《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 39


I was sitting on the couch, doing nothing, literally nothing,when the door bell rang.

Y/n - " it must be binnie."

I opened the door and yes it was Soobin...he came in and plopped himself on the couch.

Soobin - " Why did you called me here cherry? Why aren't you at home?"

He said stretching on the couch.

I took a seat across him and said

Y/n - " I am not going to that place."

Judging my serious expression,he realized that there is some problem and an instant seriousness engulfed his face.

Soobin - " What happened? Did you had any fight with hyung?"

I scoffed

Y/n - I will fight with him only if I get the opportunity to talk to him."

He was confused,

so I told him everything from Taehyung being cold and distant to what I saw in that apartment room.

I could see soobin's jaw and fist clenching more as I was proceeding with my info, but he let me complete.

Soobin - " That bastard! How could he!"

He said while gritting his teeth.

Y/n - " why couldn't he? It's not like he loved me."

I said sitting in an arrogant position.

He looked at me intently and then said

Soobin - " cherry, it's not like I am taking his side but won't you let him explain?"

He asked cautiously

Y/n - " I would, if he has something to explain!"

I said sarcastically.

Soobin - " But you are here-"

Y/n - " He knows I own this apartment, if he thinks I am worthy of giving an explanation..he will find me otherwise he could go back to that rose or whoever she is."

I was trying to act all cool and nonchalant but internally I was hurt deeply.

It was not difficult for Soobin to notice my real emotions.


He came near me and hugged me.

Soobin - " Don't do this...you are hurting yourself more by acting like this."

His embrace, warmth and words was something I didn't knew I needed and I let out those tears which I was trying to control.

I snuggled more into his chest and cried.

Y/n - " Why h-he did that?....... I didn't l-loved him......but I a-accepted him as my husband...

I wanted to l-love him...I was trying to see my f-future with him....then why?"

He keep caressing my back to console me and I was blabbering all that was there in my heart.

It felt good to tell someone ,to pour out the ocean of sorrow I was hiding in.

So I am finally home after three days, I am happy .

I should go to my room and rest.

I looked around the house but y/n wasn't there,maybe gone out somewhere.

She didn't really contacted me during this 'so called buisness trip'...btw I am glad she didn't.

I went to the room, and layed down on the bed and yawned.

Tae - " Let's sleep for a while.......wait but let me first text rose 😀."

I texted her and after that tried to sleep but I can't.

Tae - " why isn't y/n still back home.... let me call her."

I called her but the call straight away went to voicemail.

Tae - " ugh! She is not picking up....what should I do?......let's first unpack my bag."

I started unpacking my stuff and putting it back in my closet.

After that I opened the suitcase area to put my suitcase...but I was surprised to see that the two suitcases which belonged to y/n weren't there.

I looked around the room in confusion and saw that there were no y/n's items on the dressing table.

I went towards her closet and opened it



No clothes.

Tae - " Where is her stuff? And where is she?"

I tried calling her but no use again

Tae - " Has she gone somewhere? But why did she took all of her stuff."

An unknown fear started surrounding me.

I called Mom and even eomma and casually talked to them, but they clearly showed y/n is not there.

Tae - " Should I call Lisa or Dahyun?

..............................................,....,...,.....,.,...,....but I can't ask them directly if y/n is there ,because if she isn't ,then they will be stressed..........no problem I'll beat around the bush."

I called both Lisa and Dahyun but no y/n wasn't there.

I was getting more and more scared now.

I tried calling Soobin but he isn't picking up

Tae - " Where is she gone? No calls? No texts?"

I sat on the bed thinking deeply.

Tae - "She has packed her stuff and gone, it means she has planned it so she is definitely not in danger.

I will search for her in the morning."

I tried sleeping because it was night time but I couldn't.

My mind was on y/n

I slept for like two-three hours and then was woken up by my alarm which I don't complaint about.

I quickly got dressed and took my car keys to drive towards soobin's house, because I know he would definitely know where is y/n.

Btw it's Saturday so he might be at home also y/n wouldn't be coming to office if she is in the city.

I stood at soobin's door and ringed the bell.

A few minutes later Soobin opened the door with half opened eyes, messy hair and pyjamas which clearly showed he just woke up.

But as soon as he saw me his eyes widened and his jaw clenched.

I don't know why.

Soobin - " What are you doing here?"

He said with a slight anger.

His behavior confused me but I don't have time to think about it.

Tae - " Soobin, you know where y/n is right?...she is not at home not even her stuff, she didn't even called or texted me."

I asked quickly

He scoffed.

Soobin - " You still have the audacity to ask."

He mumbled to himself but I clearly heard that.

Tae's mind - " What does that mean? Is y/n mad at me for something?

What is going on?

where is she?"

Tae - " What do you mean?"

Soobin - " Your house is not the only place that belongs to y/n."

He said that and shut the door on my face.

Tae - " what was that?.........my home is not the only place that belongs to y/n?

But I asked mom-dad she is not there, then wh-"

Suddenly I remember something

Tae - " Ah! Her apartment at "xxx"...I should go and check there."

I quickly ran towards my car and drove towards her apartment.

I stood at her apartment's door which wasn't locked from outside it means she is there.

I felt relieved but at the same time anxious.

Tae's mind - " Why she came to live here suddenly?"

I ringed the bell and waited for her to open the door while nervously tapping my foot.

After few seconds she opened the door

She looked surprised to see me but soon changed her face to a blank one.

Tae - " Y/n!"

On the other hand I was super relieved to see her, I forgot every other thing and quickly hugged her.

She didn't hugged me back but I didn't mind it at that moment.

I welcomed myself in and sat down on the couch and then exhaled heavily.

Y/n came and sat in front of me with the same blank face.

Then I remembered the situation and sat properly and asked her.

Tae - " Y/n, why are you living here?"

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