《It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅》11. Riley



"I'm sorry for the way my brothers acted this morning" Alex said as we walked to lunch, and I sighed shaking my head

"Stop apologizing for them, Alex. I know you don't want to have a fight with them or have to chose between us, but trust me whatever they do is not your fault, okay? If they want to pretend that they give a fuck that I'm alive then they should actually prove it and not just say 'glad you're doing better' they have a lot to learn. It's never okay to give them what they want when they say 'sorry' because saying sorry and being sorry are tow different things" I said looking down at him and he sighed

"I know but I just don't like being stuck in the middle of the you guys," he mumbled

"Then don't be, Alex. This is between your brothers and I and if they want to make me believe that they're sorry then they show in action and not words because to me words mean nothing unless actions are behind it," I told him cupping his face,"I don't want you to have to chose between us and I know you're stuck in the middle of that. I'd never make you chose between me and your siblings, Alex."

"I don't want to have to chose between you either but I also don't want to lose either of you" he murmured

"You'll never lose me Alex. Whatever you decide in the future, if you ever have to make a choice, I'll always be there for you. I'll always be your friend no matter what, okay?" I said and even if that hurt to say, I'll always be there for him even if it's just as a friend and not his boyfriend.


"Good, now lets go get lunch before the bell rings and we starve to death," I groaned pulling him along and he chuckled

"Stop being so dramatic,Riley" he stated and I grinned

"Why, Alex, are you calling me dramatic?" I asked with a fake gasp making him giggle and I smiled leaning down to peck him on the lips


"I could never" he teased making me roll my eyes

"Of course not" I hummed leading him to the line and grabbed us a tray before we piled it up with food. Once I paid for our meals, we searched for my friends and found them in corner near the backdoors that lead to the outside court but what surprised me, and from the looks of Alex shocked expression, him too, was that they were accompanied by the Gallagher siblings and their friends and they were laughing and talking amongst each other

"What in the "he began

"Actual hell?" I finished looking down at him and he was already looking at me

"Why are they sitting with the group?" He asked and I shrugged

"Beats me, come on let's go find out." I said and we made our way to the table, all eyes shifting to us when we arrived which was actually freaking as hell if you ask me

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked taking a seat next to Allie with me sliding in after him since that was only spot empty.

"We wanted to get to know your new friends, if that's okay with you that is," Andrew said with a smile and Alex narrowed his eyes at his brothers

"Who out you up it? Did one of the girls? One of the twins?" Alex asked looking over at the other two but they shook their heads

"No one out us up to anything, Alex" Casey said and Alex still didn't look convinced and to be honest neither did I and from the looks from our friends neither did they

"So why exactly are you sitting here then?" I asked this time and their eyes shifted towards me

"Alex wanted us to give you a chance,"Matt said and Alex huffed

"Right because with the people you despise is going to work" he deadpanned and I patted his leg making him look at me and I shook my head leaning in to whisper in his ear

"They're trying, Alex, don't give them a hard time," I murmured and he sighed but nodded. I sat back straight and looked at his brothers who were looking at their trays, the laughter long gone from the table and I sighed


"I appreciate you guys trying. And I'm sorry for hat I said this morning, it was out of line. I was just upset with how you worded your apology," I said and they nodded

"And we're sorry for how that came out. We don't mean to upset you, we were trying to apologize for how we treated you. We shouldn't have said all those things to you. We should have given Alex a chance to prove to us that you were a good person instead of jumping to conclusions," Casey said and I nodded

"Just next time, get to know that person that you think is a bad influence or a danger to your siblings before jumping to conclusions." I said with a smirk and they rolled their eyes and I felt Alex lean against me and look down to see him smiling

"We'll try," Matt agreed

"And give them the benefit of the doubt before hand," Andrew added

"Good, now what were you all talking about before we came over?" I asked and before long the table was filled with chatter and I looked down at Alex who looked up at me and smiled. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before we turned to our food and listened into the conversation.


Practice was brutal, well for the guys since I was on the sidelines just watching considering my mom hasn't cleared me yet.




What'd you do this time?

I rolled my eyes at his reply. He was such a little shit sometimes I swear. Besides that was one time. Okay, so it was abut two or so weeks before the shooting and we had gone to the diner in town before going the arcade and guess what freaking happened? I left my damn wallet at home and I felt like an ass having him pay. He's been replying with that same question every time I text him about needing his help.


Nothing you ass 😑 I'm at practice and I'm fucking bored out of my damn mind


🖕🏻well I don't know what you want me to do. I'm at the library tutoring, if you want you an stop by?


What time does tutoring end? Practice is over in like 20


Not for another hour, then I have to wait for Ryder to come pick me up if not I have to wait for the late bus to get here


I'll take you home once your done, but first we're going to get something to eat before we die


Okay and stop being dramatic Ri 🙄


Me, dramatic, never


Of course not, my mistake




Weirdo, but I have to go, I have anew student. I'll see you in a bit then?


You betcha. I'll be there as soon as practice is over


Okay, see you soon then ❤️

I smile at the text before putting my phone away and looks up to see the guys throwing the ball and running from one end of the field to the other.

The second Coach blew the whistle I was up and running to the locker to grab my things since I didn't even change before running up the steps towards the library where Alex was tutoring. I softly opened the door and walked in making Alex look up and smile which I returned before walking over to a bear by table. He was belong a student with some worksheet and showing him how the work was done. Alex was an incredible person with a heart of gold and fuck did I get lucky? Not a day goes by since I met him that I'm not grateful to have him. He's made me a better person, shown me that not everything revolves around tossing a ball around.

And to think this all happened with a hit to the head by a football, who would have thought?

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