《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Twenty-Two - Overwhelming Pleasure


Overwhelming Pleasure

As Sebastian carried her through the castle Victoria didn't try to fight him. Instead she pressed her cheek against his strong back, his skin hot against her own. One of his big hands covered her ass, kneading her curves.

Mine. The word replayed in her head over and over. The way he said it and the look in his eyes...

Reaching the opposite wing he entered an unfamiliar bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.

Victoria knew instantly that this was his room. The antique furniture was dark and masculine, marred with scratches. The walls had deep claw marks and gouges embedded in the stone. His scent was everywhere, making her head spin.

Why had she never noticed his scent before? Warm and masculine, it was delicious.

Sebastian strode straight into an enormous bathroom. Without a word he turned on the shower. Then he gave her ass a hard squeeze before sliding her slowly down his body until her feet hit the floor.

Her breath hitched when he took a step back and stripped off his clothes. With fast movements he shredded off his bloody shirt and shoved his jeans to the floor. His erection jutted from his body, the tip moist.

He was magnificent.

Sebastian's hard shaft was the same dark blue as his body, a thick vein running along the underside. It jerked under her gaze, a pearly bead forming on the head. Unconsciously she licked her lips.

He made a low sound and reached for her. Victoria didn't try to stop him as he tore away her clothes, tossing them aside. With one flick of his claw her panties fell to the floor. Then he pulled her into the shower stall, maneuvering them under the hot spray.

Neither one of them spoke as he washed himself, cleaning away the evidence of his brutality from not just moments before. Victoria wondered if he could speak even if he wanted too, she knew the demon within was high in him. His golden eyes were still glowing.

When he was cleaned of blood Sebastian turned her to face the shower wall. She shivered as he washed her hair, his claws scrapping softly along her scalp. As he worked her eyes grew heavy, her body relaxing.

Rinsing her hair Sebastian soaped up his hands, spreading the soft suds over her shoulders, massaging her stiff muscles.

He didn't give her time to think about what had just happened or the horrible creatures left dead in her room. All she knew was the feel of his warm hands over her skin and his hard shaft throbbing against her back.

Sliding his hands over her front Sebastian pressed closer, his warm body flush against her own. She whimpered when he cupped her wet breasts, stroking his thumbs over her nipples.

Her skin felt hyper sensitive, her body thrumming. The sound of the water pelting against the tile was so loud she wanted to cover her ears. Everything was magnified, scents, sounds, the lights...

His touch.

"Wait," she gasped.

He spun her around, backing her up against the tile. Bracing his forearm over her head he caged her in, his heated gaze boring down at her. She knew what he needed, just like that day in the snow.

"Bastian..." Eyes wide Victoria stared up at him. Whatever Sebastian saw on her face made him growl. Lowering his head he kissed her deeply.

Victoria moaned as his hot tongue plunged between her lips, urgent and demanding. She was so hot and needy for him. She wanted her demon badly, the desire beyond anything she had ever felt before. It almost frightened her.


His dark hand slid down over her belly and cupped her sex. She cried out, the intensity of his touch searing through her. The light glared, hurting her eyes. She squeezed them shut, focusing on the feel of his hand as he rubbed it against her sex.

When his finger moved to stroke her swollen clitoris she nearly lost it. Her eyes flew open, her chest heaving. She grabbed at his wrist, stilling his movements. "It's too much. I can't..."

He snarled, his finger never ceasing its slow strokes. She cried out again, her head falling back against the tile. Her legs shook as she tried to take the pleasure. Never had it felt this powerful.

She couldn't stand it.

"Please, stop. I can't, Bastian," she begged on a sob.

His body was tense; his eyes narrow as he stared down at her. She could see the struggle in those golden orbs. After a moment he stopped, slamming his open palm against the wall beside her head, crushing the tiles.

Bowing his head he dragged in deep breaths, his massive body shaking. Then his head shot up. He reached for her wrist, guiding her hand to his throbbing erection.

"Ease me," he managed to rumble, his accent so thick she almost didn't understand him.

Flushing she wrapped her hand around his shaft. He was so big her fingers couldn't fit all the way around. Tentatively she stroked, biting her lip. Sebastian groaned and shuddered, his hand returning to lay flat against the broken tile beside her head.

Even with her mind in turmoil and her senses on overdrive Victoria couldn't deny him this. She stroked her thumb over the throbbing head, spreading the beads of moisture there.

Sebastian gave another low growl, his forehead dropping to the wall above his forearm. Encouraged she slid her hand down his length, squeezing at the base before cupping his tightly drawn testicles.

His hips surged forward as he rammed a horn into the wall. His forearm stopped the broken pieces of tile from falling on her but she wouldn't have cared. She loved his reactions to her touch.

She stroked him again. His erection was hot, pulsing against her palm. Rough groans sounded in his chest as his hips began to thrust, fucking her hand. The tile was quickly disintegrating above her as he slammed and rubbed his horns against it, his claws digging into the wall. She could hear his heart hammering in his chest, loud and strong.

When she squeezed the head of his shaft Sebastian shouted her name. "That's it, female," he grated. "Harder."

Victoria tightened her grip; he rewarded her with a deep guttural moan. His head descended, burying into her neck, licking her skin. He began to rasp in that foreign language, his hips bucking erratically. His big hand palmed her breast, squeezing the hard nipple.

She was so aroused her body felt like it would explode. But she knew she couldn't stand the pleasure. She tried to focus only on Sebastian, on the feel of him in her hand and the sounds of pleasure he made for her.

"Making me come," he warned roughly. Then he stiffened, snapping up straight and shouting as he came. She watched with fascination as his seed left his body, coating her wrist and the shower wall.

The water washing away his seed Sebastian pulled her against him, kissing and nuzzling the top of her head. Victoria sighed, rubbing her cheek against his hard chest and listening to his slowing heartbeat.

After a moment Sebastian shut off the water, pulling her out of the shower and wrapping her in a thick towel. She peered up at him as he dried her then himself. His eyes were no longer glowing, his face less strained.


The demon was retreating back into its cage.

He exhaled loudly, pulling her against his chest once more. "Victoria."

"Something's wrong with me," she whispered. "Everything is too loud...and bright."

"There is nothing wrong with you, little one." Grasping her shoulders he met her eyes. "You're immortal."


Sebastian watched Victoria's face as his words sank in. First there was confusion, then disbelief. She paled and murmured, "I need to sit down."

The urge to care for her seized him. Wrapping a large towel around her shoulders he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

Setting her down on the edge he hastened to his closet and dug out a pair of jeans, yanking them on jerkily. Fury was still rolling inside him, the monster not yet fully in its cage. Even though Victoria had pleasured him it still demanded he claim what was his. The internal battle he'd waged in the shower had been fierce.

He needed to fuck and mark her, to have his scent all over her.

Snagging a white dress shirt he went back to Victoria. She didn't resist when he tugged off her towel. "Lift your arms little one."

She did obediently as he pulled his shirt down over her head. Stepping back he swallowed at how fucking hot she looked in his shirt. She needs you. Focus.

Snatching up a bottle of whiskey he poured her a glass. "Here." Her hands shook when she took it, raising the glass to her lips. "Easy now."

She snorted then drowned the glass in one go. Wheezing she handed it back to him. "More, please."

Shaking his head he poured her another. His brows shot up when she drowned that glass just as quickly. "This is strong stuff, little one."

Rolling her eyes she waved her glass at him. "I'm in shock."

Sighing he poured another glass. When Victoria went to take it he held it just out of her reach. "Slowly."

"Okay." Taking the glass she took a sip. "What were those things in my room?"

He raked a hand through his hair. "Ghouls. They're nasty creatures created by necromancers." And when he found the fucker who summoned them he'd rip him apart. "They can make themselves invisible. I'm sorry, Victoria. I felt something was off and I ignored it. I didn't protect you."

"Yes, you did. They would have taken me if not for you." She visibly shuddered. "How did they get in?"

"I suspect when Jasper lowered the wards for the vampires they slipped through."

"What would a necromancer want with me?"

"He probably works for Shaw or the Mad One."

She scowled. "You mean Gabriel, the forsaken that leads the Legion."


"What does he want with me? What do any of them want with me?" she cried.

"I don't know." But I'm going to find out if it kills me.

"How do we know there aren't more?" She gasped, sitting up right. "What if they are in this room right now?"

"They aren't. Ghouls are not that dangerous for our kind. We can normally sense them, smell and hear them even when invisible. That's why I never thought to guard against them." Sighing he stroked a lock of her wet hair. "But for mortals they can be very dangerous."

"Like me..." she mumbled.

"Yes. But not anymore," he said roughly. Although he was furious over what had happened he was also thrilled. His little halfling was immortal. No longer did he have to fear losing her.

"How do you know?"

"I know. Your scent has changed. And you're stronger. When you grabbed my wrist in the shower I could feel it. If I had been human you would have broken it."

She gawked at him. "Seriously?"

"You feel it too. Sounds are louder, clearer. Your eyesight and sense of smell is stronger. And your body is more sensitive now, yes?"

Blushing she nodded. "I can't stand it..."

Sitting beside her Sebastian pulled her against him. "I know it must be overwhelming but you'll grow used to it. All mortals go through this when they transition."

"My body doesn't feel like it's my own," she mumbled. "I knew this was possible but I never thought it would actually happen."

"I had suspected it might," he admitted. He had certainly fucking hoped.

Her brows rose. "You had?"

"After that night in the snow. When you ran through the castle you were so damn fast little one, I could hardly keep up with you. Elves are notorious for their speed."

After a moment she smiled weakly. "I've never run that fast before."

He dropped his gaze. "You must have really wanted to get away from me then..."

"It's not that. I mean you were being a total ass but...I just needed to get away..." she broke off, nuzzling his chest.

He grunted as his cock hardened, filling his jeans. Ignoring it he asked, "Because you were afraid?"

"Not of your form." Avoiding his gaze she murmured shyly, "I think you're handsome."

His heart slammed in his chest. She did?

"It's your temper," she admitted.

He gazed at her quietly before finally stating softly, "It's hard for me."

"What is?"

"Controlling it, the rage." He sighed. "The demon in me is instinctual. It's hard to control."

Victoria thought for a moment before whispering, "And what about the man?"

Sebastian snorted, rubbing a hand over one of his horns. "I fear the man is gone."

"I don't believe that," she murmured.

"You might just prove that to be true."

She smiled at that. Then she kissed his cheek. When she leaned back they both stared at each other. Her lips parted, the air sizzled.

With a groan he set her away from him and stood over her. "How can you not fear me?"

"Don't get me wrong, you are pretty terrifying..."

He winced.

She shook her head. "Not like that! I mean you do look scary but you also look pretty hot too."

He couldn't believe she was saying this. "You only say that because you don't know what I'm capable of."

"Uh...I did watch you slaughter those ghouls like it was child's play." She smirked. "I mean granted I don't know a lot about the supernatural but I'm pretty sure that would be considered badass."

"Badass..." He felt himself smiling. Is that how his female saw him, as a strong warrior? One that could protect her? The idea made him want to puff out his chest with pride.

"Plus, I...um..." she broke off, flushing bright red.

He raised his brows, anxious to know what else she thought of him. "You what?"

She shrugged before mumbling, "I like you."

Sebastian's heart pinged. Had Victoria just confessed to him? "You do?"

She peeked up at him. "A lot."

He hissed in a breath, his chest swelling. "It pleases me to hear you say that, Victoria. Earlier I wanted to tell you something."

"You mean aside from the no sex? Which I have not agreed to by the way, you know, once I don't think I'll explode just from you touching me."

His jaw dropped. With considerable effort he snapped it shut and forced himself not to rip her bloody fucking shirt off. "I will not be moved on that."

"But if I'm immortal now you can't hurt me right?"

God, it pleased him that she wanted him so badly. "I can still hurt you, Victoria." He could rip her apart if he wanted too. "But that's not the only reason."

"What's the other?"

Clearing his throat nervously he confessed, "I would like there to be more between us."

"You mean like a relationship more?" she breathed.

"Yes." He suddenly found himself on edge. What if she rejected him? Then I'll convince her. "I know we didn't have the best start but I would like a chance to win you over."

She frowned. "Oh..."

"You don't want that?" His hands clenched.

To his shock she grinned. Standing she wrapped her arms around his waist. Desire hit him hard. "That makes me really happy, Bastian."

"It does?" he choked.

She rubbed her cheek against his chest. "I was really nervous. I've never told anyone I liked them before."

Shit, if she kept this going he was going to explode with lust.

"What about your old boyfriends?" He meant to ask the question casually but the words came out as more of a growl. What he really wanted to know was how many there had been, where they lived, and if he killed them would she be upset. Not that that would stop him.

"I went out with this guy in high school, but he was more of a friend. I think I only said yes because all the other girls had boyfriends and I was lonely."

Lonely? He found it hard to imagine this beautiful woman ever being alone. "And no other males pursued you?"

She shrugged. "No."

"I find that hard to believe," he scoffed.


"Victoria, when I first saw you I nearly slaughtered the entire crowd just to take you."

Her grin widened. Sebastian's heart stuttered. "I think that might be the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"It's true," he grated.

She leaned her head against his chest. Sebastian could feel her smiling. "I want there to be more. But...I have conditions."

That made him frown. "Conditions?"

"You have to promise to try and control your temper." He opened his mouth to object but she cut him off, "I don't expect you to change overnight but we can work on it, together."

Together. She would do that for him?

"And I want to see my father."

He stiffened. "Victoria..."

"I know, it isn't safe. But when you think it is I want to see him. He's family, Sebastian."

The idea of her leaving worried him but Sebastian knew he couldn't force her to stay. Not if he wanted more. Clutching her waist he nodded. "Alright. But only if I deem it safe."


He smiled. "Any other conditions, little one?"

She blushed. "You keep calling me pet names. I really like them."

"Very well," he laughed.

Standing up on her toes she kissed him. He forced himself to stand still, letting her lips move against his own. If he kissed her back Sebastian knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking more.

Sighing she leaned back. "I should put some more clothes on." Her eyes went wide as if she'd just realized something. "What about my room? It's covered in blood."

"I'm sure Jasper already has the witches on it. In a couple hours it will be as if it never happened."

Biting her lip she said, "I don't think I want to go back to that room. Can't I just stay here?"

Fuck! Desire and pleasure hit him like a tidal wave. His hands clenching around her waist he just stopped himself from shoving her down onto the bed. "You want to stay here with me?" In my bed?

"If you don't want me too..."

"I do. That...pleases me greatly," he said roughly. "I'll have the staff move your things."

She smiled. "Okay."

Dragging in a deep breath he kissed the top of her head. Victoria would be sleeping in his room, in his bed, with him. Fuck, how could he resist such a temptation?

"Bastian," she murmured.

He sighed. "Yes, little one?"

She kissed his chest. "I think I'm drunk."

Sebastian bit back a groan, he was so fucked.

AN: Yea!! Victoria is immortal!! Did you see that coming?

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