《It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅》13. Riley



"How long are you going to be on the bench for?" Cory asked as we walked into the building where you could hear every kid talking about their weekend plans and how they were all invited to the hottest parties and who they'll be fucking at those parties make me roll my eyes. They're fucking ridiculous.

"Don't know, I haven't talked with my mom to see when she'll give me the all clear," I said as I opened my locker to grab the books I'll be needing in the first half of the day

"I still don't get why she didn't hand you over to one of her colleagues" Anna said leaning against the cold metal as Jason grabbed his things from his and Bethany added

"Isn't that like some kind of mojo or something? Like a doctor can't operate on anyone that's family or close to the family because of the emotions?"

"Yeah but you all know how stubborn she is. One of them actually came to visit me before leaving and they argued before the poor doctor gave up and left wishing me good luck," I said making my friends laugh

"So are you going to the game?" Jason asked and I gave him a deadpan look while his girlfriend did me the favor and hit him upside the head

"Just because I'm injured doesn't mean crap. I'll be on the bench for a few before going up to the bleachers with Alex," I replied and he nodded rubbing his head as he whined about Anna being mean to him

"Well speaking of Alex, there he is," Bethany said and I looked over to see where she was pointing and sure enough there he was. Beautiful as always with his brothers and friends walking by his side laughing and pushing each other around making me smile. He was finally getting along with his brothers. He wore a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a My Chemical Romance graphic band tee with a pair of black converse shoes and his hair was done in a messy yet stylish way making his baby face look even more beautiful.


"If I wasn't straight I'd so go for him too, you did go, man" Cory said making Bethany roll her eyes and I to hit him on the head causing him to whine and run at it like Jason had not long ago

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about idiot," I said and he gave me a sheepish smirk making me shake my head. I friend to where Alex and his little group had gone and saw him at the lockers with his brothers leaning against the cold metal and his friends all formed a circle around him. He was telling them something from the way his mouth was moving fast and he was making hand gestures and they all laughed at whatever it was he said. He was a clever and funny guy and I think that was something that drew me in to him when I first saw him.

I smiled when his eyes lifted towards me a beautiful pink coating his cheeks, his brothers and friends looks over to see what took his attention, they waved or nodded theirs heads in greeting and I did the same before tuning back to my bickering friends

"-what do you think Riley?" I heard Bethany ask and I hummed


"Were you even listening?" Anna questioned


"You're so whipped," Jason commented making me smack him

"Fuck off," I said before closing my locker and not even a second later the bell rang indicating clases were in motion and that we needed to get our asses in there before we get them handed to us.

"What were you guys talking about by the way?"

"We were thinking about going to the movies after the game and then go have some pizza or something and we were wondering if you wanted to tag along," Cory replied as we entered our first class which was American Literature.

"Sorry, gotta pass. I'm taking Alex on our first date after the game," I answered and they nodded

"Where are you planning to take him?"Bethany asked as she took her seat to my left whole Cory sat at her left and Jason and Bethany sat to my right.


"I haven't thought of it yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something,"

"Well whatever you decided I'm sure he'll have a good time," Anna said with a smile.

"Don't forget to use protection" Cory whispered making me roll my eyes and hit him on the head resulting him in nearly falling of his ass

"Fuck that hurt, you asshole," he huffed

"Then you should keep your mouth shut." I smiled and he rolled his eyes, before class was called to order by the teacher.


"Hey, mom?"

"Yeah honey?" She replied as she looked up from the pile of papers in front of her, her reading glasses off

"I've been meaning to ask, when am I going to be able to play football" I said

"You'll be back on the field tomorrow. Just wanted you to take it easy one more day but I know how you get when you don't do you're daily work outs" she answered making me grin

"Are you going to the game tonight with dad and the girls " I asked. The game didn't start until 7:45 and it was only 3

"Of course honey, even if you're not playing, we're always going to to watch the game," she stated and I smiled

"Great," I said before pushing back and began to make my way out only to stop when my mom called me back


"When are you going to take Alex on a date?"

I chuckled at her question, she was always too blind and always wanted to know what's going on with me

"I,uh, I'm actually taking him to go mini golfing and then go have some pizza or something" I said and she nodded with a smile pushing off from her seat and walking towards me before cupping my cheeks in her gentle hands

"I'm happy for you sweetie, and I'm so damn proud of you," she murmured making me smile

"Thanks mama, he's different from him, you know?" I said and she nodded with a small tight smile.

Okay so about a year ago, before we moved to Boston with my family, we lived in Connecticut, there I met this kid who was so different from Alex. I fell hard for him and always did what he wanted despite me not agreeing with most of the things he did. He began using drugs shortly after we began dating and he was to controlling and abusive to the point of me landing myself in the hospital with a severe concussion because he had thrown a fucking base at my head when I told him that he needed to stop using. We broke up after that and he's drug use dragged him down to the point of having to sale his body to buy more. The last time that I saw or heard from him was only two weeks before we moved here. His name was Justin and I had thought he was the love of my life. Gave him everything he ever wanted and he abused that.

"Justin and Alex are two different people sweetie. Alex is nothing like Justin. You deserve to be happy and Alex makes you happy. Put the past where it should belong, in the past. It's been two years since you last saw or heard from him, Riley, so now, why don't you go shower and get dressed, I'll have Mary cook us something to eat before we head to the school for the game," she said squeezing my cheeks making me groan and swat her hands away

"Ma" I whined and she chuckled

"Love you sweetie" she murmured kissing my forehead

"Love you too, ma,"

As much as I want this night to go as planed. I can't help but think that something was going to happen to ruin it and I'm so not looking forward to it. Not one bit.

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