《Path To Restoration (Fighter's Den, #3)》Chapter 20 - Nate
I jerk awake in bed and blink rapidly at my surroundings. It's still pitch black outside and a glance at my alarm clock tells me it's only 3am. What the hell woke me up?
I get my answer immediately after the thought when I hear a banging noise. I tilt my head and realize it's coming from my front door.
"What the fuck?" I mumble and throw off my blankets. I get up from my bed and stumble my way to the living room, rubbing my eye in circles. The banging resumes and irritation makes my skin prickle."Coming!"
Who in their right mind would be at my door so goddamn late? I don't even think to check through the peephole in the haze that I'm in and unlock my door, swinging it open and ready to rip a new one at my visitor.
"Del?" I blink slowly. I'm starting to think I'm dreaming or some shit. Del is usually in all of them anyways.
"Sorry to bother you." Her voice is meek and hoarse and it's only then do I realize she has tears streaming down her face. I'm instantly awake and I take a step forward to grip her arms.
"What happened?" I inspect every inch of her, from her obvious bedhead down to her toes which are blue this week.
"Can you take me to the hospital?" She swallows soundly. "My water broke."
It takes a second for the words to register and then my eyes widen. "Oh, shit."
"I'm sorry." She swipes at her cheeks and eyes. "I'm too distraught to drive myself and I don't want to risk anything like last..."
Like last time.
"Of course I'll take you. Let me put on a shirt." I usher her inside and her eyes briefly drop down to my naked torso. She looks away quickly and I try not to smile at her obvious shyness. "Do you have an overnight bag set?"
"It's in my room."
"Okay. We'll grab it." I jog to my room and throw open my closet, grabbing the first shirt my hands touch. I pull it on and grab my keys and wallet from my bedside table and put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants. When I come back out, Delilah's standing exactly where I left in her and in a total daze. She's freaking out.
"Hey." I catch her chin and turn her face towards me. Her skittering gaze meets mine. "He's going to be fine. You can do this."
"I don't know if I can." She mumbles and looks so broken that my own chest aches. I cup her face and make sure her eyes stay on me.
"You absolutely can. You are the most kickass woman I know. No matter what you go through, you stay kind and good and optimistic. Zack is so lucky to have you as a mom and I bet he's excited as hell to meet you. Let's not keep the little man waiting, yeah?"
She nods and suddenly cries out, doubling over as she clutches her stomach. I curse under my breath.
"Come here." I guide her to my couch and make her sit. Her face is scrunched up and she's taking rapid breaths. Fuck, I wish I could do something to take her pain away. "Hang on, Del. I'm going to grab the overnight bag real quick, okay?"
I don't know if she hears me but I have no choice but to run out of my apartment and into hers. Thankfully, I still have the keg Greta gave me so I'm able to get in. I head straight for her room and grab the bag from underneath her bed as well as her phone and her wallet which are on her dressing table. I open one of the drawers and spy one of her cardigans, slinging it over my shoulder before leaving the room. I grab her shoes that are right by the front door and then lock it behind me, running back to my apartment.
"How we doing?" I make my way over to her.
"The contraction passed." She answers, out of breath and limp against the couch. "We need to time it."
"Let's get going." I bend down and slip her flats on her then grab her hand to lift her up. We make our way out of my apartment and I lock it behind me while Del presses the elevator button. It comes right away since it's the middle of the night and we step in. While it takes us down to the basement I help her get the cardigan on and she looks at me in question.
"It's the middle of the night. You'll get cold." I answer. Her eyes soften but she doesn't say anything. Instead, she leans up on her toes and presses a kiss to my cheek. It's so unexpected, I can see how wide my eyes grow in the elevator mirror.
"What was that?" I ask as casually as I can. Meanwhile my heart is thudding against my chest like a fucking jackhammer.
She shrugs. "Just felt like it."
My mouth twitches at the simple answer. "Can't argue with that."
We get to the basement and I lead us to my car. I help her get inside and buckle her in before throwing the overnight bag in the backseat. By the time I get in the car myself, she's gripping her stomach and crying out again.
"Fuck." I quickly start the car and peel out of the basement, heading on to the main road. I glance at the clock on the dashboard. "Eight minutes apart."
"Okay." She grits out and squeezes her eyes shut. "Holy crap, this hurts."
"Put your feet up and lean back. It might help."
She follows my instructions and I reach over to lower the seat so that she's nearly lying down. When the worst of it passes, she moves the hair back from her face and focuses on her breathing.
"Call your mom." I hand her her phone and she takes it with a thanks. She lets her mom know she's in labour and that I'm driving her to the hospital and I can head Greta's frantic voice on the other line. Del hands her phone back to me when she's done with the call and I put it back in my pocket. We're about halfway there when another contraction hits and she's cries out again.
"Damn it." I curl my hand over her thigh and squeeze, not knowing what else I can do. "Keep breathing, Angel. Just focus on your breaths. We're almost there."
"Please hurry." It's part plea, part sob and I step on the gas.
I take a quick peek at the dashboard again. "That one was six minutes."
"You better stay inside before we get to the hospital, you hear me?" She glares at her stomach. I choke down my laugh, knowing good and well I'll be next if she catches me.
The ride to the hospital is stressful as fuck. The contractions are only getting closer and Delilah is in an obvious amount of pain. Her cheeks are flushed and her hair is matter to her face with sweat. Her forehead has been permanently scrunched up for the past ten minutes and her breathing is choppy.
"Finally." I groan when the hospital comes into view and I turn into the emergency entrance. I leave the car parked haphazardly near the front and quickly grab the bag from the trunk before going to the passenger side. I open the door and help Delilah out. She leans her entire weight on me, unable to walk, so I sling the bag over my shoulder before bending down to scoop her up. Her head lolls against my shoulder in exhaustion and I jog inside.
"We need a doctor!" I bark and the woman at the front desk startles. "She's in labour!"
The woman stands up and ushers at me to follow her. She leads us down a narrow corridor and through some glass doors, turning left into the maternity ward.
"In here, sir." She opens a door on the right and I go in, placing Del on the hospital bed as gently as I can.
Just as soon as I do she curls into herself and a sob tears through her. Her hands grip the sheets tightly, her face burrowing into the pillow. My chest tightens at the sight and I can feel my own control slipping.
"Where the fuck is the doctor? Let's go!"
The woman skitters away and I feel bad momentarily for yelling but I can't fucking stand seeing Del in so much pain.
"Hey." I kneel down next to her and brush the hair away from her face. "You okay?"
"That is the stupidest thing you could ask me." She groans.
"Sorry." I kiss her forehead and rummage through the bag, finding a headband. I place it on her to keep her hair away, which is now slick with sweat. "Can I get you anything?"
I go through the bag again and find a bottle that's filled up. I open it and put it against her lips, tipping it while holding on to her head. She takes a few large gulps then falls back against the pillow, eyes fluttering. "Thank you."
"Your mom should be here soon." I promise and and clasp her hand with both of mine, bringing it up to kiss her knuckles. "I'm going to call the gang and let them know, okay?"
She nods back, eyes still closed, and I reluctantly let go of her. I step outside of the room just as a doctor in scrubs is making her way in.
"Oh!" She exclaims and presses a hand to her chest. Her gaze flicks over my body briefly before she smiles up at me. I raise a brow. "You must be Dad. I'm going to need your wife's information before we get stared."
I don't bother correcting her. I let her know everything she needs and she has the nurse behind her jot it down before running off to put all the information in the system. I look worriedly towards the room when I head Del's cry again.
"I've got her." The doctor pats my bicep and makes her way inside.
I spend the next five minutes giving everyone a call and letting them know to come to the hospital as soon as they can. By the time I've done that, I look up just in time to see Greta speed-walking towards me.
"She's inside." I stand up. "Contractions are three minutes apart now."
"Oh." She runs a hand through her hair. It looks untamed and wild. "I can't believe the moment is finally here. Thank you so much for getting her here safely."
"Of course." I lean down to kiss her cheek and so that she can wrap her arms around me. I hug her back tightly. "Go. She needs you."
"Good man." She pats my cheek affectionately and heads inside, shutting the door behind her.
And all that's left to do is wait.
I'm woken up for a second time that night but this time from a shaking shoulder. My eyes blink open and I immediately sit up in the uncomfortable chair that I'm sprawled across, squinting up at Asher.
"Hey." I raps and clasp his outstretched hand in greeting. He takes a seat beside me.
"How long you been here?"
I check my watch at the question through my groggy haze and it reads eight in the morning. "Five hours."
"Baby still not here?"
"No. She's been dilated at eight centimetres for the past three hours."
"That's rough as hell."
"Yeah." I sigh and look around at everyone else in the waiting room. They're all slumped in their own chairs with blankets thrown over themselves and in deep sleep. "When did you all get here?"
"Couple hours ago. Didn't want to wake you."
I rub a hand over my stubbled jaw. "At least it's a weekend."
"Called your parents and let them know you probably won't be visiting until next week."
"Shit. That completely slipped my man. Thanks, man."
"Anytime, brother."
We fall into a comfortable silence and I wipe my hands down my face, patting my cheeks to wake myself up. Christ, this is taking a while. I can't even imagine how much pain Del is in. She's so close to delivery but has been stuck in the same place and probably losing her mind with frustration and anticipation. I know she wants nothing more than to be able to hold her baby. I glance toward the closed hospital room and feel the urge to kick it down so I can go and be with her but I'm not stupid—I'd just be blurring the lines. I'm not the father or her partner by any means. Why should I be there? She needs her mom right now. I'd just be getting in the way.
My phone rings and I pick it up, grateful for the distraction from these confusing as hell thoughts.
"Hello?" I didn't even check the caller before I picked up. I'm still half-asleep.
"Hey. Mom passed the news along to me. Is the baby here?"
I smile at my sister's concern. I love that she's so involved even though she's miles away. "Hey, I'm glad you're calling. No. She's been dilated at eight centimetres for the past three hours."
"That's rough as hell."
I bark out a laugh. "That's exactly what Ash said, word for word. Fucking creepy."
Beside me, Asher's eyes narrow almost accusingly. "Is that Ria?"
At the same time my sister demands in my ear, "Asher's with you?"
Before I can answer either of them Asher snatches my phone away from me and presses it to his ear, his face contorted in anger and annoyance. I can't do more than blink. What the fuck?
"Ria." He growls into the phone.
I'm close enough that I can hear my sister's response—or in this case, lack of. There's a huge pause and for a second I wonder if she hung up until I hear a strained, "Hello, Asher."
She sounds off. Asher's eyes narrow and he knows it too. We both know her like the backs of our hands.
"Why the fuck are you avoiding me?" He demands.
Another pause. This one even longer than the one before. "I'm not."
"Like hell you're not." His grip on the phone tightens. "You won't answer my texts, you won't pick up my calls, I even fucking emailed you for Christ's sake."
"Email?" I snigger. "That's some good shit. You must be desperate." Then it's my turn to pause. "Why are you so desperate?"
He glances over at me, barely, and clears his throat. "She's ignoring me. I want to know what the fuck I did. It's driving me insane."
"Actually, I'd like to know why as well." I lean closer so my ear is on the other side of the phone.
"I'm not ignoring you." Aria insists. "I'm just busy."
"Too busy to tell me how you are? To at least answer me when I ask if you're fucking okay? It's like you're a ghost, Ria. You don't even have social media or anything. I feel like I don't even know what you look like at this point because you won't FaceTime me either."
"That's rude, sis." I point out.
"Butt out, Nathaniel." She snaps and I scowl at her use of my full name. She knows I hate that shit.
"Look." Asher's voice softens considerably. "If I did something wrong or made you mad then I'm sorry, Princess. I really am."
"She hates that nickname. You're not doing yourself any favours." I stage whisper.
Asher's glare sizzles me on the spot. "Like she said, butt out Nathaniel."
I scoff and lean away, crossing my arms. Rude ass fuckers.
"You didn't do anything, Ash." Aria's voice is softer now too. "I just..."
"What?" He murmurs. "You can tell me anything. You know that, don't you?"
"It's nothing." She sighs. "I swear I'll do a better job at getting back to you, okay?"
Asher doesn't look pleased at all. "Aria..."
"I promise, Ash."
"Pinky swear it." He demands and I have to hold back a snicker. These two take their pinky swears serious as hell even at this age. It's like some unbreakable promise in their books. They've always had that kind of bond.
"Pinky swear." She parrots and his shoulders visibly relax. "Jeez, you're worse than my brother."
"I'm not your brother." He says in a low voice, slowly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown and Asher briefly tenses again. "I'm not that bad, am I?"
He relaxes again and throws an easy grin my way. "No. You're worse."
I punch his arm and he laughs, holding a hand up to shield himself. "Give me the phone back, dick."
Something falters in his expression. "Why? I'm still talking to Ria."
"So? Call her back later. She pinky swore that she'd answer."
Reluctantly he grumbles his agreement before speaking into the phone again. "You better pick up my calls. I mean that shit."
"Okay, Ash." She sounds like she's trying not to smile.
"Bye, Princess." He murmurs and hands the phone back to me with a scowl. He gets up from his chair and stalks off without another word and I'm left blinking at his retreating back. I thought he was faking being so put off but he actually looks pissed.
"What's his deal?" I mutter as I lift the phone to my ear again.
"It's not his fault." She sighs. "I haven't been talking to him. He's right."
"How come? You guys are just as good friends as him and I are. He's your best friend too."
"I know. I guess...I don't know. I feel like we're growing apart. Sometimes these things just happen, you know? Maybe it's because I'm so far away."
For whatever reason, call it twin instinct, something tells me that's a bullshit reason to cover up the truth. Maybe Asher did piss her off and she doesn't want to admit it. Lord knows those two are constantly arguing.
"If you say so." I brush it off. Aria tells me everything so I'm not concerned that she's not telling me the truth yet because she will, eventually. "Anyways, I'll update you when the baby is here."
"Awesome. How're you feeling?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean this will change everything, Nate. When the baby is here he'll be Del's world. All of her focus and energy will be on him and chances are you'll fade to the background because the truth is, you will always be second to her son. I just want to make sure you won't take that too hard."
"I won't." I say even as I feel a pinching in my chest. I never even thought about it like that. "I get that this will make it difficult to work on us but I meant it when I said I'm not giving up. No more running. I'll wait as long as I have to."
"Good." There's a smile in her voice. "I hope you get the girl, Nate. You two deserve each other and I might be miles away but I think she knows that too."
"Thanks, Ria." I say softly, feeling just a little less hopeless. "Talk soon?"
"You bet. Later, bro."
"Later, sis."
I end the call and slump over, burrowing my hands in my hair and tugging. I'm starting to get really fucking worried. What if something's wrong? What if Del or Zack are in pain? My chest twists at the thought. I know he's not mine to worry over but fuck, the need for little man to be okay is just as intense and the need for Del to be okay too. I'm freaking the hell out for both of them.
"Please." I whisper, tilting my head up. I'm not overly religious but I do believe there's a God and right now, all I can think to do is pray. "Please let them be okay. That's all I want. If nothing goes right in my life except for these two getting through this then I'm fine with that. Please."
I burrow my head between my knees, eyes squeezed shut, and try to think positive thoughts only.
A hand on my shoulder startles me and I look up at Wolfe who's holding out a bottle of water and what's probably a packaged cookie from the vending machine.
"Thank you, man." I say with gratitude and he takes the seat beside me. "You eat?"
He nods, eyes drifting shut and arms crossing.
I snack on the cookies in the quiet and still room until my own thoughts become too overwhelming. I need to do something. I feel too damn restless. There's too much pent-up frustration and nerves ricocheting through my body.
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