《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part -36


Quite a few days,weeks and months passed by.

It's now around six months of our marriage.

And honestly we are doing good actually very good.

Tae is being very nice and sweet to me.

At our first date he said that he is not a lovey-dovey person but i can say he was clearly lying.

He can sometimes be very clingy.

I have started to believe in this relationship of ours now.

Btw right now I am at the dining table arranging breakfast.

Just then Taehyung comes in, he kissed me on the forehead and said

Tae - " Good morning 😀"

Y/n - " Good morning.....come sit."

We started having our breakfast and talking casually.

After completing the breakfast tae went to the office.

I also did the dishes and went to the office.

We don't go to office together because we have different departure times.

After being done with office I come home.

Today's day was light...I didn't had much to do in office.

I walked in my room, freshen up and then decided to watch some Netflix.

I was watching Netflix for an hour now.

But then I looked at clock and sighed.

Y/n - " Let's prepare for dinner now...tae must be coming soon."

I went to the kitchen and started with my dinner preparations.

Tae was a little late than usual .

I was almost done with dinner, when front door opened and tae came in.

I smiled towards him but his face didn't looked that good.

He slightly smiled and went upstairs.

Y/n - " Huh? What happened to him?

He didn't hugged or said I am home.

He even looked a little tensed.



Maybe having some work stress."

I shrugged.

After a while tae comes back downstairs and sat on the chair and silently started eating.

That was very unusual of him, he always keep on talking about his day or asks about my day at dinner.

Y/n's mind - " What happened to him?"

I decided to ask him.


Y/n - " Tae, what happened?"

He looked at me

Tae - " Huh?"

Y/n - " Are you okay?"

Tae - "yeah I am fine."

Y/n - " But you don't look good."

Tae - " Nothing, it's just a little work stress."

Y/n's mind - " What work stress could he have, he was all fine this morning, we didn't have any new big project coming...then why is he so stressed."

Y/n - " Can I help you in any way?"

Tae - "No, I'll manage."

He replied shortly.

After completing the dinner tae went back into the room without saying anything.

He normally used to wait for me till I do the dishes.

Tae was same cold the other day as well...I tried asking him if anything is wrong but he seems getting irritated with my question so I didn't asked anymore.

Right now we are again at the dinner table having dinner 'silently'.

Just then tae's phone rang.

He took out his phone, checked the ID, slightly looked at me and then got up and went somewhere to attend the call.

Y/n's POV - " That's strange, why he need go somewhere to attend the call....that's not something he does."

After attending the call he comes back

and started eating.

Y/n - " Who was that?"

I asked casually

Tae - " M-my secretary."

Y/n's mind - " Why can't he talk to his secretary in front of me........why am I overthinking...just shut it."

It's been few days now.

Taehyung is still being a little cold and distant....and I still am not able to figure out why?

He came home quite late yesterday and even today it's around 11 pm and he is still not home.

I am waiting for him for dinner, I even called and texted him but he is not picking up the phone.

Y/n's mind - " What's wrong with him?"

Just then the door opened and tae entered.


I briskly walked towards him and said a little angrily.

Y/n - " Where were you?"

Tae - " I had some work so I got late."

I shook my head

Y/n - " Come now...have dinner."

Tae - " A-actually I had dinner at the office."

I looked at him in disbelief.

Y/n - " Why were you not picking up my calls and replying to my texts?

He gave me a confused look and took out his phone and said

Tae - " Oh sorry, My phone was on silent so I didn't realized."

Y/n - " But you c-"

Tae - " Y/n, please I am tired, can we talk tomorrow."

He said and walked upstairs..

He was really confusing me as to what happened to him suddenly.

I came to kitchen lazily, looked at the food.

Y/n - " I lost my appetite.....I don't want to eat."

I said and walked upstairs to the room.

Tae was in the bathroom and I layed on the bed.

After sometime tae comes out of the bathroom and layed down beside me and backhugged me.

I rolled my eyes.🙄

Tae - " Did you had your dinner?"

Y/n - " Yes"

I lied

Tae - " Are you sure?"

Y/n - " shut up and let me sleep."

I was angry at him so I said bluntly.

He didn't said anything further and we both slept.

As usual I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Then tae came running down the stairs.

He was early than usual.

Tae - " Y/n!"

Y/n - " Tae, breakfast is not ready yet , wait for a while."

Tae - " No, actually I have important work so I'll leave early....I'll have breakfast at office itself."

Y/n - " Bu-"

He didn't let me say anything and ran out.

Y/n - " He didn't even had dinner at home last night, now he is not having even breakfast at home

Can't he tell me beforehand.... so much food is getting wasted."

I sighed , then ate my breakfast and packed the left over to eat for lunch.

After that I left for the office.

I am preparing for dinner right now after coming from office.

I honestly don't know whether tae would come back on time today or not.

I didn't even called him, because either he will not pick up or he would say he'll be coming back but end up getting late.

But I still prepared dinner for him.

After sometime front door opened and tae entered.

He was on time today, finally.

He went upstairs to freshen up and then come back to sit for dinner.

As usual he was in his thoughts eating quitely.

Y/n's mind - " I really wonder what's the matter."

After completing his dinner, he got up and said

Tae - " umm....y/n,can you make a cup of coffee for me...I have some work to finish...I'll be in the study."

I nodded

After completing my dinner and then washing dishes, I made coffee for him.

He drinks sweet coffee, he can't have the bitter one.

I took the tray and walked towards the study.

The door of the study was open, Taehyung was standing near one of the book shelf searching for some book maybe.

With one hand he was holding his phone maybe talking to someone.

He was backfacing me so I was about to call him when he spoke.

(OTP) Tae - "Don't worry Rose, no one will come to know about us....trust me."

He said in a convincing tone.

Y/n's mind - " Rose? Not come to know about us? What is he talking about?"

Just then he turned around.

Tae - " Y-y/n."

Y/n - " I brought your coffee."

I said keeping the coffee on the table.

Tae - " T-thank you."

Y/n's mind - " why is he looking nervous? And what about that conversation? .......ugh! I don't know what's going on anymore.....if he has something to tell, he would tell on his own....I shouldn't be nosy."

I shook my head and shrugged my thoughts then walked out of the room.

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