《It All Happened With A Football (NEW VERSION) Completed ✅》7. Riley


Mr. Cordelli and Dr. Cordelli^

One moment I was laughing and joking around with Alex and his friends and the next I'm throwing myself over him as the sound of gun fire erupted through the open field of the carnival. Screams and people running was all I could hear and see from my position. My back burned as the bullet hit me and I looked down hoping beyond hope that the bullet didn't go through and hit Alex.

"Stay with me," an unfamiliar voice yelled as a flash of white light flashed through my eyes and I went from being face to face with Alex on the carnival to being in an unfamiliar place. Tall trees reaching the sky were all around me. The sky was bright, much brighter than the sky I knew. The sound d of birds taking flight over head was different from where I came from.

"HELLO?!" I yelled as I walked further into the woods, in the distance I could hear voices calling my name and telling me to stay with them but I wanted to see where I was and so I walked further and further until the voices faded into nothingness.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" I called and I could hear the sound of a stream nearing as well as the sound of a guitar playing. Laughter followed shortly after and I furrowed my brows.

"Hel-" I began to say when I cut myself off upon seeing the people before me. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. Sitting on a rock with their feet in the water were my grandparents, Jeremiah and Crystal Cordelli, my father's parents, sitting in the grass near the stream were Lilly and Joshua Cordelli, uncle Jaime and my dad's older siblings. They were just as breathtakingly beautiful as my grandmother. Aunt Lilly had a head full of black hair and hazel green eyes while uncle Joshua had a head full of curly blond hair and caramel colored eyes. They all looked up when I stepped through the woods.

"Ciao, Riley" My head snapped back to my grandparents who looked so much younger than I remembered. (Hi,Riley)

My grandfather was a tall man at 6'1 with shaggy blonde hair and caramel colored eyes. He had on a white shirt with jeans that were rolled at the ankles and was barefoot. They were all barefoot to be clear.

"Nonno, Nonna" I whispered as tears rolled down my face and my grandmother gave me a warm smile while grandpa stood up and laced his guitar down before walking towards me and took me into his arms while I cried. My grandparents were my heroes growing up and the day that they passed away was like my whole life died with them. It's been exactly six years since they died, only months apart with my grandmother passing before him. (Grandpa, Grandma)


"I miss you guys so fucking much," I whimpered as I looked up at him before looking over to his wife who had tears in her eyes

"Language Riley," she said and I gave her a watery smile. She was one of the most important women in my life. She always knew what to say to make things better. Knew how to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry whenever my dad had to go on tour or when my brothers joined the army.

"Mi dispiace, nonna, mi manchi così tanto. cosa è successo a un Cordelli che non dovrebbe mai arrendersi?" I asked looking at them and they sighed giving me sad smiles (I'm sorry, Granny, I miss you so much. what happened to a Cordelli should never give up?)

"Era il nostro momento di andare, Riley, ma non è ancora tuo." My grandfather said as he sat on the rock beside my grandmother while I stood in front of them. (It was our time to go, Riley, but it's not yours yet)

I swallowed the knot that formed in my theatre at his words

"Didn't you promise a certain person you'll always be there for them?" My grandmother asked, her voice soft and I nodded,"Then why aren't you fighting to go back?"

"I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you." I murmured and I watched as she stood and made her way towards me and culled my face in her hands. Her soft brown eyes clashed with mine. She was beyond beautiful. Dark almost black hair and soft caramel colored eyes that she always had lined with black. Her lips were coated in a soft red that made her light tan skin flow. My grandparents had met when they were brought 13 and have been together ever since. Growing up I always wanted a relationship like there's.

"You're far to young to think like that sweetheart," she murmured and I felt my eyes sting with u shed tears at her gentle tone,"You have a whole life to live. Don't give it up simply because you don't want to lose us. We're always with you Riley, we're always watching over you."

"I lost you both once I don't want to do it again," I whispered

"Lo so, tesoro, ma rinunciare non è un'opzione. Sappiate che ovunque tu vada, siamo sempre con te. Non rinunciare, Riley." She said as she wiped the tears away and kissed my forehead though she had to lean up a bit to do so as she was a foot shorter than me. (I know, darling, but giving up is not an option. Know that wherever you go, we are always with you. Do not give up, Riley.)


She walked over to my grandfather, who had my aunt and uncle at his sides watching with mild curiosity in their eyes. They've been quiet the whole time and it made me wonder what they were thinking.

"Go back Riley," Grandpa said and before I could say another word, I watched them disappear and I yelled for them to come back, that I didn't want to leave yet. That I wanted to know my aunt and uncle.

voices, beeping, talking, flatline.

"Didn't we tell you to go back?" A voice from behind asked and I looked to see my grandparents and my dad's siblings standing there with curious eyes while my grandparents gave me warning glances.

"I know, but I don't want to go yet. Please don't make me go back. I have so much to say to you. I want to know my aunt and uncle. Please, don't send me back."

"You're just as stubborn as your father" Nonna said and I gave her a sheepish grin

"Wait, are you Marcus' son?" Aunt Lily asked and I nodded making her and Uncle Joshua grin.


"Are they doing okay?" Uncle Josh asked and I nodded

"Yeah, Dad and Uncle Jaime are doing really good. Uncle Jaime is a lawyer while Dad is a detective"

"Always knew those two would wind up working for the law." Aunt Lily said with a smile.

"They always had ways to get out of trouble," Uncle Josh added making her laugh

"That's very true, brother. And always liked getting us in trouble" She said making me chuckle

"They miss you, you know" I said and they sighed with sad smiles

"And we miss them very much as well Riley. They're our baby brothers, despiste them always getting on our nerves," Uncle Josh said and I didn't doubt that. The way they talked about them made me see just how proud they were of how far my dad and Uncle Jaime have come since they were kids.

"You're just like Bobby, Riley. Fighting to get his way but in the end he realized that no matter how much he wants something to go his way, it never does. You're far to you young to want to be here. You have a whole life waiting for you back home, so why not go back?" Aunt Lily asked making me look down

"It's hard to really put into words why I don't want to go back yet." I answered and she nodded

"You need to go back, Riley. There's someone waiting for you, don't you want to see him?" uncle Josh asked making me stare at him in confusion

"Don't give me that look, we've been watching you from up here. You've found someone that makes you happy. Someone who sees passed that tough guy exterior you seem to put. He needs you and you need him. Don't give that up, kid." He said and I swallowed the lump in my throat as he spoke, making me realize that for the first time in five years, that I was happy. And it was all thanks to the malt beautiful and unique boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, that goes by the name of A-

"ALEX" I screamed and the door flew open slamming again the wall the sound of feet rushing to my side made my heart hammer in my chest. The machine beside the bed began beeping loudly among my ears heart

"Calm down, Riley. You're alright" a n unfamiliar voice said, as gentle hands held me down as I tried to get off the bed. I needed to see Alex's needed to make sure he was okay.

"Alex" I kept saying and she kept trying to calm me down as a new set of feet ran into the room. The smell of lilies wafted up my nose making me instantly relax as my mother's soothing voice filled my ears

"Shh, sweetie, you're okay. Calm down baby" she murmured as her fingers ran through my hair and I instantly felt my body relax.

"Alex" I murmured

"He's okay, baby. You saved him" she whispered, tears evident in her voice and I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat at the sound of her voice. I never meant to make her worry or cry.

"I'm sorry, mama" I whispered, and she sniffed

"I know baby."

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