《Zyon: The Alpha Of The North》Chapter Twenty-One


The sun's streaming in through the curtains, and it wakes me up from the deep, comfortable sleep I'm in. The first thing I realize when I wake up, is how much pain my arm is in from being in one place all night. I can barely move it.

Zyon's fast asleep on his back next to me. I look over and see the key to my cuffs on his bedside. The desperation to get out of these cuffs causes me to flip over and get on my knees. I put a leg over Zyon so that I'm practically straddling him. I'm glad he's asleep. I reach over to grab the key with my one free hand, but the chain is short and I'm not able to lean over completely. A couple more, careful attempts that make me feel like the skin on my wrist attached to the cuff is going to come off, but I manage to grab onto the key. Just as I do, I feel two hands, clamp onto my thighs. I barely have time to look down and process that he's awake, when I'm thrown off him roughly, onto my back and this time he's on top, with his arms next to my head.

Clearly, he's annoyed that he woke up to me trying to get out off my cuff.

He growls into my face.

My eyes go wide. This man is insane, I know he makes good on his threats.

His eyes flash golden. He grabs onto my other wrist, and places it above my head. I see the canines in his mouth extend as he takes a couple of breaths to calm himself.

With that, he's off me and uncuffed me. My eyes are filling with tears. I know he could potentially harm, even kill Daniel and I know he'd do it to get revenge.


Training. I had completely forgotten about that. Wolf-training. I couldn't. I had to find some way out of it.

He looks at me and snarls.

He grabs my previously cuffed arm and pulls me out of bed and straight into the bathroom.

He turns out and moves his hand away from my arm to the back of my head. He pulls my hair back, so now im looking directly into his eyes. He pulls back hard and I'm forced to keep taking steps back as he keeps walking forward. My back finally touches a counter and he grabs my hips, pushes me up and places me on the counter. Within a span of a second, my legs are pulled apart and he's placed himself between them. I'm struggling to pull the shirt, that's risen up on my thighs down, but he maintains direct eye contact with me.

I spit out.

His words struck a cord in me. I felt conflicted. Every time the man was rough with me and had his way with me, I enjoyed it. I kept attributing it to the mate bond, but what if... I push these thoughts away. He's messing with my mind. I push my palms against his chest, trying to get him away from me as I slide myself down from the counter. He doesn't move and this does nothing except for the fact that my body is now closer to his. He just grins and moves my hair behind my shoulder. His pulls his shirt down from one shoulder and places his lips down on the skin, biting and kissing. I'm still trying to push him away because what he's said earlier is running through my mind, until he grabs my hair and pulls back once again, giving him access to my neck. I let out a gasp, and he uses his other hand to move up my thigh. I keep banging and pushing on his chest until he lets out an exasperated sigh. He lets go off my hair and moves his face away from my neck and looks at me.


I just look at him.

I see the way he smirks to hear me stutter.

He doesn't have to say anymore. I slam my lips down on his, and wrap my legs around his waist. Goddess he feels so good. Sparks are exploding around my legs, my arms, my mouth. He kisses me back, rough but with passion and I'm overwhelmed with how good it feels. He bites down on my lip and I let him into my mouth without a second thought. At this point, I'm not even thinking about Daniel. I channel all the yearning from all the years I loved him into this kiss, all the conversations I had with Zarah about him being mine. For a couple of minutes, I truly let myself believe he's mine. I become that fifteen year old girl and kiss him with all the passion I can muster up within me, as I run my hands through his hair. I even felt my wolf stir, but all I could focus on was his lips. That is, until he breaks the kiss.

His eyes are full of anger. My wolf goes dormant again. I'm confused. I'm not sure why he's angry. He grabs my throat and bangs my head against the mirror. He growls out. He's holding onto my throat so hard that I'm struggling to breathe. He lets go, when I scratch at his hands and I gasp, trying to regain control of my breathing.

And then he leaves, while I struggle to breathe. He's so bipolar. But even though he's slammed me into a mirror and choked me, and even though I hate myself for it, I touch my fingers to my lips and smile a little. I can't help but have enjoyed that kiss. My younger self has never been so overjoyed. And my lips won't stop tingling. No kiss before this one, has ever felt as good as that. And even accepting that, letting myself accept it, is a struggle for me. I hop of the shower, lock the bathroom door and get into the shower.

As I'm showering, the thoughts of what he said about his control over me fly into my mind. I'm let reeling from my own realizations. The kiss I just had with him? I enjoyed it. Enjoyed it so much that I'd never enjoyed a kiss as much with anyone ever before. By anyone, I mean Daniel. But he blackmailed me into kissing him, he controlled my actions. Could I really be enjoying the control that he showed over me? But all I did, for so many years was try to regain the control I lost in my life. How could I enjoy his dominating, domineering nature?

I was suddenly pissed off again that he was messing with my mind. I couldn't let him do this to me. All he wanted was for me to give in to him and if I didn't he'd manipulate me into giving in to him. I really needed to keep my wits around him. The mate bond didn't make it any easier. Apart from these concerns was the most pressing concern of all: How was I going to get through training with a dormant wolf?

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