《Path To Restoration (Fighter's Den, #3)》Prologue - Nate


"Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

I wait until my twin sister, Aria, meets my gaze so that she can see how reluctant I am about this. I'm trying to be understanding. I know she's been through hell and back and I want nothing more than for her to be happy but...this? Of all things?

Aria rolls her eyes, a shade of brown completely identical to my own. Even though we're fraternal twins, there's no denying the several similarities between our features. If it weren't for her deep auburn hair we could easily be mistaken as identical twins instead. "It's California, Nate. Not Jupiter."

"May as well be." I mutter.

"Stop being so dramatic. I want this. A little independence will do me good."

I try not to let that sting. Even though she didn't say the words, I know she means independence from me. "You weren't to blame for what happened to you." I try again.

"But I lost myself." She argues. I recognize that tone. I grew up with it. It's the tone she uses when there's just no changing her mind. "The way I handled everything...I mean, for fuck's sake, Nate. You started an entire business to help women like me redeem themselves. What did I do? Made an ass of myself and pushed everyone away. Ruined myself."

"That's not fair." My irritation spikes. "I'm not the one that went through what you went through. Of course it was easier for me to look at the situation through a clearer lens. You did the best you could and you did help, Aria. You stood in court as a witness for all those women. That's not making an ass of yourself."

"You don't get it." She shakes her head sadly. "And I don't expect you to. I know you're trying to be there for me and I can't even begin to express how proud I am of you. Do you know how cool it is to walk through downtown Boston and see a nightclub with my freaking name on it? I'm honoured, bro. But everything about this place is just a reminder of the worst thing that happened to me. It sucks that the people I love most also happen to live here but this is my choice. For once, I want to choose me. Please, Nate."

"Damn it." I curse in a gravelly voice. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly to me. She's tall for a girl, 5'10, but still way shorter than me and I always rub it in her face along with my being seven minutes older. But it still rings true that she's my baby sister, twin or not. I can't help but feel the fierce need to protect her and that's why this is killing me. Aria and I have always been joined at the hip. Now that she's transferring to the University of California, Berkeley, I won't be there to watch over her and make sure she's okay. "I already failed you when you were right in front of me. What the fuck am I going to do when we're not even in the same country?"

"I know you don't want to hear this but you can't always protect me. There's only so much you can do and you need to make your peace with that. This will do you some good, too."

"Then why does it feel like I'm watching a car wreck in slow motion?"

"Because for once, you're not the driver." She pulls away to look at me. "I love you but you need to let me drive, too. You need to learn to be in the passenger seat. We can't live the rest of our lives like this."


I kick the bottom of her suitcase just to be petty. "I hate when you're right."

"I'm always right." She laughs and I have to force myself not to close my eyes to take in the sound. It's been so long since Aria has laughed freely or smiled willingly. That bastard not only bruised her body — he bruised her damn soul. In just a matter of months Aria became a shell of herself. She lost a drastic amount of weight and it shows, her cheeks now hollow and sunken in, her collarbone protruding, and her entire frame diminished by too many pounds. She looks tired all the time and her eyes hold a certain vacancy. It's like she's here but she's not here. My once loud and cheerleader-level of perky sister now hides in the shadows and refuses to be seen. It breaks my fucking heart and I've cried myself to sleep every night since she finally admitted to me that Robbie physically abused her.

And now she's leaving me and I want can't decide if I want to punch everyone in my way or crawl under my covers and bawl like a fucking baby. I've never known heartbreak but I'm pretty sure this is it.

"You'll call me every day." I demand. "If you miss even one day I'll have no choice but to call the police and send out a search party for you."

"Har, har."

"It's cute that you think I'm joking."

"Nate." She half scolds, half giggles. "Stop it. I'm excited to start fresh and I can't do that if you're dead set on keeping me on a leash. Can't you be happy for me?"

"Nope. I'm a terrible brother like that."

"You're the best brother to me and our sisters." Her tone softens. "I love you so much, Nathan. Don't let me leave when we're in a fight."

"We're not in a fight." I assure her and soften my tone, too. "I love you, Ria. I just want you to be happy."

"That's what this decision is for me. I haven't looked forward to something in so long."

"Then I guess I won't stop you." I kiss her forehead. "Even if it kills me."

"Thanks, bro." She whispers and quickly swipes a hand over both her cheeks. "Okay, I'm off."

"A little common courtesy wouldn't hurt." Asher drawls as he walks inside the house without invitation. Not that he needs one after being my best friend for nearly ten years. "One would say it's important to say goodbye to your neighbours, too."

And there's also the fact that his family's house has been next to ours for as long as we've known each other.

"And here I was hoping to avoid the dynamic duo." Aria deadpans. "Don't bother teaming up with Nate. He gave in."

Asher glares at me. "Way to fold, asshole."

I hold back a laugh. Asher is just as protective of Aria and the rest of my sisters as I am. He's the one that helped me put Robbie in a hospital for a month when we both beat the shit out of him. He's more brother than friend and I'll always be thankful for him having my family's back.

"Goodbye, Asher." Aria says in a bored voice. "There. Courtesy."

"Barely." He drapes an arm around her shoulders. "Why you gotta hate, Princess?"

Aria hates that nickname. When she was born, our mom fell in love with the first auburn-haired baby in the family after generations. She gloated that her daughter reminded her of Ariel, the Disney Princess, but didn't want to give her a cheesy name. So she put her own twist on it and named her Aria. Ever since Asher heard that story, he insists on mocking her just to piss her off. They've been like that since we were kids. I'm pretty sure Asher gives her more shit than I do.


"Why you gotta be so annoying?" She grumbles and elbows him off of her. Aria used to be an overtly affectionate person but these days she hates being touched in any way. It's hard to see.

Asher isn't at all deterred and puts his arm back around her. "You love me, kid. Try not to look at my picture every night before you go to sleep. On that note, if you really insist then I'll happily provide the picture for you stare at."

"Haven't I had enough nightmares?" She elbows him away again.

Asher flinches slightly and meets my gaze, his mouth pinched in worry. We both know Aria meant it as a joke but...damn, too fucking soon.

"Oh, relax." She huffs when she notices our faces. "If I'm ready to joke about this then why can't the both of you?"

"Because it's not a fucking joke." Asher growls and I have to agree. "Motherfucker is lucky he gets to rot away in prison. If I got my hands on him again before he was arrested I —"

"Would have backed the hell off because you being in prison wouldn't do anyone any good and that's not what I want."

"He deserves to die. You can't change my mind about that." He crosses his arms definitely, staring her down with a clenched jaw.

"Fine." She glares right back. "Then I guess the picture I'll be staring at every night will be your mugshot."

His lips twitch as he fights to maintain his composure. "Count on it, Princess."

"Break it up you two." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Christ, you're worse than actual siblings."

"He started it!"

"She started it!"

They turn to stare each other down in disgust as if they can't fathom that they said the same thing at the same time. Jesus, take me now.

"Let's go, Aria. You have to say your goodbyes to the rest of the gang."

"Right." She mumbles as if she's just realizing.

I squeeze her arm in a comforting gesture and guide her to the family room where everyone else is gathered. They know how close Aria and I are so they gave us a few moments to have our goodbye personally. It's one of the many reasons I adore my family. They're the best people I know.

"Let the hugs and waterworks begin." Aria announces and everyone immediately springs up from their seats.

Mom and Dad are the first to engulf her in tight and reluctant holds. Dad quietly whispers something in Aria's ear that she occasionally nods to while Mom sobs away, unable to control herself. I go over to her and gently pull her away so she can cry into my chest instead. Out of everyone, Mom took the news the hardest. I can only imagine her pain as a mother to accept what Aria went through and how she chose to leave almost immediately. Dad was mostly angry with himself and couldn't look Aria in the eye for a long time until I talked some sense into him about his pushing her away doing more harm than good. He's better now but still fiercely protective.

Aria makes her way over to the huddle of our five sisters who watch her with wide and sad eyes. Our sisters came years after Aria and I since Mom and Dad were swamped with taking care of twins. They're all the babies of the family and didn't know how to react when they heard about Aria. For a long time they were too scared to be near her but Aria works hard to make sure they still view her as a strong older sister and role model. She doesn't want either of them to go through what she went through and neither do I.

Lexie, the eldest of the bunch at eleven years old, steps forward first to hug her big sister. Aria presses a kiss to her forehead and tells her to take care of her sisters. Lexie nods. She's a mature kid and has always been a rule follower to the T. Next is Mia, nine years old, and is a total firecracker. She's a bit of a troublemaker but has the most loyal heart towards those she loves. After her is Eleanor, six years old, and the odd one of our bunch. She's a quiet and shy bookworm that would rather spend time in her room reading than causing ruckus with the rest of her family. She's also the one I have the tightest bond with, aside from Aria. I've always had a soft spot for the shy ones. The last of the bunch sniffles and Harmony wraps her arms around Aria's knees when it's her turn. She's the loving one in the family, the one who cries at dog commercials and gives all her candy to random strangers, and has the biggest heart I've ever known a four year old to have. Aria is closest with her and their hug lasts the longest. Harmony is definitely going to be heartbroken for the next few weeks and I make a mental note to spend extra time with her.

When all the hugs have been exchanged, I nod my head toward the door where our family starts walking towards to see Aria out.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off to airport, sweetie?" My mom tries again.

"That'll make it even harder to leave." Aria repeats her reason for wanting to take a cab instead. "I'll be fine everyone. This is a good change, okay? I love you all so much. I'll call as soon as I land."

"Call me when you're boarding." I correct and she shoots me an exasperated look that I don't back down from. She finally relents with a nod and wheels her suitcases behind her, smiling at us over her shoulder.

My family and I stand on the porch as we watch Asher help Aria load her bags into the cab that's been waiting for a good ten minutes now. When she settles in the back seat, she rolls her window down to wave goodbye and we wave back, calling out a chorus of "be safe" and "I love you" and "we'll miss you."

I crane my neck as far as I can when the cab drives off and keep watch until it turns at the end of the road and disappears out of sight. Mom bursts out crying again and Dad immediately wraps his arms around her in consolation. My sisters huddle into me and I use my free arm to hug them close, silently vowing to protect them the way I failed to protect Aria. I swallow the boulder in my throat and usher everyone back inside the house even though a part of me is missing now. It feels strange — here I am in a house that's full of my insanely large family and yet I've never felt more alone in my life.


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