."
She blinks and looks up at me. Then she looks away again with a smile. "For your sake, I hope so. You're really enjoying this."
I bite the inside of my cheek and fight a smile, shaking my head. This fucking girl. I can't believe she's about to blow me and we're joking in the heat of the moment instead. I've never had this level of comfort or ease with anyone before.
"Should I move?" She asks and I nod. She slides her hand up my length keeping the same amount of pressure I wanted and then slides it back down. My head falls back and I swallow hard. I can't believe how good this feels and we haven't even started yet.
"Use my pre-cum to make it easier for your hand to slide." I tell her in a hoarse voice. "Just use your thumb to spread it all the way down."
She does as I ask and her movements immediately become fluid, her hand moving with much more ease. I breathe harder and tighten my fingers in her hair to ground myself. I think I might fall over from how turned on I am right now.
"Faster?" She whispers. I tug her hair slightly as an answer. I can't form any words for the life of me.
She picks up her pace, picking up on the movements naturally, and the wet sound of her pumping me mixed with my grunts is the only audible sound in the room. Thank fuck I'm the only one that lives on the second floor.
"I'm going to put you in my mouth now." She tells me and I'm grateful for the warning because I tighten my legs at the same second I feel her wet and warm mouth encase me, her tongue sliding down the underside of my cock. My knees buckle but I was prepared for that so I don't fall over. Instead, I lean my body forward so I can put my hands on the door of my room and let the door hold my weight up. My entire body feels like fucking jello and I know I won't last much longer.
"Delilah." I rasp.
She seems to know what I want and takes me further into her mouth, getting about half of me before retreating. I groan miserably when I pop out of her mouth.
"I want to take more." She frowns and looks pissed off. I somehow find the strength to chuckle, letting up one hand off the door and using it to grip the back of her head.
"Relax your throat when I'm in your mouth and breathe through your nose. Also, when you're holding me at the base, put your four fingers over your thumb instead of your thumb over your fingers."
She scrunches her nose. "I just thought of all the girls that probably did this before me. I'm sorry. I don't want to kill the moment."
"Baby, if you asked me to name a single girl that did this to me I wouldn't be able to because I can't recall any of them." I tilt her chin up so she can look at me and gently remind her, "All I see is you."
"That helps." She grows intense again, squaring her shoulders and keeping her eyes on mine. I don't know why I'm getting the feeling that she's trying to prove something to herself but I don't say a word as she picks up where she left off.
She's clearly following my instructions because this time she manages to take me in up until where her hand is wrapped around me before sliding back out. A noise I can't identify crawls out of my throat when she sucks the head tentatively at first but then harder at my obvious pleased response. After that, there's no instructions left to give because she proceeds to give me the best blowjob I've ever been given in my life.
"Fuck." I choke out and tighten my grip on her head, thrusting between her lips.
She squeezes my dick tightly and runs her tongue flat along the tip before circling it and drawing it back in her mouth to suck.
"Jesus." I can feel my lower abdomen clenching tightly with warning. "I'm close, Del."
"Really?" She looks excited.
"Yeah, babe." My lips twitch. "I don't want you to swallow on your first time so let's stop here."
"But don't you need to come?" She asks and takes my hands as I help her stand.
My hands immediately seek out her breasts and I squeeze gently, earning a breathy moan from her. "How about I come all over these beauties for now?"
"Oh." Her eyes widen. "I've heard about that but have never actually done it."
"Do you want to?" I inquire.
She thinks about it for a moment. "That sounds pretty hot. I think we should."
"Get on the bed." I instruct with a smack to her ass.
She sucks in a breath, her lips pressing together to contain a smile. Then she saunters toward my bed and I know she's swaying her hips like that on purpose. I groan loudly at the sight. Her perky ass taunts me even more when she gingerly crawls on to the bed, giving me the most outrageous view of smooth skin that I want to lick and bite and slap.
"You're so fucking sexy." I tell her in a low growl, stalking towards the bed.
She lies down on her back and raises herself on her elbows so she can watch me. Her eyes gradually make their way over my naked body and her chest heaves harder.
"You're one to talk." She says breathlessly. "I've never seen this much muscle in real life."
I feel like a douchebag for smirking but she's really doing a number on my ego here.
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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