《Allah's Plan For You & Me》Time


✦⋆· said, "The worth of a man with regards to his perception of things is his knowledge of [the workings of] time."

● "What a difference is there between a deed whose pleasure passes away leaving behind it, the pangs of pain and punishment.

And the deed whose oppressive harshness comes to an end leaving behind Divine rewards!"

● "The man who best understands time is he who is not taken aback by its proceedings."

● "He who places his trust in time has gone mad."

● "Whoever trusts time is betrayed by it, and whoever holds it in high esteem is abased by it."

● "Time wears out bodies, renews hopes, brings death nearer and takes away aspirations.

Whoever gets anything from the world lives in anxiety for holding it and whoever loses anything passes his days grieving over the loss."

● "Whoever trusts time is betrayed by it, whoever attaches great importance to it is abased by it, whoever is angry with time, it spites him even more, and whoever takes refuge with time is forsaken by it.

Not everyone who throws hits the target. When the sultan changes so does the time."

● "Time betrays the one who believes he possesses time, and it does not seek to please the one who blames it."

● "Whoever preoccupies himself with time is occupied by it in turn."

● "He who blames time will find no end to his frustration."

● "Whoever resists time is spited by it even more, and whoever surrenders to it is not safe either."

● "Whoever contends with time is thwarted, and whoever is resentful towards it ends up getting angry himself."

● "There are many people whom constant grants of Allah's Bounties turned them wicked and fit for Allah's punishment and there are many more who have become vain and self- deceptive because the Merciful Allah has not exposed their weaknesses and vices to the world and the people speak highly about them.

All this is an opportunity. No trial of the Lord is more severe than the time He allows (in which either you may repent or get deeper into vices)."

✦⋆· said, "He who knows [the workings of] his time is never overwhelmed by its obscurities."

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