《Path To Restoration (Fighter's Den, #3)》Chapter 11 - Delilah
I'm a sucker for weddings.
There's something about them that just promise new beginnings and hope. Being surrounded by family and friends as they dance the night away and open the most vulnerable parts of themselves to each other is a beauty that's hard to come by. The man who never smiles, smiles. The woman who's too shy to dance, dances. The ones who are too scared to love, love. The ones who are always sad, laugh. It's like stepping into another dimension where time stills and you leave behind all your worries. In that moment, all you know is an infinite happiness you won't be able to find anywhere else.
People get drunk and giddy over this happiness. I've seen it. The atmosphere around them makes them feel brave and they do things they wouldn't do in a million years. They do things that they will immediately deny having done the very next day. They ride the high of a night that makes everything seem possible, especially the things they wouldn't dare let themselves dream of. It's the kind of high that makes them fearless and brave in the face of vulnerability. There's no such thing as pretending or faking it—there's just a raw honesty that they won't hesitate to share with the world.
Everyone here is riding that high I love to see and feel. It's a small ceremony—just between our Fighter's Den members and their families.
Jaxon and Emily's backyard is lined with chairs to accommodate the guests. Twinkling fairy lights and paper lanterns adorn the strings in the sky. A red carpet set up as a walkway leads to the very back of the lawn where Jaxon waits patiently for his wife to join him. Cameron, his best man, stands beside him. The two men look outrageously handsome individually and even more so side by side. Jaxon is wearing a tailored white suit and a light pink tie to match both Emily's and Lizzie's dresses. Cameron is wearing a traditional black suit with a red tie to match another one of Avery's signature red dresses. Avery, the maid of honour, stands opposite from the boys and looks stunning in her red gown dress that encases her lovely figure. Her hair is braided and swooped to one side, little roses places strategically in the fishtail. Cameron can't take his eyes off her.
The chairs are divided so that men sit on one side and women sit on the other. I'm seated at the front row on the chair that's just beside the gap where the walkway is. Nate is on the other side of the walkway, also on the first chair, so it's almost like we're sitting next to each other. He keeps glancing over at me and I'm trying to pretend like I haven't noticed. We arrived at the wedding as each other's "dates" but it's not obvious yet. As soon as we got here we took our seats but I'm not sure what's going to happen when the ceremony is over. Will we tell the others? Is it something that's even worth mentioning? I try not to think about too much.
I meet Avery's eyes who mouths "you're hot" at me, followed by a wink. I bite my lip through a smile and blow her a kiss. Truthfully, I do feel pretty hot. My dress is a pastel blue satin that's held up by two thin spaghetti straps and forms a v-shape neckline. The strapless bra I'm wearing underneath is equipped with padding that actually makes me look like I have cleavage and it adds a sort of elegance to the dress. The hem is an A-line style that starts high on my thighs in a way that's not revealing but isn't exactly saintly either. It ends a couple of inches above my knees and I've paired the look with clear heels that make my legs look longer than they already are. My hair is half up, half down and that part of it that's half down are in waves that reach just below my breasts. Avery had added a smattering of silver glitter in my hair when I got here and insisted it gave me a "Cinderella vibe." With my blonde hair and grey eyes that look more blue because of the dress, I guess she has a point. I have to hold back a smile every time I think of Nate's reaction when I opened my apartment door and he got a good look at me.
"Holy fuck." He'd rasped, eyes widening considerably as they made a slow-trek down my body. I'd clasped my hands behind my back nervously and tried not to squirm under his heated gaze. When his eyes met mine again, he spoke in a low voice. "Shit, Del. You're just so...fuck. Turn around."
"Why?" I'd blinked.
One corner of his mouth had curled upwards in a small smirk. "Because I asked you to."
I'd raised my brows at that but turned around nonetheless, muttering, "Bossy."
And then I'd felt his breath on my neck as he chuckled deeply and I'd immediately shivered, unable to hold my body back from responding. I could feel the heat of his body behind mine and tried not to tense up when I'd felt his hands on my shoulders. He slid them down the length of my arms in a feather light touch and then back up again. By that point, my breathing had grown ragged and my muddled brain was trying hard to make sense of what he was doing. I didn't question it though because his hands on me had felt so amazing that I told myself it was worth torturing myself over. When his arms came around my neck, I realized that he was putting something on me. I'd looked down in surprise at the necklace with a simple circle pendant, no larger than a coin, that was white-gold in colour.
"What's this?" I'd asked him.
"Yours." He answered, his deft hands closing the clasp. I heard the lock click in place and then his hands had found my waist so suddenly that I gasped out loud at the sensation of his touch, my stomach doing a thousand and one somersaults. His chest grazed my back at the same time his lips barely met my ear. I was stuck in place, overwhelmed with confusion and desire. "I was shopping for my sister Mia's birthday present when I saw this. It reminded me of you."
"W-why?" I'd managed to ask. Apparently that had become my word of the day.
"Because it looks like a halo." He kissed the spot below my ear and I'd closed my eyes, swallowing hard. "And you're my Angel."
I lift up the hair at the back of my neck briefly, feeling hot and bothered by the memory alone. I'm still wearing the necklace and I've caught myself holding onto it on more than one occasion. I honestly have no idea what we're doing or where we stand but I do know that we're way beyond our rule of not crossing boundaries. Nate is a touchy guy and ever since he's gotten comfortable doing it, he's consistently had his hands or mouth on me somehow. Its not like I'm stopping him, either. He knows I enjoy it as much as he enjoys doing it. I'd be mortified if I wasn't too busy constantly looking forward to his next move.
"You okay?" Lexie asks from my right. "You look flushed."
"Hmm?" I plaster on a smile. "Of course I'm okay. It's probably the humidity."
She gives me a weird look, eyes jumping to the portable AC that's blasting cool air around us and I almost face-plant the lawn. I seriously suck at lying.
I turn around when there's a tap on my shoulder, smiling at my Mom. She leans forward to whisper in my ear. "I'm sure you've noticed by now but Nate won't stop staring at you."
She leans back to wiggle her brows at me and I feel my eyes widen. "Mom." I hiss. I dart my eyes toward Lexie. "He's probably looking at his sister."
Mom snorts. "Well that would be concerning because the look on his face is the same look I get when I see Chinese food; like I want to eat it all up."
"Oh my God." I slip a hand over my eyes, embarrassment making me feel like I'm on fire. "Don't do this to me."
"What? I'm just saying in my days if a man looked at you like that, you'd get pregnant within a week."
"I already am pregnant." Comes my dry remark.
Her eyes soften and she places her hand underneath my chin. "That doesn't mean you're not allowed to put yourself first, honey. I promise you aren't being selfish if you do."
"How often did you put yourself first when I was a kid?"
"Not nearly enough." Her answer surprises me. "Looking back, I realized how much easier I could have been on myself and you would still be the incredible woman you are today. I love that you think the world of me but I made mistakes as a mother too. I don't want you doing the same."
I glance over my shoulder at Nate who has his head thrown back in laughter at something Asher is saying. His eyes are squeezed shut and he's holding a hand to his stomach, not holding back in the least. The image makes me smile and I watch him for a few seconds, my insides turning to mush. When I turn back to face Mom, she's giving me a knowing look.
"Thanks, Mom." I tell her and lean forward to peck her on the cheek.
"Anytime, honey." She looks at Nate briefly and then back to me. "For the record, I really like him."
That makes me smile even wider and I turn around in my seat, feeling a little better. I can't help myself from glancing at Nate again and startle a little when I find his eyes already on me. He raises his brow in question at my smile and I shake my head, letting him know it's nothing. I see his eyes drop to my necklace briefly before he looks away, biting his cheek to hold back a smile of his own.
Calum Scott's You Are The Reason starts playing through the speakers and we all turn around in our seats to face the porch. Lizzie bounds down the steps in her pink gown carrying a basket full of petals, throwing them along the walkway as she makes her way to the front. Everyone "aww's" at the beautiful little girl with the striking green eyes and a head full of brown ringlets, bouncing with every step she takes. When she gets to the front, she raises her arms up and Jaxon bends down to pick her up. She pecks him on the lips and hugs him tight. The sniffles can already be heard as Jaxon visibly tears up while he clutches on to his little girl, talking softly in her ear. He sets her down and swipes his eyes quickly, gesturing for Lizzie to go join Avery and she happily skips over.
We turn around again and I can't help the little gasp that escapes me when I see Emily. She looks absolutely stunning. Her bridal dress is a stark white that encases her figure from shoulder to ankle. The long-sleeves are transparent and have small white flowers designed on them. The bottom of her dress flares out only slightly to add a swish to every step she takes. Her hair is done in an up-do with curly strands framing her face. A flower crown is wrapped around her bun and adds to the look in an entirely unique way. She walks with baby Lucas in the crook of one arm, her other arm holding on to her father's bicep. I smile at the image of her making her way down the aisle with her two boys. I turn around so I can see Jaxon's reaction and my heart melts at the tears gathered in his eyes. He presses his lips together, clearly trying to compose himself, and wipes at his face with the sleeve of his tux. Cameron claps his hand on Jaxon's shoulder and keeps it there comfortingly.
When the trio finally get to the front, Greg wraps Emily up in a bear hug, kissing her cheek and also tearing up as he stares at his daughter in wonder. Emily rises on her toes to return the gesture and then Greg places her hand in Jaxon's, officially handing his daughter off. He hugs Jaxon next and the two exchange words in low voices, nodding and clapping each other's back. Greg takes Lucas from Emily, who looks adorable in his little suspenders and dress shoes, and moves to stand beside Cameron. Emily and Jaxon clasp hands, staring at each other with so much love that I'm overcome with emotion and feel a tear slip out of my eye. Nate's father, who is an ordained wedding officiant, leads the ceremony. He's a striking image of how Nate will probably look twenty years from now. They have the same features and build and I have no doubt he's been turning heads all his life.
"Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate Jaxon and Emily Cage and their union in marriage. I've met the couple recently but I have never seen two people so perfect for one another. Their connection is palpable to all around them and it is my honour to be part of a love as truly remarkable as theirs." He smiles at them both. "I understand you've written your own vows?"
"Yes." Emily nods and takes a deep breath as she faces Jaxon. Her voice cracks on the very first word. "As I stand here in front of you today, I cannot believe how lucky I am. Never in a million years did I think I would be blessed with the kind of love that you show me everyday. These past two years with you have been an absolute dream. You helped me find myself at a time where I felt lost and unsure. You showed me who I'm meant to be and I would not be the person I am today without you. I would not have two beautiful children without you. I would not know what it means to love and be loved without you. I would not be alive today without you. You saved my life in every way that counts. We have been through the absolute worst and even then, you have given me the best years of my life. You are my hero, my best friend, and the man I so deeply love. I promise to love you for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and until death to us part. I love you, Jax. With every last bit of my heart and more."
There's not a dry eye in the room as everyone sniffles and wipes at their eyes. Jaxon raises their joined hands and kisses Emily's knuckles, an endless stream of tears falling down his face. He looks at Nate's father who nods, and then he takes a deep breath of his own as he starts speaking.
"If someone had told me years ago, that I would have the privilege of marrying the absolute love of my life, I'd have laughed in their face. Punch their face is more like it 'cause I'm a notorious asshole like that."
That gets a laugh out of everyone and Emily shakes her head, mouthing "oh yeah" at the crowd. The mood grows somber again when Jaxon clears his throat, looking down at his shoes briefly and back up. His lips are pressed together and he's unable to say anything, having to gather himself a few times before he manages the rest of his vows. Emily nods encouragingly at him, holding his hands tightly.
"The reason I say I wouldn't have been able to envision myself here is not because I never believed in love, although that was definitely a factor, but because I didn't see a future for myself at all. All my life I have lost. From crappy parents, to losing my little brother, to being walked out on and suddenly finding myself a single parent. I wanted to be strong and I wanted to keep pushing for my little girl but loneliness is a fucking disease. So many times I thought that Lizzie would be better off than having me as a father and I almost gave up on my life. Almost. I was a miserable piece of shit and nobody knows that better than you. When we met, I did everything I could to push you away, including hurting you even when it hurt me. You held your own, though. You're the most goddamn stubborn woman I know."
"You are fierce, loyal, kind, brave, and loving. And for whatever reason, you thought I was worthy of you and your goodness. I can't thank you enough for believing in who I could be and helping me become that person. You have made me a better friend, a better son, a better father, and now, a better husband. Thank you for giving me the friends we stand in front of today. Thank you for giving me a father when I've never had one. Thank you for giving Lizzie the mother she deserves. Thank you for giving me our beautiful little boy that I hope will be thrice the man I am. And thank you for giving me you. You are one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given and I'm keeping you for life, baby. For better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, and until death do us part. I love you so fucking much."
I'm bawling like a damn baby. In hindsight, I know I'm probably ruining my makeup but I can't find it in me to pull myself together. I've gone through three tissues already and have to yank out a fourth from my clutch when the tears show no sign of slowing down. My heart is exploding with my love for these two and I'm smiling as wide as everyone in this room. Even Nate's father discretely wipes the corner of his eyes before clearing his throat, looking between the couple. "Do you, Jaxon Cage, take Emily to be your lawfully wedded wife? Again?"
Chuckles break out.
"I do."
"And do you, Emily Cage, take Jaxon to be your lawfully wedded husband? Again?"
"I do."
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
We're all on our feet, cheers and cat-calls all around as Jaxon grabs Emily by the waist, dipping her and kissing her deeply. One of his arm lets go of her so he can do a fist-pump and that ensues even more whoops from his boys. Laughter takes over the cheering when Cameron bounds over to Avery, grabbing her and kissing her with equal passion. I place my thumb and index finger in my mouth, blowing a whistle, and resume my clapping as I watch the happy couples indulge in some serious PDA. Feeling the sensation of eyes on me, my gaze finds Nate's who's looking at me with such a tender expression that I stop clapping, unable to focus on anything else except his stare. I tilt my head, still smiling.
"What?" I mouth to him.
He shakes his head, that damn smile gracing his face. "You're beautiful." He mouths back.
I duck my head shyly and try to hide the goofy grin that takes over my face. Like I said—weddings are pretty freaking magical.
The early evening fades away into night as the party gets going. Drinks and food are brought out by the caterers and set up on the long banquet table just off to the side. Everyone piles up their plates while the caterers set up tables and line the chairs in circles around them.
"I got this, man." I hear and turn around to catch Nate taking a chair off one of the waiter's hands as he struggles to carry two. He shoots Nate a grateful smile and my heart warms as I watch him help the men set up even though that's not his job.
"Yup." My mom says from beside me, also watching him. "He's a good one."
When I've got my food, I choose a random table and take a seat. My feet are feeling achy and my back has started hurting so I lean back in my chair and stretch my legs out, rubbing a hand over my belly. I decide to close my eyes for a few seconds since I already feel drained of energy. They pop back open though when my legs are suddenly lifted up and I gape at Nate when he takes the seat next to me and places my legs in his lap. "What are you doing?" I ask with wide eyes.
"You should have sat much sooner." He says instead and I think my mouth actually drops open when he slips off my heels and starts massaging my feet.
"Nate." I try to tug my legs away but he holds on. I squirm, feeling ticklish when his thumbs dig into my heel. "Nate, cut it out."
"Why? You can't tell me this isn't helping." He raises a brow at me.
My pursed lips is all the answer he needs and he continues with the massage without a care in the world. I look around self-consciously but everyone is caught up in their own conversations. I clear my throat lightly and try not to tense up. Truthfully, this does feel amazing and I can feel my body growing heavier as it slowly relaxes. My eyelids even start to droop a little. "Thank you." I murmur.
He looks up to smile at me but something over my shoulder catches his attention. I turn around and nearly choke on my tongue when I spot Nate's father walking toward us.
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