《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 38


It's been few days now

And no

I didn't talked to tae yet.

I wanted to trust him and is waiting for him to tell me if there is any problem.

This is the reason I am telling myself...but I know this is not the actual reason.

The actual reason is that I am scared.

I am scared that what if the thing I am trying to overlook is true.

I don't want to feel the pain of betrayal again for the fourth time.

I am trying to delay the situation.

But not anymore

because I have had enough, he is going overboard he didn't even come home some days saying that he would stay at office.

So,now if today he comes home I would clearly confront him.

I was sitting in the living room waiting for him and deep down wishing that he doesn't come home today,

because I don't have courage to confront him.

I am scared for both the results...if what I am thinking is true,then I don't know what will I do.

And if it's not true, then it would hurt my conscience thinking that I again misunderstood him.

I was never this weak and scared but this situation is making me so vulnerable.

Just when I was in my thoughts,I heard the front door open

and my heart started beating fast.

As usual tae went upstairs, after giving me a small smile...

which I couldn't return...I tried but I couldn't.

We were at the dinner table have the meal and I was still contemplating.

Y/n's mind - " Should I talk about it now.....but if I would then it would ruin the dinner, I shouldn't do it now...............ughhh I am just making excuses I should talk."

Just when I was about to speak, tae beat me in that

Tae - " Umm...y/n, I am going for a buisness trip tomorrow."

That was not expected at all

Y/n - " Buisness trip?...Where?"


Tae - " U.S.....to meet Mr.Dawson."

Y/n's mind - " Why is he not looking at me, I can't see his eyes."

Y/n - " But our project with them is completed."

Tae - " Yeah....but there are some things to discuss and m-maybe we will think about a new project..s-so."

Y/n - " For how long are you going?"

He finally looked at me.

Tae - " I don't know..it will take some time."

Y/n's mind - " And here goes nothing...I don't want to have that conversation now, when he is going to the other country tomorrow...I don't want him to go with a bad mood or an argue."

I am at the office right now, working.

Tae has already left for the buisness trip which I am still confused about.

Y/n's mind - " How come a buisness trip suddenly? And he went alone...no one went with him....not even his secretary.........


Ughh! Stop overthinking... nothing would come out of it....you need to talk to him to clear everything....so wait until he comes back."

I was in the car heading home after completing office work and dropping Lisa,cause today again she wanted a ride.

I was driving quitely when I noticed someone familiar on the footpath.

I took a closer look and recognized.

Y/n - " Taehyung?....how come he is here?"

He was walking on the footpath along with some girl, the same girl I saw at the cafe.

My heart dropped at the thought of him lying again and the possible reason for lying.

I quickly parked my car and decided to follow them.

They were walking while talking something which I can't hear.

Just then they entered a building....I took a deep breath and followed them in.

Thankfully they are not taking elevator so I don't have to follow them in an elevator.

They were on the ground floor then they stood at the door of one of the apartment, tae opened the door and both of them walked in.


I was standing quite far from them to notice.

After they walked in, I gulped visibly and slowly walked towards that apartment.

I was standing at their door which was not closed, thinking what to do.

My mind was saying barge in and confront them but my heart told me to walk away from here.

I decided to go with my mind.

I took a deep breath and entered in.

After walking a little I entered the living room,no one was there,but I spotted tae's suitcase which he packed for the buisness trip.

Y/n's mind - " So, this is the U.S he was talking about."

I heard some noises from one room.

I walked closer to that room, the door of the room was opened, so I peeked in.

What I saw, made me immediately back off while keeping my hand on my mouth.

I saw that girl lying on the bed and tae hovering over her.

I quickly did what I thought was right..I walked out of that apartment ,that building towards my car and head home.

I walked inside the house and entered in my room.

I sat down on the bed hugging my knees and staring at the floor.

I was completely blank....there was no thoughts going inside my mind....only the picture of what I saw in the room keep on flashing.

I stayed like that for don't know maybe one hour, two hours.

But then I finally snapped back....and stood up.

I looked around the room and it disgusted me....it disgusted me to think I am in the house which also belong to some cheater.

This house, these surroundings were making me helpless, anxious and angry.

Y/n's mind - " I can't stay here anymore."

I quickly walked towards my closet and packed my clothes and my necessary stuff.

After that I called a taxi because I was not in the state to drive.

I went to stay in the apartment I own.

I entered the living room of my apartment and plopped on the couch.

And finally my tears flowed.

Y/n - " Everything makes sense now....his every lie, his guilt, his nervousness everything."

I again hugged my knees, weeping badly.

Y/n - " Everything was going good, then why did he did that?...what he wanted....he did this for his sexual needs or what?.....I know we don't love each other but I was atleast expecting loyality."

I cried for like a minute thinking about my misfortune.

Then I scoffed

Y/n - " Whom are you kidding y/n...this was not even a relationship of love then how can you expect loyality from this...how can you even expect anything from this."

I cried for quite a long time to let go the heaviness I am feeling in my chest.

This pain was not as severe as my previous heartbreak, because it didn't involved love but still the pain was there, the pain of broken trust.

After a good cry, I felt better but I was tired I walked into a room, layed down on bed and instantly dozed off.

Next morning I woke up with a body ache.

Y/n - "Ughh....I think I will get my periods in some days."

I walked out of the bed lazily and started getting ready for the office,cause why not.....I won't stop my life because of him, and also there is no use sitting at home and overthinking.

I came back home from work.

I sat at the sofa and stared at the wall in front without any thoughts.

I was feeling so lonely and hollow.

I want someone to talk to,

I can't call Lisa because she could be really touchy about this topic.....and I definitely can't talk to Hyuniee...she is seven months pregnant btw.

Y/n - " let me call binnie and tell him to come over."

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