《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 34


The sunlight tickling my face told me it's morning.

I slowly opened my eyes and lazily looked around.

It took me a second to register that where am I ? And what happened last night?

I looked at my side and as usual y/n was up before me.

I stood up and stretched my body.

I got up and saw some men clothing on the sofa.

Tae's mind - " Y/n, might have kept it for me."

We both are not going to the office today the reason is well known.

I took the the clothes and entered the bathroom.

After some time I came out of the bathroom all fresh.

So I decided to go and meet dad to see if he is okay.

I made my way downstairs towards his room.

His room door was open and I could see him reading a book sitting on the bed.

I knocked at the already opened door, which turned his attention towards me and he smiled.

Tae - " Good morning dad!"

Dad - " Good morning son, come in!"

I walked in the room.

Tae - " How are you feeling now dad?"

Dad - " I am good now."

He said tapping the space beside him asking me to sit there.

I went and sit beside him.

Dad - " I caused a lot of trouble to you guys."

Tae - " Not at all...why are you saying like that."

He slightly laughed.

We were talking about somethings and laughing a little, when y/n came inside the room with a tray in her hand.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun...she was still in pyjamas but the different ones from yesterday.

Y/n - " Good morning tae."

Tae - " Good morning."

I said with a smile.

Y/n - " Dad..your breakfast is here."

She came beamingly towards him.

She kept the food table on the bed and kept the tray over it.

My eyes were following her every action.

I have seen her in casuals before but today was something different, she was looking very homely, very wifey if that makes sense.

I can't take my eyes off her.

Dad - " what is this? I don't want to have this bland porridge."


He said scrunching his face like a kid.

Y/n looked at him with disbelief.

Y/n - " What bland? This is healthy....come on have it."

She started scolding him like a mother.

Dad - " Give me something else...I don't want this."

She kept her hands on her hips and said with a glare.

Y/n - " Daddd!!"

Dad - " Ok,ok, I'll have it."

He instantly said probably intimidated by her.

She gave a slight nod and walked out.

My eyes still following her .

My gaze was fixed at the door from where she left.

Dad - " She is sometimes scary right?"

He said eating his porridge.

Tae - " Yeah!"

I said mindlessly.

Dad - " But what can I do, I love her."

He said still focused on his porridge.

Tae - "Me too."

He adruptly released his spoon and looked towards me.

Just then I realized what I said.

Tae - " Umm. I mean I--I-"

Dad - " You love her?"

There was a pause for like couple of seconds but then

I nodded with a shy smile.

He immediately broke out in a grin.

Dad - " Oh wow....I am so happy...I was thinking too much these days about your marriage.

I was thinking that if I made a wrong decision in getting you two married.

But now I am relieved."

Tae - " Don't tell me dad, this is the reason of your stress and your troubled health."

I asked shocked.

Dad - " umm... kinda."

He awkwardly chuckled.

Tae - " Then you don't have to worry dad...I promise you it's not a wrong decision."

He gave me a smile.

Tae - " But dad y/n doesn't know about it ...so please don't tell her and moreover she doesn't love me yet."

There was a little sadness in my voice.

Dad - " Don't worry, she will.....she had some bad experiences in past so it would a little difficult to earn her complete trust and love.....

But don't give up young man."

He said patting my back.

Just then y/n came back to the room.


Y/n - " Daddd....you haven't finished it yet...it will be cold ..have it fast."

Then she turned towards me.

Y/n - " Tae, come out for the breakfast."

I nodded and she left.

We left Min's Residence around 1:30pm after spending some time with Mom and Dad.

Dad is fine now.

We are in the car right now, heading home.

Y/n - " Tae, let's visit eomma appa."

She said suddenly

I looked at her.

Tae- " Huh? Why so sudden?"

Y/n - " We have taken leave from office..what we will do at home anyways.....so let's go."

Tae - " Okk!"

I agreed

Y/n - " But first let's buy some fruits for them."

I looked at her and smiled

I can't help but admire how considerate she is, not only about her parents but mine too.

She even keeps in mind to buy something for them first, otherwise these kind of things never comes in my mind.

I giggled mentally at the thought that how irresponsible I was before she came into my life.

Spending time with parents,buying things for them, coming home at time,cooking,washing dishes, listening to others, caring for others were never the things in my life.

My life was all about me and my fun.

We reached Kim's Residence.

We rang the bell and a little later the door was opened by appa.

His eyes lit up looking at us.

Mr.Kim - " Aigoo....what a surprise."

He said and hugged both of us.

We entered .

Y/n - " How are you doing appa?"

Appa - " I am good dear."

Y/n - "Great........ Where's eomma?"

She asked looking around

Appa - " I think she is in the kitchen."

Y/n - " ok, I'll go and meet her and keep these fruits there as well."

Appa nodded

I entered the kitchen and there was eomma and the house help, probably preparing lunch.

I quickly went towards them.

Y/n - " Eomma!!"

Mrs Kim - " Ohhh!"😲

I slightly giggled at her surprised face and hugged her.

Then bowed a little to the house help.

Mrs Kim- " When did you came?"

Y/n - " Just now.....here I bought some fruits."

I said keeping the fruits on the kitchen island.

Mrs Kim - " Oh, your appa really wanted to have peaches...good thing you bought it."

I smiled

Mrs Kim - " Did you came alone?"

Y/n - " No, I came with tae, he is in the living room."

I said wearing the apron.

Mrs Kim - " What are you doing?"

Y/n - " I'll help you prepare the lunch."

Mrs Kim - " No, no you sit here and talk....I'll do this."

Y/n - " Please eomma, I insist......aunt you can go, I'll help eomma."

I said looking towards the house help.

She looked at eomma for approval who nodded then she smiled at me and left.

Y/n - " Ok, then....let's start."

I said in an excited tone which made eomma giggle.

Lunch was prepared we were arranging the table

Tae already met mom and even got a little scolding don't know what for.

We all sat at the dinner table.

Mrs Kim - " This, this and this is made by y/n."

She said proudly pointing at the dishes.

Mr Kim - " Oh! Really...then,let me eat them first."

Tae - " Eomma-appa don't you think you pamper her way too much."

He commented probably jealous at the attention given to me.

Mrs Kim - " Why won't I?...she came to meet me instantly in the kitchen and even helped me with lunch unlike some people here."

Me and appa started laughing.

Y/n - " Btw eomma let me tell you a surprising thing, tae cooked breakfast one day."

Both eomma and appa looked at me with wide eyes.

Mrs Kim - " I don't believe you ."

Y/n - " Really.....wait, let me show you the picture of the food he cooked."

I quickly took out my phone and showed them the pics.

Mr Kim - " Oh my god! That's a once in a blue moon thing ."

Tae - " Appa, you are behaving as if it's the most out of the world deed."

Mrs Kim - " It is.......btw y/n how did it taste?"

Y/n - " uhh...it was f-fine."

I said awkwardly making eomma and appa laugh.

Tae - " Come on!!....it was my first ever try."

He said so done with all the bullying happening to him.

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