《Taming Cameron (COMPLETE)》Chapter 1


© Copyrighted work so please do not steal my idea. Any similarities to people, places, and events are coincidental. Thank you for taking an interest in my work. I am profoundly grateful and I hope it will be to your liking. I am no professional at writing but I believe feedback from you guys will help me in becoming a better author. :)

Not a long book, but I think you will find it soothing. :)


"You've gotta go now," Cameron exclaimed, scooting off the bed.

"We can go another round," her companion smiled, watching hungrily as Cameron glided around the room in nothing but skin.

She moved towards her dressing table, picking up a cigarette as she lit it.

"We both got what we wanted, now leave," she exclaimed prickly, her words a bit muffled by the joint stuck between her lips.

The guy bit his lips as he scanned her body with his scrutinizing eyes, his libido once again on fire by the mere thought of touching her. "So when can I see you again?" he smirked, biting his lower lip.

"Never. I don't do repeats", she said, using her lips to hold in the cigarette as she pulled on a robe that was laying on the floor.

"So don't you think I was amazing?" he asked curiously, his ego clearly bigger than his d*ck, Cameron thought.

She cocked a brow. "I thought Titanic was an amazing movie, but it doesn't mean I would watch it again", she said dully, puffing out a cloudy mist from her mouth.

The guy hissed and scooted off the bed, immediately pulling on his pants. Cameron watched, arms folded, as he pulled on his shirt and grabbed his shoes from the floor. He gave her an icy gaze then strolled from the room.


"It was nice meeting you Bent", she called, her voice trembling with laughter.

"Its Blake!" he yelled then slammed the door.

Cameron grinned, there wasn't really anything memorable about him anyway.

Cameron closed her eyes in satisfaction, as she allowed the warmness of the water to caress her skin. She smiled as a thought came to her; the shower was more satisfying than, what was his face?... Bent.

She emerged fifteen minutes later and blow-dried her hair, and although it took a while to do, the result was never disappointing. When that task was complete, she strolled to her bedroom and picked out her favorite- black pencil skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse. She applied a little makeup to her face and smiled when she was done.

Cameron was glad when she came upon traffic. She didn't want to arrive at work too early. It was just 8 and she was to arrive at 8:30. Without traffic, she would already be there.

Being the P.A for the well-known Nathaniel Caine, who owned businesses around half of New York, Cameron didn't like the man one bit; his arrogance was enough to drive anyone over the edge. He was also New York's youngest and richest businessman, the title magnetizing thirsty gold digger females to swoon just by looking at his picture.

She had to admit, the man was a looker, thirty-two years old, over six feet, and black-haired and blue-eyed. What woman wouldn't swoon?... Well, she of course. She loved men but there was something about Nathaniel Caine that she didn't like. Well, maybe because he is the first man who has never made a move on you, a voice in the back of her head nagged. Well, it wasn't that, but Cameron thought the man was about as cuddly as a cactus. The man was like a robot!. Not that he didn't have women, he did. She had seen him with multiple tabloids and magazines, but that was expected from a man of his caliber.


Cameron sighed, pulling her thoughts to a halt as she turned on the radio, which was playing "Uptown Funk", by Bruno Mars. She pulled out a cigarette and began to sing along. She didn't smoke much but it eased her when she thought about work.

She arrived at work at exactly 8:30 am and took a seat around her small desk. She saw some files on the table and picked them up, noticing a note pinned to it. It was a note from Nathaniel, telling her to see him in his office as soon as she arrived. Cameron rolled her eyes and strolled to his office.

She entered his office and found him at his desk, typing.

"Take a seat", he said, still not looking up. Cameron did so.

This time he looked up, his blue eyes heated. He closed down the laptop and rested his elbows on the table, giving her his full attention.

"I've heard rumors about your reputation", he said pointedly, his lips drawn in a grim line.

Cameron cocked a curious brow. "What rumors?", she asked.

"About your sex life", he provided ruefully.

Cameron smiled. "Well, as you said sir, they're rumors".

Nate ground his teeth angrily. "I sometimes have my business partners discussing you in the board rooms", he snapped.

Cameron sighed. "And how is that my fault sir?", she asked in mocked curiosity.

Nate stared at her in disbelief "This is not good for business!", he growled.

"If you're going to fire me, do it and spare me the speech", she sighed, knowing that she was playing with fire, but at the moment, she wouldn't mind a little burn.

"That tongue of yours is going to get you in trouble someday", he warned confidently.

Cameron chuckled "My tongue has gotten into many things. Trouble was never one", she smirked.

"Get back to work, will you", he exclaimed in frustration, knowing that he was always prey to her feisty tongue, but not quite believing that his words had no effect on the woman.

She got up and walked daintily from the room.

Nate sighed. The only reason that prevented him from firing her was because she was good at what she did. She was the best PA he'd ever had and although she was a very promiscuous woman, he had to ignore that fact.

She was a very beautiful woman, and any man would want her in their bed, but which would want her to marry? he thought. On many occasions, he would see her flirting with members of staff, and days later he'd hear them gossiping about how good it was. It disgusted Nathaniel to see how shameless and uncaring one woman could be, but it was her life, not his. He could never see himself being with a woman like Cameron Crawford. It would be like signing up for a life of hell.


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