《The Playboy's Wicked Revenge》17: The presentation


Sorry for the mistakes

I'm very excited because tomorrow I'm going to my home for Christmas, moving in with Xander was one of the best decision I made

Well, the only best decision!

Its been weeks since I moved in with him, and Xander has totally change my life upside down, although its a bit difficult for me to calm him down when he's angry, but still I manage to do it, somehow.

Kyle and Cole also came to our house once and ummm...

Lets just say they still don't like me

I'm so excited to meet my mum after so long, while Xander was not ok with the idea of me leaving because he had some plans for us, but I told him that we should celebrate Christmas with our family so, he's also flying to New Jersey

Sia's outfit

The knock on my door bring me out of my thoughts and Xander's PA told me that he's calling me


Knocking the door, I went in and there was my guy working and looking ravishing as usual

Xander's outfit

"You called me" I said

Looking up he smiled and nodded

"Yup, come here" he said

he pulled me to his lap when I went there and started nuzzling my neck

"Umm Xander" I moaned

Without answering me his hands went under my sweater, but I somehow stopped him

"Hey, Its your office" I whispered

"So?" He asked cockily

"So, we can't do this here" saying this I folded my hands

He chuckled and pinched my waist

I angrily look at him but he was already smirking down at me

he never take me seriously!

Our staring session started, me with an angry look while he was smirking all the time

After 5 minutes or so he gave me a challenging look which said 'stop me if you can'

Before I realised what happen, he was kissing me roughly, more like punishing me for something

I was still stubborn to not give in, so he bite my lips so hard that blood started oozing and when I gasped, he put his tongue inside my mouth, started exploring each and every corner of my mouth

I too started responding him with the same passion, and Xander's expert hands pulled my sweater and bra together in a go!

I find myself panting and moaning in his office.

After the intense love making session, I felt tired and sleepy

Taking me in his arms, he took me to the attached room in his office and made me sleep


I woke up to find myself in Xander's office, and the time was 3:00 pm

God! Its late

Xander has a very strange energy when it comes to making love, he never gets tired, like never


Wearing my clothes I went out to see Xander with a frown on his face, working profusely

I went and started massaging his shoulder to which he closed his eyes and lean down on the chair

"What happen, Xander?" I asked him softly

He opened his eyes and looked at the laptop screen and said "this happen"

I didn't get what he's saying, so he gave me a frustrated look and said "this design Sia, I need to fix this product and there is a very minor defect which my designers aren't able to find, nor the defect analysis machine"

"Oh" I said and looked closer to the design of the product and found out a very minor yet a very important thing missing.

'This might me the reason' I thought

"Umm Xander, I don't know that is this or not...but umm" I said nervously because of my nervousness and sweating

"Sia, Sia tell me what fast, I don't have whole day for your stuttering" he said looking irritated

If I would say that his words didn't hurt me then I would be wrong, but then again he must be so worried and looking at him, I knew he is tensed

So, I told my heart that its fine and gathering some courage I said

"Umm...at the very corner, there should be a small cooling device which will help to increase the efficiency and the product weight which is unbalanced right now would be balanced" I said in a go and took a deep breath

Without saying anything, he first analyse what I said and then jumped from the chair and said "Fuck, You're right, how could they missed this"

Well, I was a nerd in college, its just that I don't know how I always attract all the problems

Xander was so so happy and made some calls to let them know that the design has been corrected

I felt so content seeing him laughing for the first time. He don't laugh, yes he smiles but doesn't laugh

This is the first time I'm seeing him laughing and he looks amazingly adorable

I stand by his chair all the time noticing every little thing about him, and just then he saw me, his smile disappeared and with a serious look on his face, he came and stand infront of me

"You are going to present this deal" he said


I was stunned, I mean no I can't

"W-what?? No " I said shocked and nervous

"Yes, you're going to present, because you corrected the design" he said holding me closer

"No, I mean Xander, I- can't" I told him honestly

I've stage fear, and I don't want to ruin his deal


"Yes, you will be presenting and thats my final decision" he said

"Please" I said making a pout

Kissing me on the pout he said " this doesn't gonna convince me, so be ready baby. Tomorrow is big day"

"Xander no" I whined

"Come on, lets eat something, I'm sure you must be famished" he said ignoring my whine

He started walking to the doorbut stop and said

"Before anything, I want you to give the design. As you will be presenting so, take it and keep it safely. This is the most important thing for tomorrow's deal" he said seriously

I nodded taking the pendrive which has the design stored


I'm mad, very mad at Xander, God what I'm gonna do?

What if I stutter and cannot make a sentence?

I was overthinking from the moment we came back to office and Xander being Xander, is sitting on the bed and passing dirty comments on my body

I glared him so many times but he doesn't seem to bother

After taking a sigh, he came towards me and said "Baby, Its gonna be fine. I know you, you are going to give the bestest presentation ever"

I looked at him and thought that if he has trust on me that I'm gonna make it, then why can't I trust myself.

I smiled,

Standing on my toes I peck his lips and then whispered "ok, I'm gonna do it"


Today is a big day for me, first I have to give this very big presentation and second I'm going home yayyy!

Its too cold today, For the first time, I am wearing winter formals , I was very nervous.

Eating the breakfast which Xander has made, I was revising all the points again and again

Sia's outfit

Xander's outfit

I don't feel like eating anything for breakfast but Xander being the stubborn one make me eat every single day

My big Baby!

We reached office and went to our own separate cabin, not before hugging him, obviously!

So, The meeting is at 11, and I checked all the necessary things which is needed

Sighing one last time, I went towards the conference room


The delegates were already there, and just by seeing them I got jitters

Xander was sitting at the head chair , and all the important people occupied a seat

Kyle and Cole were also present, I don't know why

" Start the presentation" one of the delegates said

Xander nodded towards me

Taking a big deep breath and thinking about Xander, I went to start the presentation.

I introduced myself first without stuttering and patted myself in my head for my new found confidence

The ppt started and I heard voices coming out

When I looked towards the projector, I got shocked, and embarassed and scared and nervous and what not!

Instead of the ppt, a porn video was playing and I was embarassed like anything.

Being the only girl in the conference room, made me so much uncomfortable

I looked towards Xander, and he was glaring at me, If looks can kill then I would be six feet under.

"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW" Xander Growled in anger

With a shivering hands, I tried to stop but its not working.

Everyone started laughing, whispering and teasing me, even the delegates

Finally, I stopped the video, somehow!

Xander was looking at me like he will kill me, right there and then

"This is what you call a professional Presentation" one of the delegates said to Xander

"We didn't knew that you have sluts also to entertain us while we talk about the deal" one person commented

My face was bent low and I didn't have guts to face Xander, thats when he spoke

"WHERE. THE. FUCK. IS. THE PENDRIVE" he said calmly yet with a very stern voice that I flinched and took 2 steps back

"I'm asking to you Miss. Evans" he yelled at me

"I-I umm I-I..." I tried to say that I don't know but failed miserably

I was sobbing and my face was drenched in tears

"Will you ever spoke after I?, I thought once for once you shouldn't behave like the spoilt girl, but no, I was wrong" he yelled

I was replaying my memory again and again that how did this happen

I don't know how this video came, I have no idea, heck I've never watched a make out scene.

"Are you really this Dumb or you're trying to act dumb?" the new voice bring me out of my reverie and it belongs to none other that Cole Miller, Xander's best friend

But right now, I only wanted Xander to know that I've not done anything, but he was only yelling at me

"No Cole, she isn't dumb, she is the dumbest" Kyle said with a lot of hate in his voice

I started hiccuping and again tried to say

"Xan-Xander I have n-no i-i-idea, I-I swear on m-my lif-life" I told him

"Shut up, just fucking shut up, do you even realise that how much important this deal is for me? Huh??" He screamed

"No, ofcourse not how would you know, after all you were busy with your clumsiness, I mean come-on how can someone be this clumsy, and irritating ?? He screamed again

i flinched with his tone, I was sobbing and hiccuping, cursing myself that where did I lost the pendrive?

"Mr. Black, we can wait for half an hour, if you can do something, then the deal might be yours" One of the delegate said

I looked towards Xander and said "Xan-Xander I can...." Before I could complete my sentence

He screamed "FUCK OFF, I don't want to see your fucking face, I might do something which will hurt you"

"B-but I-" I again tried to spoke but he again shut me up screaming " I said GET OUT"

I got scared and left the room immediately with a shivering hands and teary eyes


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