《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 35


I was heading towards the study room to get a book of mine while tae was in there as well.

I entered the room and saw tae doing his work with files and all, sitting of the chair.

And I started searching for my book.

I checked the bookshelves and it was all unorganized with mine and tae's books all mixed together.

I took a bunch of books from one of the shelf and placed it on the table where tae was working in order to sort them out.

I was picking each book and checking it and piling them as two sets one of mine and other tae's books.

As I was doing this, something fell from one of the book.

I bent down to pick it up, it looked like a picture,I turned it around


was shocked

But later

Burst into laughter,

it was a baby's picture with no clothes on.

And I am pretty sure this baby is tae.

But suddenly tae got up and realized what I am holding.

He tried to snatch it but I quickly held it behind my back.

Tae - " Y/n, give it back."

Y/n - " It's you right?"

I said laughing.

His cheeks turned a little pink and moved forward to snatch it from me.

But I quickly ran away.

In this way he was chasing me in the room and I was dodging him, running away laughing.

But then suddenly I was cornered and had no where to run to.

He came to towards slowly and trapped me between the wall and him.

Tae - " Give it back y/n."

Y/n - " First let me click a picture of it."

Tae - " What?? no,give it back or else..."

Y/n - " Or else what?"

I said raising my eyebrows and giving him mocking look.

He leaned his face forward.

Tae - " I am a dangerous man, y/n."

He said with a smirk.

That was a quick change of expressions but it didn't effected me.

I made a face as if I heard the biggest joke of the century.

Tae - " I am warning you."

He said leaning his face more and still smirking.

But I didn't budge instead I too gave him a smirk.

Because I know he is just playing,he won't do anything.

He leaned more forward and our noses were almost touching and his gaze was on my lips.

Y/n's mind- "Ok maybe not, I think I should give it back."

But before I could respond or push him.

He placed his lips on mine.


I went blank.

It was so sudden that I felt like my breath stopped.

He started moving his lips very slowly , which snapped me

and I looked at him

He had his eyes close but mine were wide open.

I didn't knew what should I do.

Y/n's mind - " Should I push him, but it would be rude."

He gently tugged my lower lip with his, which completely conveyed that he wants me to kiss him back.

So I closed my eyes and slowly kissed him back.

His hands moved from the wall to my waist.

And I could feel him smiling through the kiss.

I didn't failed to notice that his lips were soft and warm and he was a good kisser.

Just then my phone ringed and i flinched pushing tae back.

I was panting and so was he but he was definitely annoyed at the phone.

I took out my phone and checked the caller ID.

Then slowly raised my head to look at tae's expression.

And as expected,he was now even more annoyed looking at caller ID.

I picked up the phone and tae went back to his chair.

Y/n - " Hello Soobin."

Soobin - " Hey cherry...when should I come to pick you up?"

Y/n - " Huh?"

Soobin - " Did you forget, you asked to go shopping today."

Y/n - " Oh yeah I remember.....come in an hour."

Soobin - " Ok, see you in an hour then."

Y/n - " See you."

Call ended

I cut the call and looked at tae, who was again busy with the files.

Y/n's mind- " I think he forgot about it photo, let me quickly click a picture of it."

I internally giggled after completing my mission.

Then I swiftly walked towards tae and sneakily put the photo there .

Y/n - " Tae, I am going at the mall with Soobin in an hour."

He looked at me and hesitantly nodded.

I am going to the mall so I don't need my book for now, so I decided to go back to my room to get ready.

As I was about to leave the room tae called me and I turned around.

Tae - " Can I also come along?"

He asked cautiously.

Y/n - " You want to come shopping with us?"

He nodded

Y/n - " Sure.....I'll let him know."

He smiled at me which I returned and walked out.

Strangely even after the kiss we were not embarrassed or anything.

And why should we, after all we are married couple.


I was happy at the fact that we have attained that level of comfort with each other,

because this is the most important thing for making this marriage to work out.

We arrived at the mall's parking and I can already see that soobin.

He was smiling widely, we exited the car and walked towards him.

He as usual greeted y/n by hugging.

Soobin - " Hi hyung."

Tae - " Hi!"

Then he suddenly hugged me and I froze.

Tae's mind - " Last time I checked we weren't that close to hug."

But I still hugged him back slightly.

After that we entered the mall.

And y/n decided to first go to men's clothing shop.

We entered the shop and started shopping for me and this Soobin.

I was looking for some T-shirts when y/n came towards, she was holding a shirt.

Y/n - " Tae, see this one...I think this would really suit you."

It was a black chiffon shirt with some designs in white.

I was a nice piece but the thing which made me happy was that she selected it for me.

Tae - " Yeah it's nice and it's my size as well..let's buy this one."

Y/n - " Really? ok....I'll buy this for you as a gift ."

I agreed

Me and Soobin both bought quite a few shirts and trousers with y/n's help.

Afterall she is a fashion major.

Now we entered a kids store to buy something for Jin hyung's baby.

We were looking at some cute children clothing.

But both of them suddenly started bickering over those clothes.

Y/n - " binnie, this is not girls clothing."

Soobin - " But it can be worn by a babygirl too."

Y/n - " No."

They keep on bickering on this topic.

I was really done with both of them, so I went towards the paying area and stood there watching them bicker.

But suddenly I was reminded of our 'first proper kiss'.

And I started blushing and smiling to myself but my eyes were on them.

Just then the lady at the paying area said.

Lady - " Aren't they an adorable couple?"

She said pointing at y/n and Soobin.

Tae - " What?"

Lady - " They must be buying clothes for their unborn child."

Tae's mind - " What the hell is she blabbering! Couple? Adorable? Unborn child?

She might have misunderstood

Let me clarify her and explain their relationship."

Tae - " They are not couple..they are friends, that women is my wife."

She widened her eyes.

Lady - " Oh I am sorry...they were close so I thought-"

Tae - " No-no, they are just friends actually, you know what, he is her first ever friend so they are really cl-"

Lady - " it's ok sir, I have understood."

Tae - " No, let me explain...they met each other after six years so they missed each other, they are just catching up and making up for the-"

She looked at weirdly.

Just then someone came to pay and cut me off.

After that person left I again started explaining her, I want her to completely believe me and not misunderstand anything.

Tae- " So as I was saying they want to make up for the lo-"

Lady - " Sir, I have really understood she is your wife and his friend."

She said pleadingly.

Tae - " Are you sure...I can explain it properly to you....They-"

Lady - " No no I have understood...I am sorry."

Tae's mind - " Thank God she understood... otherwise she would think that they are a couple."

Just then y/n and Soobin came with whatever they have bought.

First of all Soobin payed and y/n was about to pay when I gave my card.

Tae - " I'll pay for my wife."

I said emphasising the word wife so that, that lady gets that completely that y/n is my wife.

Y/n - " It's ok tae, I'll pay."

I just gave her an assuring smile.

After that we went shopping for


She decided on few of her outfits and went in for trying them leaving me and Soobin alone for the first time.

Soobin - " Hyung, you don't like me?"

He said out of the blue.

Tae - " Huh?"

Soobin - " Do you hate me or something?"

Tae - " No, why would you think that."

I am just a little irritated with this guy but I don't hate him.

Soobin - " I just feel that...you behave a little cold towards me."

I realized that he felt the irritation I have for him.

Tae - " No, no it's just that I don't know you much."

He made an 'oh' face

Soobin - " I am glad that you are Cherry's husband....I think you can keep her happy....I liked you for her at the first sight."

I was relieved from y/n's side when she explained me about her and soobin's relation.

But right now listening to him, I am relieved from his side as well.

I think I can finally let go of my jealous side around him.

I smiled at him

Tae - " Thank you...and yes I will try my best to keep her happy."

Tae's mind - " I think I can be friends with this guy."

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