《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part -37


Today is Saturday, so no office for today.

Finally tae would be home and I could ask him what's the matter.

I came out of the bathroom after completing my morning routine, but then I saw Taehyung wearing his jacket.

I was confused.

Y/n - " Tae, why are you getting ready?"

Tae - " Y/n, I am going to office."

He said doing his hair.

Y/n - " But it's weekend."

He turned towards me and looked at me for couple of seconds.

But the feeling I saw in his eyes took me off guard.

He had 'guilt' in his eyes,

about what? I don't know

Tae - " Yeah, I know...b-but I have some work."

I really had no idea what to say right now except.

Y/n - " Breakfast?"

Tae - " I'll have it outside."

With that he walked out.

I sat down on the bed and thinking.

Y/n's mind - " Is there some problem going on in the company, which he doesn't want to tell me,

Why did I saw guilt in his eyes?

Was it really guilt or I just misunderstood.

Why is he always in a hurry to go out of the house."

Last day, he came back in the evening, his usual time.

And he went to office today as well on Sunday, but today he went late, like around 12pm.

But now he is home and having dinner with me.

Y/n - " Tae, is everything ok with the company?"

Tae - " Yes."

He said with a confused look.

Y/n - " Then, are we going to work on any new big project?"

Tae - " No, why?"

Y/n - " I mean, you went to office even on weekends so.."


Again I saw that guilt in his eyes.

Whenever I see this emotion in his eyes it gives me some bad vibes.

Tae - " ummm...not just about company...I had some o-other works as well...so."

He said avoiding eye contact.

After completing dinner we went back to the room.

Tae went in the bathroom .

But his phone, I wish he took it with him as well.

It is constantly getting some messages and that 'ting' sound is annoying.


I reached for his phone to see who is messaging constantly.

I picked his phone and saw a notification of a message from 'Rose' but then the screen went off so I tried to unlock it.

But something surprised me.

Y/n's mind - " Password? Since when tae started putting password for his phone?"

I was thinking this when suddenly the phone got snatched from my hand.

It was obviously tae.

I looked at him.

Tae - " What were you doing?"

He had a slight anger in his voice.

Y/n - " you were getting constant messages so I thought to check....I am sorry."

Tae - " it's ok...i-it must be some spam messages."

He said again avoiding the eye contact.

I am not going to office today, because I have to just work on some designs, so I can do that at home as well.

Tae has already left for office and I am in the study working on my designs.

After working for couple of hours , I thought let's prepare for the lunch.

Since Tae didn't had breakfast even today so I decided to make lunch for him, cause it's not good to eat so much outside food.

After preparing the lunch I called tae.

Y/n - " Hey tae...are you at office?"

Tae - " Yes...why?"

Y/n - " I am sending lunch for you."

Tae - " A-ah...no need y/n...I'll have something over here."

Y/n - " No...Bu-"

Tae - " Y/n..I am little busy....I'll call you later."

Call ended

Y/n - " Always busy...... nevermind I'll send him lunch."

I was about to call the driver but I remembered he is on leave today.

Y/n - " it means....I have to go."

I said sulking.

I took the car keys and lunch and made my way towards the office.

Y/n's mind - " it feels weird to be on leave and still coming to office."

I silently opened tae's cabin's door and peeked in.

I was kind of about to surprise him but in return I was surprised.

Y/n - " Where is he?"

There was no one in his cabin.


Just when I turned back ,I saw his secretary coming.

She saw me and bowed a little.

Secretary - " Mrs.Kim."

Y/n - " Oh...hi...where is Mr.Kim"

Secretary - " He is not in the office..he is gone out for some work."

Y/n's mind - " But he said he is at office."

Y/n - " You didn't went with him?"

Secretary - " No... actually he went for some personal work."

I was confused but I don't think it was appropriate to ask her about my doubts.

Y/n - " ok...umm I bought lunch..if he comes back in time, plz give to him... otherwise.........you can have it."

I said the last part awkwardly smiling.

Secretary - " Sure."

After that I went back home still with my confusion.

I was done with preparing dinner, and is sitting on the living room scrolling through my phone.

Again no idea if he is coming back on time or not.

Just then the door opened and a tired tae walked in.

He just smiled to me a little and went upstairs to freshen up.

Till then I heated the food and arranged the table.

When he comes downstairs he sat and started eating.

Tae - " Umm....y/n...you came to office today?".

Y/n - " hmmm"

I just shortly replied because I was upset that he lied.

Tae - " Actually...j-jimin called me so I went to have lunch with him...so."

I looked at him and he was looking as if he is not confident about what he is saying.

I actually didn't really bought his excuse.

But I still nodded showing I understood.

Tae - " How was your day today?"

After so many days he asked this question.

I felt a little happy and started talking.

I was almost done with today's work when someone barged in my cabin.

It was Lisa.

Lisa - " Hey... done?"

Y/n - " Hmmm."

I said nonchalantly.

Lisa - " ok, then....give me a ride back home."

I looked at her with wide eyes.

Y/n - " No way...your house is almost out of City....I am not giving you a ride..where is your car?"

Lisa - " It's gone for repairing....I don't wanna go in a taxi....comeeee now."

She said whining.

Y/n - " I don't care...go back on foot."

She looked back at me in disbelief and came closer, then she grabbed my car keys.

Lisa - " Now, you go back on foot."

I looked at her with defeated look

Y/n - " ok come."

She smirked at me.

We were in the car going to drop Lisa.

We were almost there, just waiting at the traffic lights.

Lisa - " Don't you think so?"

Y/n - " Yeah!"

We were talking about some random stuff, when suddenly Lisa said.

Lisa - " Wait, isn't that taehyung?"

She said pointing at the cafe shop nearby.

I followed her fingers and yes it was Taehyung in a cafe with some girl.

Y/n - " Yeah..he is."

I said casually.

Lisa - " What..yeah he is....he is with some girl."

Y/n - "Maybe some friend or acquaintance!"

Lisa - " why he came to meet a friend almost out of the city.........oh look...he is even caressing her hand on the table."

Y/n - " Lisa, you are behaving as if you are his wife and not me......... and friend do such gestures."

Lisa - " Call him and ask where is he?"

She said with a typical suspicious girl tone.

Y/n - " Lisa-"

Lisa -" Call him."

She sternly said

I sighed and called him

Y/n - " Hey Tae...where are you?"

Tae - " At work...why?"

I was shocked by his reply and looked at Lisa who she was showing some unreadable expression.

Just then the light turned green

Y/n- " oh okay...bye."

Call ended

I took the wheel and drove out of there.

Lisa - " You better talk to him about what was that."

She said with a little anger in her voice.

On the other hand I was trying to figure out what could be the reason for lying.

There could be a very obvious reason but I was overlooking it because I don't want to misunderstand him again....I was finally started trusting him so I don't want to have an argument over this and get slapped again.

Y/n's mind - " Maybe it was someone related to work...like a client or someone or a model"

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