《Brother of Wind {book five: Possession}》chapter 3
Kai, Cole, Jay and Zane walked to the edge if the bridge and jumped onto the Bounty's deck.
"Take positions!" Wu instructed. The ninja peeked behind the wall. Morro was chasing after them, on his dragon.
"Did he always look that scary?" Jay asked.
"Only when he's mad." Cole replied.
"You think he's mad?" Jay asked.
"Possibly." Zane replied.
The wind dragon fired a blast at the bounty.
"Port side!" Zane exclaimed. Nya jerked the lever to the side, just narrowly avoiding the blast of wind.
"The cannons!" Cole exclaimed. Jay ran to them and targeted the charged at Morro's dragon. The ninja could fly so easily that Morro was able to dodge them all. Nya jolted right and Jay slid on the deck.
"Huh-- Let me get this straight. So you're telling me that Morro's gone weird, Lloyd is passed out and won't wake up, our powers are gone for some reason, and you have no answers at all?!" Jay yelled.
"I'm sorry. But whatever is going on, we need to prevent it. Morro won't stop until he gets what he needs." Wu said.
"There's a secret message in this staff, I don't know what it leads to, but we need to find out the symbols."
"Oh of course. JUST ANOTHER DAY IN NINJAGO!" Jay shouted.
"If this is as fast as the bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble!" Cole exclaimed. Morro flew up, dispelling his dragon and landing on the bounty. He extended his staff.
"I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff!" Wu exclaimed.
"Kai and I will take you to our quarters, while Jay and Cole keep him busy!" Zane exclaimed, running of Kai following.
"Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us." Cole said.
"Yeah, we won't fare to good, why is it you get off with the easy task?!" Jay shouted.
"Because I'm the intelligent one!" Zane waved off.
"Okay, here we go!" Jay and Cole drew swords on their back and ran in. Morro blocked Jay's attack first then raised his staff towards Cole, kicking Jay back in the process.
"So, what's going on, huh?" Cole asked, pressing his sword against Morro's staff.
"If you want a literal explanation, many things." Morro pushed Cole back a little.
"Can't you ever be direct with us?" Jay yelled, kicking low.
Morro jumped up and flipped back.
"That's depending on how I'm doing on a day." Morro said.
"And so I'm guessing it's a bad day now." Cole said. Morro twirled the staff to his side.
"Oh, really?"
Nya looked down at the fight.
"Why am I steering the ship? Theres a reason autopilot was invented!" Nya exclaimed, pushing a button as a blow up pilot came up. Nya ran off to get her samurai suit.
Morro kicked Cole back into the mast as Jay jumped aside.
"Oh, great." Jay said raising his sword.
Morro's staff was knocked away from his hand by Nya and her circular blade. Jay raced to pick up the staff. Morro slashed his arm across his body, making Nya jump out of the way and wind breaking the controls. Then Morro turned around and kicked Jay back. The blue ninja dropped the staff and Morro retived it.
"Oh, that's not good." Nya said as alarms went off and the auto pilot shut off. The bounty tilted sideways and Morro jumped into the lower deck.
Zane, Wu and Kai were thrown against the wall by the sudden change of the bounty and saw Morro running in.
"Our quarters aren't much further! Go, sensei!" Zane urged.
"Kai and I will hold him back!"
Wu turned to get there as Kai and Zane advanced.
"We'll crash if we don't stabilize the bounty!" Cole cried, just hanging on to the side of the deck with Jay and Nya. The samurai used the cannon chairs to jump her way to the bridge.
"Come on! Pull up!" She desperately pulled on the steering.
"Pull up!!"
The bounty started to turn up again.
Kai drew his sword but Morro jumped up and kicked around Kai's hand, making his grip loosen and the red ninja fell back. Morro chopped his hand down on Zane's back then punched him away after.
"So, is this about something you didn't tell us?" Kai asked as the bounty changed sides again.
"Not in the mood to talk." Morro pulled his hands up and flipped back, pushing Kai away with wind.
"Yeah, you never are." Kai said.
Wu was just about to reach the door to Zane's quarters. The bounty duved down. Everyone started to fall forwards.
Zane threw a punch at Morro, but in doing so, cleared a path for a falling crate to land on the nindroid. A broken piece of wood crashing on his head after.
Kai and Morro looked at each other.
"AHHH!!" Kai shouted as he charged at Morro. He grabbed Morro's wrists and pushed. Morro winced.
"You know, this would be a lot easier if you just... ARGH! Talked to us!" Kai shouted.
"That's a matter of if I want to and if I want you to worry!" Morro yelled back.
"Well, you should. Because we're all pretty worried right now!" Kai yelled.
As the bounty dived down, Lloyd fell off of where Zane had placed him. He landed on his back against the wall.
"Khh--" Morro pushed against Kai.
"You should just stop fighting!" Morro said.
"Well, you don't give up, why should I?!" Kai yelled.
With had made it into the quarters to find desks and tools tumbling around in the room.
Jay and Cole made it back up to the bridge just in time to see and upcoming mountain.
"J--uh. Are you aiming for that mountain?!" Jay screamed.
"Trying to rise above it!" Nya yelled.
"A little help?"
Jay and Cole grabbed the controls and they all pulled up. The bounty was able to fly up, but not completely. Nya ran back and ousted the green button, setting off the thrusters at full. The bounty rocketed up in the sky to the clouds and just skimmed the top of the mountain. Jay, Nya and Cole fell forwards from impact.
Kai kicked Morro to the wall and a part of the Bounty's wall behind Kai broke open. The red ninja struggled to stay holding on.
"I'm coming, Kai!" Zane shouted, getting up. The bounty turned all the way up and everyone fell to the back of the ship now.
"AAAAHHH!" Kai yelled. Morro grabbed Kai's hand to not let him fall.
"Oh, whose side are you on?!" Kai shouted.
"If you need the staff, then you should take it!" Wu ran up and threw the staff out the hole. Morro turned back to see Neran reappeared and jumping after it.
"What the--" Kai said.
"NERAN?!" Morro jumped after the ghost. A small bag fell out of Morro's gi.
"Neran?" Kai repeated.
Neran grabbed the staff and turned back up.
"I'm fine!" He shouted.
"I can float!"
"Well, I can't exactly, so grab my hand!" Morro reached out. Neran grabbed the wind ninja's hand and Morro pulled Neran closer to him. Morro summoned his dragon and flew down.
"I'll never get used to that." Neran said.
"The dragon?" Morro asked.
"Jumping out of that thing." Neran replied.
"Oh." Morro said.
"How often do you do that?!"
"Depends on the day."
"..." Neran thought.
"Wh-- Pardon?"
Cole and Jay ran back to the wheel and pulled up.
"Primary thrusters destabilized! Better hold on!" Nya shouted.
Morro looked to see the bounty crashing down.
"Are they okay?" Neran asked.
"I don't know. We've crashed before." Morro said.
"That's not an answer." Neran said. Morro flee down to the ground and dismissed his dragon. Then he fell right down.
"Oh. I'm tired."
"Okay, let's never do that again." Kai said as the sun started to rise.
"Oh my gosh! Lloyd!" Jay yelled. Cole ran into the wrecked bounty and carried Lloyd out.
"Is he okay?" Nya asked.
"He looks fine. Zane?" Cole asked.
Zane stepped forwards and scanned Lloyd.
"I am assuming he was tossed around in the fight, however, he seems fine." Zane said.
"Yeah, the only thing wrong is that he won't wake up!" Jay exclaimed.
"Yeah, another problem is that sensei kinda threw the staff away." Kai said.
"Really? Aw! Now we won't be able to see the secret message!" Cole exclaimed.
"Not exactly." Wu said.
"I managed to make an imprint." Wu lead the group to a wall were ink had been splattered everywhere. On the wall were three symbols.
The first was a spinjitzu tornado, but it had a more rounded top. The second was a sword in the clouds. And the third was a skull.
"But what does it all mean?" Jay asked.
"I am unsure. My father told me long ago that he would leave a message, leading me to his final resting place. After he passed, I looked everywhere for it, not knowing it was in my hand all this time." Wu said.
"You mean to tell me--" Kai started.
"Yes. These symbols will lead us to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. Only problem is, I haven't the foggiest idea what any of them mean." Wu said.
He started to walk out of the wreckage. Cole picked up Lloyd and made his way out, carefully. Nya spotted something just before the opening.
"What is this?" She picked it up.
"A tea bag?"
Zane took it to inspect.
"You are correct, Nya. It appeared to be... Wisteria." Zane analyzed.
"That fell out of Morro's gi when he jumped out." Kai said.
"Hmm... Wisteria. Could it possibly be linked wisteria?" Wu queried.
"Linked wisteria?" The ninja repeated.
"The effects of this tea have never been documented, but it is said that two who drink from the same steep will be connected as one." Wu explained.
"Did Morro drink it?" Jay asked.
"I see it as a possibility. However, who would he connect it to?" Zane asked.
"I don't know, but, if that ghost was telling Morro to find the tomb, we better find it before him." Kai said.
"We should call in Misako, since she's a total history buff." Cole suggested, placing Lloyd down gently.
"She could help with the symbols and the tea thing."
"I shall sent the falcon to inform her right away." Zane spread his arm out and a new falcon, a titanium falcon built up and flew away.
. . .
The night came and the ninja set up a fire.
"What I don't get is that Morro willingly listened to that ghost." Nya said.
"Morro said his name was Neran. And he yelled it like he knew the name for a long time." Kai said.
"What's in the tomb? Why would Morro want it?" Jay asked.
"I have a slight idea." Wu said.
"Morro would never tell this to you, I may as well."
The ninja all listened, attentively.
"Morro was my first student and my son, however, we weren't always like that."
Years in the past, a little boy with a strange green streak in his hair ran up the steps to a monastery on top of a mountain. The door opened and the little boy stopped. His clothes weren't warm and nice, but it was enough to keep him covered. Inside the monastery, Wu.
"It was not I who found Morro, but Morro who found me."
Wu placed a plate of tempura on the steps for him. The little boy quickly scooped the plate up and sat on a large rock to eat. He turned back to Wu and gave a quick little smile. That was Morro when he first found Wu.
"My brother had just gone off to train under Master Chen, which gave me time to attempt my hand at teaching."
Wu took Morro inside the monastery. He gave him a new sage green gi and started to train Morro.
Drills consisted of Wu holding Morro back, so the boy would need to push on and try to strike. Other drills went onto a four-on-one deference drill.
"Morro was the perfect student. He did everything that was ever asked of him."
Morro had gotten pushed down.
"Get up!" Wu instructed. Morro pushed himself off the ground to continue.
"I would always let Morro do what he wanted on his free time."
"Sensei. May I eat outside of the monastery today?" Morro asked. Wu nodded. Morro picked up his plate and bowed before happily rushing away.
"I had shown him things he had never seen. And he showed me a few things too."
Wu handed Morro a kite. The young boy didn't know what to do with it. Wu listed Morro's hands up but turned around at the sound of a tea kettle whistling. Wu told Morro to stay put and he ran inside.
After coming out, Wu saw behind the wall that the kite was in the air. As Wu walked outside the door, Morro had his hands out. Wind emitting from them kept the kite in the air.
"He had a power over the Wind I had never seen. He was a descendant of an Elemental Master. It was then I thought I had found the one. Perhaps he would wear green."
"Yeah, Morro told us that he had the chance to be the green ninja." Cole said.
"However, have you heard his reaction?" Wu asked.
"Morro had told us in the past that he had gotten a little mad." Zane said.
"Hm. It is true, he may not have been as an dry as he can get now. We've all seen the way he gets when the people close to him are harmed." Wu said. The ninja nodded. Morro could tear the whole bounty apart when he would get mad.
"But in this case, it was different." Wu went on.
Wind blew on the fire, making it sway.
"So... That just happened. I don't know how to feel about this." Cole said.
"Please, continue." Zane said.
"After I told him he could be the Green Ninja, there was a hunger unmatched." Wu said.
"Oh. Competitive Morro. Kai and I saw that side of him." Jay said.
"Yeah. It's a little scary." Kai agreed.
"Morro had been eager to better himself."
In the four-on-one drill, Morro had been more aggressive and on the offense. He kicked back three of his opponents and pushed down the last.
"Get up!" Morro yelled.
"Get up, come on!"
"Enough." Wu said.
"But, sensei. If I'm to be the Green Ninja, I-- I need greater tests." Morro said.
"I said, enough!" Wu walked inside. Morro dropped his head low then ran out of the monastery.
"There was an arrogance in him. Though later on in his life, Morro would leave that behind, it wasn't for me to decide his destiny."
Morro walked inside a room in the monastery. Wu smiled as he placed the golden weapons down on the tatami mats and the green gi.
"When the Golden Weapons didn't respond like they did for Lloyd later, I knew Morro wouldn't become the chosen one."
"I'll train more! I can do more!" Morro pleaded.
"I'm sorry. Destiny has spoken." Wu turned away.
"Then I refuse to listen! You said it was me! I will find your fathers tomb! I will!" Morro ran out of the monastery.
"Only a few days later. Morro had not returned. However, I felt as if he was calling me. In danger. I rushed out and found him severely wounded."
"Help! Argh- AHH!" Morro's hands were trapped under fallen rock. He started to cough. Wu found him and quicker got him out of there. He carried Morro back to the monastery.
"I'm sorry." Morro said, clinging to Wu's chest.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" He repeated.
"From that day on, Morro changed and is more like the one he is now." Wu said.
"That's how he got his weakness in his hands?" Jay asked.
"That's... Scary." Nya said.
"What puzzles me is that Morro is searching for the tomb again." Wu said.
"Whatever the reason. We'll wake Morro up." Kai said.
"In any case, if we want to do that, we need rest." Nya said. Everyone agreed.
~ ~ 鳥 ~ ~
"Hello?" I walked into the clearing. He dropped down, we came face to face. He was upsidedown, hanging on a branch from the tree. His hands we're cupped infront of his eyes.
"What's that?" I asked. He smiled at me.
"Open your hands!" He said.
"O-okay..." I said holding my hands like a cup.
He opened his hands and gently placed it on my hands. A small bird. It had red feathers. I had rarely seen birds here. Well, red ones anyways.
"Wow..." I used my pointer finger and pet the top of the bird's head.
"Heheh!" He jumped down from the tree.
"First time petting a bird?" He asked.
"First time petting any animal." I replied.
"Don't forget it!" He smiled.
I sat down, my hair fell infront of my eyes. He reached out his hand and pushed my hair behind my ear.
"W-what are you doing?" I said startled. The bird flew out of my hands.
"Why don't you put your hair back? It'd look nice!" He exclaimed. I ran my fingers through my hands.
"...Ah. Heh-hah. Uh, maybe- I- yes... No- wait-.. Sorry." I stammered.
"Heheh. You're kinda cute when you're flustered." He said so swiftly.
"W-WHAT?" I yelled.
"Hah! Nothing." He replied.
~ ~ 鳥 ~ ~
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