《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Demon's Queen - End


The Demon's Queen

Sebastian fidgeted nervously with the lapel on his shirt. Inspecting himself in the mirror he frowned at his appearance. It seemed so odd having the curse broken. He'd grown so used to his demonic form that he now felt out of place in his own skin.

Something moved behind him. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Nicholas standing silently by the window.

"How long have you been standing there?" he asked, slightly irritated.

Nicholas smiled and shrugged. "Only long enough to see you straighten that lapel five or six times."

"It feels strange, being like this again," he admitted.

"Are you nervous about today?"

"No," Sebastian snapped before flinching, "Yes...Maybe. I don't know." What he did know was Victoria would be pissed. She wasn't overly fond of elves.

"I'll be anxious to hear what happens."

"I'll let you know." Turning towards Nicholas he asked, "Any news?"

Nicholas scowled. "I have not yet found Shaw."

Sebastian all but growled. "I want that dog to pay for what he did." He would hunt the bastard down himself but he was loath to leave Victoria now. Not when he'd just claimed her and with the bond so new. Desire coursed through him at the thought of her bearing his mark for all to see.

Nicholas stepped away from the wall. "Rest easy master, I will find him."

Sebastian had no doubts that the mercenary would stay true to his word. If anyone could hunt down that bastard Vincent Shaw and kill him it was this man. It went without saying that Nicholas also cared deeply for Victoria and had just as much loyalty towards his female as he did Sebastian.

"Keep me informed." Sebastian glanced at the clock and drew in a deep breath.

Nicholas laughed at his obvious discomfort. "Good luck, master."


"What is she doing here?" Victoria snapped angrily. She glared at the elven female perched on Sebastian's desk like she owned the place.

"Victoria." Charles gently pushed her further into Sebastian's office. "This is Mia and she is part of the elven council. I have brought her here to speak to you."

"Hiya." Mia beamed, waving her hand. She was tiny and thin, with short red hair and pointed ears. Two short swords were strapped to her back.

Clenching her fists Victoria scowled at the elf, before turning to an extremely guilty looking Sebastian. "What is this?"

"Charles insisted," Sebastian said as if to explain.

"Charles?" She turned back towards the vampire, who backed away sheepishly and went to stand beside Jasper, slipping his arm casually around the spectral demons waist. Jasper blushed but didn't try to move away. She was still a little surprised that Jasper was Charles' mate, but she was also extremely happy for the spectral demon. "She has information on your mother."


Her heart thumped. "My mother?"

"We've been trying to figure out why Shaw and the Legion want you so badly," Sebastian said. "I've had Charles looking into it."

Placing her hands on her hips she raised her brows with irritation. "And you didn't tell me this?"

Going to her Sebastian cupped the side of her neck, his warm palm pressing against his mark. "I didn't want to worry you further. Or get your hopes up."

Softening she turned her attention back on the elf. "Why did you kill my mother?" she asked point blank.

Mia's eyes widened. "We didn't kill her."

She frowned in confusion, the elf looked generally surprised. "My father told me. You killed her because she left to be with him. You're kind is vengeful to anyone who break your laws."

"That's a little bit of an exaggeration." Mia chuckled. "We don't usually kill someone for it. It's more like we shave their head while they sleep and cast an enchantment so it won't grow back. Or write on their face with permanent marker."

Her jaw dropped, "Seriously?"

"We would never kill Adora, especially for being with her mate. Such a bond is sacred to us."

"Her mate?" Did she just hear that right? "Elves have mates?"

Mia nodded. "We do. It's very rare and not like other species but we do have them. Your father was Adora's mate, just as Sebastian is your mate."

"Sebastian is my mate?" She looked up at Sebastian.

"You felt it didn't you, the connection?" Mia asked. "The need to be close to him, to create an unbreakable bond. I bet you craved his bite."

She had! "I didn't know..."

"I didn't know either, little one." Sebastian smile down at her. "But it does please me to hear this."

"It was foretold to us that Sebastian was your mate," Mia informed her. "That's why we let him take you at the auction."

Anger flared in her gut, squashing her previous shock. "You were at the auction?"

Mia nodded with a grin. "Sure was. It was very exciting."

She gritted her teeth. "You watched all those poor girls be taken away. You were laughing the whole time!"

"Whoa, down killer." Mia waved her hands in front of her. "We didn't let anything happen. Why do you think we found it so funny? Those saps actually thought we would let them walk off with those poor girls. Ascended were waiting for them, every girl was saved."

"But...but..." she stammered to a halt, shocked to the core.

"We only let the auction go as long as it did so King Sebastian could win you. Once you were safe we nailed those Legion asses to the wall."


"You did?"

"There are a lot of bad players after you and we knew King Sebastian could keep you safe. He would never let anything happen to you," Mia stated with confidence.

She felt Sebastian stand a little taller beside her.

"And you didn't kill my mother?" she asked softly.

Mia's eyes grew misty. "No elf would ever kill Adora. She was beloved by all. She was our queen."


"Queen," Sebastian blurted.

"Ah, that makes perfect sense!" Charles exclaimed excitedly. "That's why you bound her name!"

"Sure is. Only a few elite members of the council such as myself know," Mia proclaimed proudly. "After Adora was killed we had to keep our new queen safe from the Legion."

"Q...queen?" Victoria stuttered.

"That's right. You are the rightful queen of the elves. We serve you and only you. It's kind of like an unbreakable bond," Mia explained.

"That's why Shaw wanted her," Sebastian growled. "He found out about Victoria. If he made her his..."

"Then he would have total control over the elven armies," Mia finished. "That wolf is on a real power trip, wants to rule on high. Gabriel wanted Victoria for the same reason, and if she refused then he had a high prized bargaining chip."

"It's brilliant," Charles said with far too much enthusiasm. Everyone turned to stare at him.

Jasper jabbed him in the ribs. "Charles."

The vampire coughed. "I mean that is just horrible."

Her mind reeling she asked, "So who killed my mother?"

"We believe assassins working for Gabriel." Mia stated sadly. "He knew your mother would never submit to him. With Adora gone and no heir he assumed the elves would fall into chaos. What he didn't know was that she had just given birth to a healthy little girl."

"So you bound her name," Charles said.

Mia nodded. "Yes. It was the only way we could protect Victoria. Gabriel would not be able to recall why he had Adora killed, or even that he gave the order. Only a few council members would remember her, and your father since he was her mate. Unfortunately, it seems Gabriel found himself a powerful seer, one that saw through our enchantments."

"So what now?" Sebastian asked. "If Victoria is your queen..."

"Then as her mate you are our king!" Mia clapped her hands. "Congratulations!"

Sebastian exhaled slowly. "And you are pleased with this? With a demon king?"

"You're exploits are well known King Sebastian. And you are Victoria's mate. Now the demons and elves will be aligned. The council is more than pleased."

Shaking Victoria clutched at Sebastian's shirt. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Are you alright, little one?"

"It's...that's a lot to take in."

"So what happens now?" Sebastian asked.

"I can remove the binding from Adora's name. Once that happens all will know." Mia gave them a look of caution. "Everyone will remember. Victoria will also need to come to the elven realm to take her throne."

Her breath caught. "I don't want to leave Sebastian."

"Oh, he'll be going as well." Mia laughed. "And don't worry, it's not forever. Just a fancy ceremony, a month long celebration and much drinking and sex."

Victoria blinked, maybe the elves weren't so bad after all. She had seriously misjudged.

"We'll need to discuss this further," Sebastian said. "And Victoria will need time to come to terms with this. I'm sure you understand, Mia."

"Of course! Let me know when you're ready and I will release the binding." Jumping up from the desk Mia bounded to Victoria and gave her a hard hug. "I am so happy my queen!"


Laying back on the bed Sebastian stroked his claws down Victoria's back.

"I'm a queen," she mumbled. "Queen of the fucking elves."

He chuckled. She'd said that over dozen times in the past few hours. "You are."

"I'm a queen Sebastian."

"You were already a queen love, of the demons," he reminded her.

"Yea, of the demons. Not the freaking elves!" Rising up on her hands she stared down at him. "And you're their king."

Reaching up he brushed a long strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you okay with that?"

"What? Why wouldn't I be?"

Sebastian frowned. "When you agreed to be my mate you didn't know you were a queen-"

She pressed her fingers to his lips, cutting him off. "I love you. You're my mate."

"Victoria," he murmured.

"You remember the night I became immortal, when the ghouls attacked me?" she asked softly. "I know the exact moment I became immortal. I felt it. Do you know what I was thinking just before?"

He shook his head, holding his breath.

Leaning down she kissed him. "I was thinking if they took me away I would never see you again. And I couldn't bare it. I wished I could be stronger, so I could fight and stay with you. I became immortal because I wanted to be with you. You've claimed me Demon King, forever."

Filled with emotion he buried his hands in her long hair. Victoria was always meant to be his. Perhaps demon mates were preordained after all. "I love you, Victoria."

She rolled her eyes, "Duh, Sherlock I kinda knew that."

"So sassy." Slapping her backside he rolled her over, pinning her beneath him. "So a month of celebration, huh?"

Victoria grinned, arching her back to press her sex against his already stiffening shaft. "And sex."

Groaning he entered her in one smooth move. "I think we can start that part early, little one."

The End

AN: Yea!! Victoria is queen of the elves! Bet you didn't see that coming! I hope you enjoyed the story.

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