《Path To Restoration (Fighter's Den, #3)》Chapter 22 - Delilah
"I'm coming, sweetness!" I call out to a crying Zack.
I quickly shut the oven off and move the sizzling pan to a place mat on the counter. I wash my hands down as thoroughly as I can do there's no residual spices on it and dry them once I'm down. Zack's crying intensifies and I whip off my shirt as I trek down the hall to save time. I open the light to my room and my heart sinks when a red-faced, kicking Zack comes into view.
"I know." I coo and sit on the bed before lifting him up into a cradle. "Mama took too long and her big boy is starving."
He's getting chubbier day by day. He turned one month yesterday and is now at the full "9-month mark" and looks healthy as ever. His pale skin is rosy and his cheeks sag just the slightest from all their weight. His eyes are somehow bigger than when he was born and the grey sometimes look blue, just like mine do. His blonde hair now covers his head completely and he's steadily growing out of all his clothes. You would never think by looking at him that he was one month premature.
As soon as I lift up my bra Zack attacks my nipple, barely able to latch on to it in his haste.
"Alright, calm down!" I use the back of his head to guide him and he finally latches on, body visibly relaxing and eyes shutting as he drinks. I gape down at him and mumble, "How much do you need?"
I give it another month before I go down one cup size because of Zack's tendency to suck the life out of me. My post-pregnancy C cups are not about to last long.
I sigh and lean back against the headboard while Zack does his thing. I can feel exhaustion creeping into every bone in my body. I don't even have it in me to care that I burned my dinner before coming to feed Zack. I'm used to missing a meal here and there, tiredness making me indifferent to a full stomach. I haven't written since Zack was born and although my editor has been very understanding I still feel an ache for that familiar feeling of cool metal under my fingertips as I type away, an endless stream of words flowing out of me. Emily and Avery have visited a couple of times and both times I fell asleep in the middle of our conversations. Mom is a huge help but she has a restaurant to run and can only offer so much of her own time when she's so tired herself.
Nate comes by whenever he can but he's also extremely busy with training for pros. After the match he lost, Coach has been harder on him than ever. Coach also has a lot of time on his hands now that Jaxon is handling the new youth division—six new additions to the gym—so he's focusing everything on Nate. Him and I have collapsed on my couch completely dead to the world on more than one occasion. And although there haven't been more close-calls since the one a month ago, there's also an easiness between us that wasn't there before. We flirt openly. He touches me with even less reservation and I like it. He loves Zack as much as I do. Despite all the tough days, I really can't complain. Things have been going great.
I jerk when I hear a knock on the door to my room, squinting at it when I realize I fell asleep. It probably wasn't more than a few minutes because Zack is still sucking away and looking content as ever. I yawn and call out, "Who is it?"
"Me. Can I come in?" The deep voice replies. Nate has had his own key ever since my Mom gave him one and I let him keep it. It's easier anyways because he's always at my house.
"I'm feeding. He's almost done, though." Looking around for my shirt, I remember that I flung it somewhere outside. "Can you grab my shirt and throw it in here?"
"Yeah." A minute passes by and then my door opens just a crack before a bundled cloth comes hurdling at me and smacks me in the face. I make an oof sound and Nate immediately asks, "You good?"
"Lovely." I deadpan.
I hear his chuckle from the other side right before he tells me, "I'm going to look for some food. I'm starving."
"I burned dinner." I call out with a wince.
There's a pause and then he bursts out laughing. I roll my eyes, practically imagining how he's probably doubled over by now and holding on to his stomach.
"You're mean." I tell him seriously.
He makes a wheezing sound. "Sorry. I'm done. I swear. I'll grab something from my place."
"Thank you!" I holler at his retreating footsteps.
I scroll through my phone while Zack continues to feed to kill time. My email is full of fan mail from people who have read my book and my heart warms. Heart of the Storm has been a #1 bestseller for two months straight and it's still surreal to me. My Instagram follower count has been steadily increasing too and it's hard for me to fathom that 200k people are interested in what I do in my everyday life. I click on my recent post, a selfie of Zack bundled in his car seat with me grinning down at him, and smile as I scroll through the comments. Some are so sweet I could cry and some are rude enough that I could...well, cry. My editor told me not to let them get to me though. Some people think hiding behind a screen makes them invincible.
When Zack finally releases my nipple, I tuck my breast back in my bra and hoist him up on my shoulder, patting him until he burps loud and proud.
"That was a good one." I tell him and he makes a sort of squealing sound. His baby babbling words are slowly beginning to show and I live for every single one of them. I put my shirt back on and lay Zack down in front of me so he can kick and burn off some energy.
A knock at the door sounds for a second time and this time I say, "Come in."
Nate opens the door just a crack and peeks through it, grinning when he sees me. I smile back as he opens it the rest of the way with two styrofoam containers in his hand. "Hope you're okay with leftover Chinese."
"I'll eat anything edible." My stomach grumbles for emphasis.
"You're not eating enough, are you?" He frowns.
"Hey, I barely have time to shower." I wince. "Actually, I could use one of those too."
"Eat and go grab one. I'll watch little man." He settles in beside me and places the containers in front of us, careful to make sure they're out of Zack's reach, and opens them up. He hands me a plastic fork then grins. "Hi."
"Hi." I laugh when he leans down to kiss my cheek. He pulls away, just barely, and we share a heated look. I know we're both thinking about that almost-kiss again. I don't know about him but it's all I can think about these days.
He turns then and leans down to nuzzle Zack's cheek. "And hello to you. How's my little man doing today?"
Zack makes that same squealing sound, reaching his arms up for Nate and kicking wildly. Nate chuckles and picks him up, placing Zack on his chest while he leans against the headboard and stretches out. I watch them with a smile.
"How was your day?" I ask once we start to dig in.
"Coach kicked my ass." He grumbles. "Sometimes I forget how tough he can be."
There's something else he isn't saying. "What are you not telling me?"
He sighs and stabs his fork into a swirl of noodles. "Sometimes I get the feeling that he's...ashamed of my stripper background."
"Greg isn't like that." I settle my hand on his shoulder. "I think he just feels protective over you and how others treat you because of it so he wants you to have thick skin or something. That's just how he is."
"Yeah." He absentmindedly pushes his food around. "You're probably right."
"I know it must be tough juggling two huge responsibilities but don't forget how much of an impact you have on people everywhere. You're an inspiration, Nate. As cliché as it sounds, with great deeds comes great responsibility. When you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders just remember that it counts for something infinite."
"You sure have a way with words." He murmurs. I shrug even as I feel my cheeks grow warm at the compliment. "Actually, you're on to something."
I watch curiously as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through his email, his free hand rubbing circles on Zack's back who's snuggled into his chest and looking infinitely smaller against Nate's huge body. My ovaries threaten to combust at the adorable image.
"Check it out." He tells me and gives me his phone. It's opened up to an email that I read quickly.
"The Humanitarian Awards?" I wonder aloud.
Nate nods and adjusts Zack against him who's fallen asleep. He brings his voice down to a whisper. "It's a charity event meant for all business men and women who own a company or chain of some sort. We all gather together for one night and upper class folk bid on the business they most believe in and fund it for an entire year. It's a great way to raise money for a lot of causes and to encourage business men and women to join, five of them are nominated to take home an award that reflects their impact on humanity." His smile turns bashful. "I'm one of the nominees."
I gasp and sit up straighter. "Nate! That's amazing!"
"It is." He agrees, his grin still a little shy. "I've never been nominated before so it's pretty cool."
"Have you been to the gala before?"
"Yeah, I go every year. They created the event about five years ago and I've been attending since."
"It sounds like a big deal."
"It's important for the community." I don't miss the humble way he addresses it. "Part of it is for show, though. They have photographers and a red carpet entrance and everyone is dressed in their most expensive clothing."
"An Oscar for business." I waggle my brows.
"Something like that." He tilts his head at me. "Will you join me at this year's event? As my date?"
I blink. Then hesitate. "I don't know, Nate. That kind of stuff is not my forté. It's all very 'in the spotlight' and you know I'm not good with that. Plus, I have Zack now."
"It's just one night and it's three months away. Zack will be big enough that he'll be fine for a few hours without you. And I know that scene is not your thing but it would mean a lot if you came and supported me." He throws in the big guns and pouts. "Please."
He lifts Zack's hand up gently who's still snoring away. He mimics a high-pitched voice and says, "Go with him, Mama. There's no one more beautiful that could spend the night on his arm. Do it, Mama."
I try to contain my giggles by slapping my hand to my mouth. "You're ridiculous."
"Please." He throws his trademark grin my way, knowing damn well he's doing that sparkly teeth thing. "I'll make it worth your while."
I shake my head knowing I lost this argument the minute he asked me. "Fine. But I don't think I own a dress fancy enough for something like that."
"We'll get you one." He winks. "So it's a date?"
"It's a date." I relent with a sigh.
"Good work, little man." He whispers to a sleeping Zack and pretends to high-five him. I shake my head again. This guy.
"Is it cool if I grab a shower?" I ask, already standing up from the bed.
"I got him." He doesn't spare my a glance, totally enraptured by Zack as he strokes his cheek with a finger. Nate stops by and sees him everyday but it's obvious he can't get enough. He's as good with Zack as I am.
I walk the few steps to the bathroom that's in my room and take my time in the shower. I can only do that when Nate or Mom are around to watch Zack so I cherish the scalding water as I stand underneath it. I also use the opportunity to shave my legs and the mound between them because I haven't been able to do that either since Zack was born. I turn off the shower and listen intently but when silence greets me I figure I can afford to shave my underarms too. I end up spending half an hour in the shower and try not to feel guilty about it. I know Zack is okay with Nate and I also know Nate doesn't mind. I change into some sleep shorts and a full sleeve t-shirt then dry off my hair with a towel. I fling the towel on the towel bar and quietly step outside of the bathroom when I notice the lights are closed. It takes a few second for my eyes to adjust until I'm able to see that Zack is sound asleep in his crib and Nate is sprawled on my bed, also breathing deeply and completely knocked out. Poor guy. Training must have been rough today.
Not wanting to wake him up I crawl on the bed and lie down beside him, putting the covers over both of us. I watch his sleeping form for a moment with a smile then lean down to kiss his cheek. He doesn't even stir, that's how tired he is. I sigh and run a hand softly through his hair and whisper as quietly as I can, "I love you."
He snores in response. I laugh softly then burrow under the covers and sleep takes me immediately.
My first thought as I start to come to is why is my body tingling? My second thought is did I just moan?
I blink my eyes open lazily and it takes a few second for my brain to register what's happening. A hot mouth is on my neck, on the spot right below my jaw, and a hand is snaking up underneath my shirt. A huge amount of weight is pressing on top of me and the sensation is so delicious I actually shiver. My legs spread slightly on instinct and I gasp when a hard length settles in between them. My pulse is pounding, my clit is throbbing, my body is sweating.
"Nate?" It's part question, part moan.
There's a hum in response and the hand continues to snake up my body before settling on my breast. Fingers squeeze the flesh and my back arches.
"Nate." This time I gasp it as my haze clears. What are we doing!
I look down at him and my brows come together when I find his eyes closed and his mouth parted. It takes a second for me to realize his breathing is deep and even and another second for me to realize he's sleeping. Sleeping! He's groping me in his sleep! I could die of humiliation. I thought he'd been doing it on purpose and body is completely alive underneath him. I'm such an idiot.
I groan in embarrassment and it comes out louder than I anticipated because Nate suddenly jerks before his body freezes on top of mine. His hand stills and he sucks in an audible breath before holding it. I hold my breath as well. Busted again.
"Del?" His voice rasps. I can feel the rumble of his chest since it's plastered to mine and the pulse between my legs pounds again.
"Yes?" I squeak.
"What's happening?" He asks slowly. He hasn't moved an inch and it takes all my willpower to not arch into the hand that's still cupping my breast. I couldn't be more grateful that his face is still burrowed in my neck and he can't see how profusely I'm blushing. I bet he'd be able to see it even in the dark.
"You, um, were having a good dream I guess?" I cringe as soon as I say it. Now is not the time for sarcasm.
"Shit." His fingers twitch around my breast and I bite my lip to contain the moan that's stuck in my throat. "I...I came on to you in your sleep?"
His guilt is obvious. "It's okay." I rush out.
He lifts his head up at that and peers down at me in question. One brow goes up. "Is it now?"
I dart my eyes away. Why did I have to say that?
"Del." He murmurs. I look back at him and find his narrowed gaze on me. His eyes roam over me, taking in my flushed cheeks and my heaving chest before one side of mouth slowly curls up. "You turned on for me, Angel?"
"So are you." I blurt defensively. He chuckles and I squeeze my eyes shut. Talk about a childish response.
My eyes blink open with a soft gasp when I feel his index finger circle my nipple. The peak hardens around his touch and my breath shudders. His dark eyes blaze down at me and his breathing becomes heavier. "You want this, don't you?"
I don't answer. Not when his hand slides out from underneath my shirt and not when he holds his weight above me on his forearms. I can still feel his hardness nudging my hip and I try not to buck my hips upward even though my body is screaming for me to do just that.
He dips his head to suck on the skin of my neck and a spark shoots down between my legs. My stomach clenches when he nips the sensitive flesh with a graze of his teeth and there's no stopping the quiet moan that escapes me. He groans against my neck and I tremble with desire, the tips of my fingers tingling. Fingers that are itching to rip his clothes off and run over his hot, smooth skin.
He raises his head to look at me again. There's so much raw need in his eyes that I'm captivated and I meet his stare without wavering.
"Will you freak out?" He murmurs, running his eyes lazily down my body that's laid out beneath him. "If I touch you the way I want to?"
I shake my head no and his eyes flash. "Are you sure?"
"Please touch me." I find myself whispering. He doesn't know it yet but I stopped fighting him a long time ago. I'm desperate to take what I want for him and for him to take what he wants from me.
His head falls back slightly and he groans, a sound so deep and guttural that more wetness gathers between my legs. His chest heaves when he stares down at me. "I've dreamt for so fucking long to hear you say those words."
"Touch me." I repeat and this time I sound more confident.
He brings his head down slowly but stops when his lips are an inch away from mine. He glances over at Zack's crib and he whispers, "I think I'll start crying if he interrupts us again."
I laugh softly under my breath and he laughs softly under his and then our laughs mesh together as our mouths meet.
The clenching in my tummy unfurls and sends sparks of desire to every part of my body. My body is humming all over and I can feel myself coming alive under Nate as he kisses me with a slow and careful brush of his lips. I press my lips tighter against his and revel in the feeling of his soft and full mouth. He parts them and they close over my top lip over and over again, the sound of our wet kissing the only noise in the room. My arms wind around his neck and his curl around my waist and then every part of our bodies is crushing against each other as the kiss intensifies. He slips his tongue into my mouth and strokes it with a skill that makes me moan softly. He breathes heavily onto my face as our tongues meet over and over again, slipping and sliding over each other in the most erotic way. I can't get enough of him or this kiss. I feel like my lips are bruising with how tightly they're pressed against his as they continue to part and latch onto his mouth. All of my senses are heightened. I can hear every soft groan and whisper of our breaths, I can feel his hair sliding against my fingers as I run them along his scalp, I can smell his scent as it engulfs me until it's all I'm breathing in, I can taste him on my tongue as it explores the inside of his mouth leisurely and wildly, and when I open my eyes I can see the heat in his gaze as he watches me back while his tongue continues to stroke mine and his fingers slip underneath my shirt.
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