《Zyon: The Alpha Of The North》Chapter Nineteen


I'm already aware that if Zyon caught me this time, it wouldn't be pretty. I don't think I was fully ready for his anger though. When his face is two inches close to me, is when I truly see the anger behind those hazel eyes. He hasn't enjoyed the chase and he definitely isn't enjoying my defiance any longer.

He whispers into my ear. Then I feel him inject something into my arm. My head gets a little dizzy, and I feel myself beginning to black out.

With that, I pass out.

The effects of being drugged on a wolf less body are quite extreme. When I regain consciousness, my head still feels heavy and my body just feels tired. I slowly take in my surroundings. I'm back in Zyon's room. That means I have been unconscious for several hours. The journey back to his pack was long. I wonder how many times he drugged me to keep me unconscious. I try to use my hands to lift up my body, but find that I can't move them. I've been handcuffed to his bed.

I'm starting to regain my consciousness and thought process, as well as a little bit of energy. I tug at my arms, but I just hear the rattling of chains. My arms are above my head, handcuffed essentially leaving my body immobile except for my legs. I tug at the chains, but it's no use. I can't get out of them. I turn my head to the right and to my surprise I find Zyon sitting there, on the couch, glass of whisky in his hand. He just watches me struggle.

He ignores my pleas. I tug at the cuffs again, and kick about with my legs, letting out little groans.

He takes a sip of whisky, places his glass down and stands up. He walks over to me, and pulls out a key from his pocket. He uncuffs me and slips the cuffs off my wrists but holds my arms above my head, as he leans his face in, closer to mine. He snarls into my face, and just like that, he's carrying me out of the room.

I can tell he's livid from his tone and the way he's handling me. His touch before was gentle. This time, he's rough with me. He doesn't give me a chance to allow my arms to get comfortable, just pulled me up and carried me away. As he walks out of the wing, my feet slam against the wall as I let out a cry of pain. But he pays no attention.


I try to get out of his arms, but I don't have enough energy to struggle. My body still hasn't fully recovered.

He doesn't reply, just gets into the elevator, where he makes me stand. Finally letting go off me as he punches the button for two floors above the one we're on. When the doors open up, he pulls me out harshly via my upper arm. I can barely keep up with his long, fast strides. He doesn't slow down for me, but just keeps pulling me to the end of the hallway, where he pushes open a door and we're facing an outdoor pool. He turns to me, intent clear in his eyes.

I take two steps back. I realise what he's going to do, but he just grabs me, pulls me in front of his body and makes me face the pool. Then he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls my body up. He turns a deaf ear to my protests and lifts me up and throws me into the pool. Water surrounds me, filing my ears and nose. Though I can swim fairly well, my body's too tired. I can barely keep myself afloat. I see him while bobbing up and down, take off his shirt and his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. By this time, I've swallowed pool water and I'm spluttering and coughing up water, while trying to keep myself afloat, but seeing him descend the steps of the pool in just his boxers, causes a little energy to flow through me.

I turn and swim to the other end. It has no steps on that end and is a lot more deep, and I try to get myself out. Just as I've pulled myself halfway up, I feel his hands grab my waist and pull me back down. He flips me around. I look at him, my eyes wide, trying to understand what he wants. Why couldn't he just tell me to shower? Why did he need to throw me into the pool? As always, I'm trapped between him and the pool wall, except this time, I'm trying to keep myself afloat and he's no help, even though his feel touch the ground. The pool isn't deep for him.

I hear him say.

I realize what he wants. He threw me in the pool knowingly. He knows I'm weak right now and wouldn't be able to fight him whilst trying to keep myself afloat. I flip myself back around and try to get out of the pool again, but he just grabs my legs and pulls me back down. My back is to him, and he whispers into my ear.


I don't make an attempt to move so he flips me back around and looks me in the eye. His hands find their way to the button of my jeans, unbuttons them and then he pulls down the zip. My hands push at his chest, but it does nothing to deter him. He just grabs the sides and pulls down. It's harder in the water so I find myself being lifted up, until I'm sat on the edge of the pool, which essentially makes it easier for him to take them off. The minute I'm up there, I try to get up, but his hands clamp down on my ankles. I still twist around onto my stomach, using my nails, and my hands to claw away from the pool, but he unforgivingly pulls on my ankles and I slide back into the water. I'm left in my black t-shirt and black cotton undies in front of him. His hands grab my shirt, but I grab his hands.

He growls out in frustration, and I see his nails transition to claws. He takes a step towards me, essentially pushing me harder against the wall and then rips the front of my t-shirt in half, within a second. I'm instantly self conscious. I'm floating in a pool with my mate, in a black bra and undies. I can't get away because I don't have enough energy and he clearly isn't done with me.

When his hands reach for my underwear, I instantly slap them away.

He growls, as he reaches for my underwear again, I slap his hands away.

He throws his head back and just laughs. It's the most evil, maniac laugh I've ever heard in my life.

It's all I could get out as images of him touching me suddenly fill my mind. Subconsciously, I want him to touch me. Consciously, I'm too panicked and insecure.

He tilts my face up, and brings his lips down to mine. The sparks explode. I don't kiss him back, I'm too shocked. Zyon is kissing me. His lips are rough against mine. The kiss is punishing. He isn't being gentle with it. It's so different from what I've experienced before. Even with his roughness I don't mind. He bites down on my lower lip, but I don't respond. So his hand goes behind my body and grabs my ass. He grabs on so hard that my mouth opens to let out a yelp. He uses the opportunity to slip his tounge into my mouth and that's when my entire thought process goes out the window. I start to kiss him back, our tounges intermingling with each other. I move closer to him, enjoying how perfect and different he feels. But just as I'm thinking about how different this kiss is, Daniel pops up in my mind. I break our kiss as I turn my head to the side to breathe in some air. Goddess, he has a lot of stamina. I move away from him, further against the pool wall. He notices the change that comes about in me. I say in between breaths, as guilt pools in my stomach.

He snarls out and then he's moved closer to me again. This time he brings his lips down even harsher than before. He bites my lower lip drawing blood. I bang my fists against his chest and try to move my head, but he holds my head in place with one of his hands and the other hand is around my waist. His mouth moves against mine constantly, and doesn't even give me a moment to breathe. I'm practically gasping for air when he finally lets go. But he doesn't stop. He moves down to my neck, kissing and biting me lightly wherever he can.

Just as I catch my breath, he moves his face back up to mine and bangs his lips with mine again. I'm sure my lips are swollen by now. I don't let him into my mouth this time, I keep it sealed shut. Even when his hands grab my ass, I don't let him in. I let out little moans of protest against him, but he doesn't let go, he continues to kiss me and block of my air supply. Though it feels good, and sparks explode on my skin, it feels more like he's punishing me than kissing me at this point. He finally lets go, just as I feel I'm going to pass out from suffocation. I take deep gasps of air in and try to normalize my breathing.

He moves his hands to my lips and pushes down on them, then looks directly at me.

He lifts me out of the pool, sitting me down on the edge with his hands clamped down on my ankles as always, so I can't run. He calls out for the redhead twins and they walk into the pool room, with towels in their hands.

He says, then swims away from me, getting out of the pool at the other end, and walking out the door.

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