《Zyon: The Alpha Of The North》Chapter Twenty-Three


I say quietly.

Zyon snarls out.

I shake my head no. Zarah says, as she moves towards me. She comes up next to me, cradling my head, trying to lessen the pain from being thrown onto the floor so many times. I grab onto her hand. I am genuinely scared of what Zyon's reaction is going to be to this revelation.

His eyes are still flickering from golden to hazel, as he turns around and throws a punch to the wall. He leaves a crack. When he turns around, his eyes are hazel again. He takes a step towards me, but I just grab onto Zarah's hand harder and move closer into her, which again he doesn't take well.

The Gamma rushes towards Zarah, trying to get her to stand up. But she refuses and smacks his hand away.

Her mate doesn't listen to her. He rips her away from me and drags her out of the room, while she yells profanities at him. I'm still on the floor, looking at Zyon with wide eyes.

He states.

I say quietly.

My head is still a little dizzy, but I stagger up nonetheless. He grabs onto me.

I shake my head.

I nod.

For some reason, I'm finding it hard to speak. His expression is blank. I want to know what is going through his head. He isn't giving away what he's thinking, all he's doing is asking questions. He grabs my hand, looking at my bruised knuckles and then at the small purple bruises that are starting to form on my stomach.

His eyes soften and harden, with regret and anger passing through his eyes. It's almost as if he can't settle on an emotion. I think he settles on anger, but then again that shouldn't surprise me. Of course the Alpha of the North would get angry. His eyes begin flickering again, and his canines emerge. In a voice that isn't his own, he chokes out,

The minute those words leave his lips, it takes me less than a second to remove myself from his arms and run out of the gym as fast as I can, straight back into Zyon's room. I lock the door, as I slide down and sit next to the door, head tucked between my knees. I feel ashamed, knowing that he knows about my dormant wolf, but also a little scared, because I know he wouldn't let this go.

I'm starting to lose count of all the things I know he won't let go off. I stay near the door until a little while later, when I hear the front door of the wing bang shut. I know he's left. That's what finally gives me the energy to get myself off the floor. I hear two little knocks on the door. Lita and Rita call out to me, and I open the door of Zyon's room to let them in.

For once, I am grateful for their help. They help me bathe, get dressed and change. My body is sore from the training, and I knew it would just be worse tomorrow. Lita and Rita bring me my breakfast and then leave me in the room with a bunch of books on the role of a Luna, that I don't really bother to read. I am not going to stick around long enough to be Luna anyways.

The books remind me how little time I have to convince Zyon to take another. He intends to mark me by the end of the week. I know the mate bond is starting to affect me once more because I find that I have to consciously remind myself that I won't be sticking around here to long.


I let my thoughts drift off to Daniel. I wonder how he's doing. I wonder what his family thinks off me. I was too much of a coward to break things off to his face and left a wimpy note. The extent to which regret and guilt pool in my stomach makes me sick. I need to know how he's doing, but there's no way to get in touch with him.

The other concern that overshadows my mind is Zyon's threat. He intends to kill Daniel. I can only hope that Daniel took heed to my warning and has not returned to our apartment. I hope he is making a life for himself away from Snowstorm pack territory.

My train of thought is interrupted, by a man, followed by a nurse, Lita and Rita entering the room.

I feel warmth and affection for Zyon pool in my stomach, that I consciously shake away. Goddess, he threw me onto the floor like five times. Sending the pack doctor up to me is the least he can do.

I see Ramsey pause. He hesitates for a minute before he continues,

I notice that he still does not call me by my name, but as long as he doesn't address me as Luna, is something I can accept. He examines my bruises and my ribs. Fortunately, I don't have any severe injuries. My body is just sore. He gives me a couple of pills anyways, and then takes his leave, but before he does, I call out,

I feel my eyes growing wide. A solution. He already has the department working on a solution. I don't know what to think. The possibility of being whole again- getting back my wolf, causes thrills to run through my body and a new feeling of excitement settles over my body, but that is slowly overtaken by the reality that even if I do get my wolf back, if I don't stick around Zyon, she would become dormant again.

The doctor takes his leave and I'm left wondering how I'm going to make it out of this mess. If Zyon does manage to get my wolf back, I would have to go through a first shift again. Shifting after all these years, goddess it could potentially kill me. I promise myself I would do whatever I could to stop the process of getting back my wolf. I just couldn't handle getting her back again and then losing her. It would scar me too much emotionally.

The frustration that overtakes me over the loss of my wolf, the current position I'm in, the thought of getting her back, my entire journey with Zyon, his decision to take another years ago, and his persistence to keep me in his life, is making me lose my mind. My eyes narrow onto the books on Luna roles on the floor, and before I know it, I've picked up the books, torn out the pages and thrown them against the wall. It also redirects my attention towards the fact that I haven't seen Violet since I've been back, and that she hasn't come to teach me about Luna duties herself. She probably doesn't want to be around me, considering I've tricked and stabbed her in the back in both the interactions I have had with her. I decide to apologize to her at dinner tonight or at least try to make personal amends with her. She's only ever been nice to me.

I sit down onto the floor, drowning in my own thoughts until the door to the bedroom flies open and Zyon walks in. I look up at him from my position on the floor, as his eyes take in the room, narrowing on the destroyed books on the floor. I see his jaw clench and his eyes harden when they snap back to me.


He says.

I get up from off the floor, but don't walk towards him.

I say firmly.

I reiterate.

Before I can blink, he's standing in front of me. He grabs onto my face, squeezing my face in a firm grip.

He lets go off my face, takes a few steps away from me and raises an eyebrow, almost daring me to disobey him.

Just as I complete this sentence, I know I'm done for. His expression shifts to reveal a stone-cold interior.

Zyon isn't having it though. He grabs my arm and harsly pulls me out of the room. I dig my heels into the ground, but it does nothing to deter him. He drags me out of the wing, down the elevator onto the basement level and practically throws me into the passenger seats of one of his cars. He leans over me, buckling me into place, with a seat belt.

He instructs.

Stay? What am I? A dog? Doesn't he know by now? I'm not great at following instructions. He slams the door shut and of-course my first instinct is to go for the car door, while he makes his way around the car.

I should have known though that the door was child-locked and my escape attempt does nothing, but piss him off further. He slides into the driver's seat and the engine roars to life.

He just ignores me, as he speedily drives out of the basement. His driving is reckless and fast, and he excessively speeds down the main road, in an obvious rush to get to the medical unit.

What he doesn't know is that excessive speeding and driving cars recklessly scares me. His careless driving causes me to yell at him.

He makes no effort to slow down, and when we approach the traffic light he harshly presses down on the brakes. My body lurches forward, and then my head smacks back against the seat. I struggle to calm my racing heartbeat and the palms of my hands are white from holding onto the seat.

He looks at my disheveled state, but clearly enjoys the fear etched out onto my face because he just smiles and as soon as the light transitions from red to yellow, he's speeding down the road again and I'm yelling at him to stop. He seems to increase his speed, every time I yell. Clearly, this is some version of him taking his anger out on me.

We finally reach our destination. A plain white, large building, with the words "Midnight's Medical Unit" on it.

Zyon brings the car to a stop, and looks over at me with the most malicious expression on his face.

I grit out.

His expression only intensifies. He gets out of the car slowly, stretches and then makes his way over to my side. He opens the door, as I unbuckle my seat belt and fly out of the damn deathtrap, taking heavy breaths and glad that I'm standing on solid, unmoving ground. He doesn't let me get too far though. His arm clasps onto me, and starts dragging me towards the building. As always, my heels are digging into the ground, but I'm too weak to fight him.

We go in the back entrance. I wonder why he doesn't take me in from the front, but I don't ask. I just continue my attempt to get away from him. We go up an elevator and get out on the 13th floor. The entire floor is white. There's no colour. The floors, wall, décor everything is white. It for some reason makes me feel uneasy. There's a vase with white flowers coming up, in my reach on a table in the hallway. I grab it as Zyon pulls me down the hallway, and throw it at him. It doesn't hit him but flies past him, landing on the floor and shattering into a million glass pieces.

He pauses, turns around and his eyes flash golden.

With that he's grabbed my arm again, and I'm being pulled into a room. There's a large table in the middle of the room, more like a large counter. It looks like a testing lab, there's syringes, glass beakers, test tubes, and needles all on it.

He pulls me forward leaning my back against the counter and stands in front of me. He holds my upper arms down onto the counter tightly. My face reaches his shoulders, as I struggle in his grip. A line of three doctors enters the room- Dr. Ramsey included.

Zyon greets.

They greet back.

Zyon lies.

I scoff. He's face-saving in front of his pack.

Doctor Ramsey says.

He opens a draw and pulls out a syringe. My mind goes into overdrive. This can't happen. It would only get them a step closer to getting back my wolf. As the doctor moves closer to me, Zyon releases one of my arms because Ramsey would need to draw blood. Big mistake on his part, though because the next thing I do is pick up a glass beaker and slam it into the side of Zyon's head. It shatters into a million pieces, and the glass pierces his skin on the side of his head.

The doctors jump back in shock at what I've done as blood begins to trickle out from the side of Zyon's head. He remains standing up and I'm shocked that he didn't pass out or even fall down. How much pain tolerance does he have? It does shock him enough that he lets go of my other arm. I use the minute I get to grab two more glass beakers and throw them at the doctors. They jump back from where the glass shatters. And I use that opportunity to make an escape from the room, but before I can run out, Zyon has his arms wrapped around me. I'm lifted into the air, and then thrown onto the floor, near the shattered glass. My arms lands underneath me, onto the glass, creating cuts all along my skin, as my blood begins to pool out.

The doctors just stand on the side in shock. I wonder what they think of their Alpha and Luna attacking each other. If I wasn't in the situation I am in right now, I would probably find it amusing. Within a second, I feel Zyon grab me from off the floor, as I kick and fight him.

Suddenly, I feel his mouth postioned against my neck, his canines are extending and are touching the skin on my neck.

My body goes rigidly still.

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