《Zyon: The Alpha Of The North》Chapter Seven


Calling Midnight pack territory huge would be an understatement. It stretched on for miles and miles. It was probably the size of a large city, inhabited completely by werewolves. The forest was interconnected with the territory- large, beautiful, green. Looking at made me miss my wolf, the way the ground felt underneath my paws, running fast between the trees. But once you began to look past the sheer beauty and size of it, you started to pay attention to the security detail. Burly men and tall females stood as guards around the perimeter- the men in front as the foremost security detail and then women behind them. We were escorted to the large corporate pack office at the border of the Midnight territory. As Alpha Amor and I walked into the building, I smelt the intoxicating scent of my mate-rain and pinecones. As much as I didn't want it, I yearned to be near him and take in that scent.

We took the elevator up. I glanced at Alpha Amor, wondering why I was even here. I was a hiring manager, I worked in HR. This had nothing to do with me. This was a pack alliance. Why had he even wanted me here? And that's when it hit me, What if he knew? He couldn't know though. It wasn't possible. But what if he did?

We were brought to a meeting room, the door of which was opened for us. As we walked in, I drunk in the presence of my mate. In his baige work pants, tucked in black shirt that clung to him. His hair neatly combed back and his eyes- right on me. I ran my hand through my hair, to smooth it down.

Zyon seated himself across to me on the long conference table. I looked up at him to see his eyes completely trained on me as his Beta droned on and on about the specifities of the alliance. I couldn't handle the way his eyes didn't move off me so I did my best to avoid his gaze, keeping my eyes situated directly on the file in front of me as I pretended to flip through it. I had absolutely no understanding of what was going on and it was hard to even try to pay attention when all Zyon did was stare at me. Is this how he felt when all I did was stare at him through highschool? The thought was somehow amusing to me as I felt my lips curl up into a small smile.


Damn, he caught me. Why was he even focusing on me? I felt Alpha Amor shoot me a glare for disrupting an official meeting. And I felt anger rise up in me towards Zyon for calling me out.

"I say with gritted teeth. He seems to notice my predicament but it does nothing except amuse him.

The meeting concludes soon enough and I spend the rest of the time, again staring at the file while Zyon stares at me. Alpha Amor discusses specificities with the Beta, who had clearly been thoroughly briefed by Zyon.

The beta says.

Alpha Amor gets up to leave and I get up too, to follow him out.

I have never wanted to kill Amor more than ever than in that moment. I sit back down and cast my eyes back to the file, without looking up. I can't handle that eye contact with him, its too intense. I start blushing and then he gets all smug.

I spit out. I'm still pissed that he called me out during the meeting. I'm a perfectionist and a workaholic and I hate that he made me look bad Infront of my boss.

I sigh in exasperation,

He grins,

I'm so taken aback at once, but I can't help the anger that arises in me. Ofcourse, he would objectify me. "He continues.

I slam my hand onto the desk.

I freeze at the door and turn around, anger in my eyes. But I sit back down, knowing he's right and has succeeded in blackmailing me. But I continue to scowl at him.

I spit out, but I can't help the way I feel my body reacting to his statement. My toes curl and my hands become sweaty as suddenly images of him on top of me begin to invade my mind.


he commands in his alpha voice. Technically it should have no control over me, but it does from the sheer power in this voice and I suddenly begin to gauge the amount of authority he actually has. My feet move without my consent as a smug smile takes over his face, as he knows he's won this power struggle. He walks across the pack lands into a gate that leads to the pack prison.


He leads me down into a dark, dusty dungeon that is unusually cold. I didn't even know packs had dungeons like this anymore. This wasn't a prison, it was a dungeon. Dark. Cold. I could barely see where I was going. We kept going lower and lower down this old, creaky staircase, until he stops at one of the floor, .' He stops outside some steel bars and flicks on a torch. There lying in the dark, is a skinny boy, who looks like he's been starved. He has cuts and scars all along his back, as he stays on the floor in a pair of blue shorts.

Zyon yells.

He stays down, looking at Zyon defiently. I can't help but admire the resolve in those grey eyes. he hisses out.

Zyon says.

.' He spits out.

An evil, calculating look takes over Zyon's face. He looks towards one of the guards accompanying us, who leaves.

At this point, I finally gather the courage to speak. '

.' Just as I say that, the guard drags in a girl. She can't be older than eighteen. This gets the rouge's attention. He immediately starts pleading.

With that he grabs the screaming girl.

I scream, I try to get at the girl but the guard grabs me.

He looks at me and grins And with that he snaps her neck. She falls to the floor. The rouge lets out a scream and throws himself at the bars. I go numb, quiet.

he says to me. I don't know what to think. This man, he's my mate. What has he become? He's cold, cruel, calculating and evil. My mind is going into overdrive as I follow him out to the prison. All I can think about is getting far away from him. And I keep telling myself that keeping myself from him was the best decision I ever made.

We reach his office, I walk in behind him.

." I say quietly.

He grins.' I'm so repelled by him but I can't help thinking how attractive he is. I'm disgusted by myself. He killed someone in front of me. He killed an innocent. She hasn't done anything. How can I find a man like that attractive? Was this someone I had loved my entire life? Obsessed over my entire life? The thought was suddenly absurd to me.

He suddenly smirks

I feel the anger return.

I'm cut off as Alpha Amor walks in, he has finished finalising the details and the alliance has been signed. The Alphas shake hands

look at him and just glare. The sound of his laugh fills the air. I can't help the warmth I feel at the sound of his laugh. Stupid mate bond.

" I say to Alpha Amor.

With one last glare, and a formal Thank-you that I was forced to issue to Zyon, I stomp out of the room, this time knowing definetly that he's watching me leave.

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