《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 33


Right now I am in my car heading home.

After talking to joonie hyung I am so happy... because he said we are meant to be.

I will show her through my actions that I love her.

After sometime I reached home and entered in.

As usual y/n was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

Sometimes I feel bad about her that after working in the office she has to come home and work again.

We were discussing about getting house help but she said she can manage, because it's just two of us.

Tae - " Hey wifey, I am back."

I said cheerfully.

Y/n - " Oh! Welcome......dinner is almost ready."

I walked towards her and kissed her forehead.

She looked at me amused .

Y/n - " you are looking very happy today, is there some reason?"

I just shrugged....and then walked upstairs to freshen up.

We had our dinner and then decided to go for a walk at a park nearby.

We were right now at the park walking while enjoying the cool night breeze and moonlight.

I wanted to hold her hands while walking but I was contemplating.

Tae's mind - " why are you thinking so much tae, she is your wife... come one."

I suddenly held her hand and interwined our fingers.

She looked at me smiled .

Tae's mind - " That was easy."

We went towards a bench and decided to sit down for a bit.

We were sitting quitely enjoying the peaceful silence when y/n spoke

Y/n - " Tae, you really never fell in love before?"

Her question took me off guard.

I was in dilemma, what should I answer her

I was never in love before but I am now.

Y/n - " Huh?"

She asked looking at me.

Tae - " No"

I answered truthfully because yes I never fell in love before.

Y/n - " What about the girls you dated before?.....you didn't felt anything towards them?"


Tae - " I was just attracted to them, because it's natural...but love.. I never felt."

Y/n - " So you really don't believe in love?"

It was more like a statement than a question.

Tae - " Maybe, maybe not.....but one thing is for sure if I ever fall in love with someone, it would be you."

She giggled

Y/n - " Why?"

Tae - " Because I want it to be you."

Y/n - " You know what.. you are being too sweet recently.....don't tell me you have already fallen for me."

She playfully nudged me with her elbow and started giggling.

Tae's mind - " Only if I could tell you."

We sat there for a little more.

But then y/n checked the time in her phone

Y/n - " Tae, it's already 10:30 let's go back."

I hesitantly nodded

I didn't wanted to go because I was enjoying sitting with her here but it was late now.

We went back home and layed down on the bed while me backhugging her and drifted to our dreamland.

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt someone calling and shaking me.

I opened my and saw it's y/n.

Her face expressions were not so good.

I immediately got up

Tae - " What happened?"

Y/n - " Tae, I have to go to Mom's place now...dad is not fine."

Her eyes were teary and she was panicking.

Tae - " Dad?.. Ok let's go!"

I quickly removed the duvet and stood up

Y/n - " No tae, you don't have to...I just wanted to inform you."

She said picking her phone and wallet.

Tae - " What are you talking y/n, I would obviously go with you....I am worried for Dad too..now come."

I said picking my phone wallet and car keys and walking out.


Y/n - "Are you sure?"

She said walking behind me with a tensed expression.

Tae - " Of course...come"

I said and held her hand.

We went out towards our car...we didn't bothered changing clothes and went out in our pyjamas.

We sat inside the car.

Y/n - " I'll call Dr.Shin...he is dad's doctor."

She said and quickly took out her phone to call .

I took a glance at her and she was at the verge of tears.

Y/n - " Hello Dr.Shin?

I am sorry to disturb you right now but dad needs you right now.

Thank you Dr."

She cut the call

She was sitting restlessly while tapping her foot and biting her lips.

I took her hand and squeezed it

Tae - " Don't worry, everything will be alright."

Y/n - " Tae, dad has heart problems and mom is alone,she must be panicking

I am scared for both of them"

She said with a broken voice.

Tae - " Don't worry, we are just about to reach."

I was worried too.

As soon as we reach y/n quickly ran inside the house, followed by me.

Her mom was standing there with tensed expression.

Y/n - " Mom, what happened, where is dad?"

Mom - " He is in the room right now..

He was not feeling well...he was sweating a lot and taking heavy breaths while holding his chest....I gave him his medicine....it took time for him to be normal

but he slept now.

I was scared so I called you."


he hugged her mom.

Just then Dr.Shin arrived.

We took him towards dad's room, he did some checkup.

Dr.Shin - " He had angina, but luckily it was not cardiac arrest...I have given him an injection...he will be fine now."

Tae - " Why did it happened Dr.?"

Dr.Shin - " He is already a heart patient and I think he is having some kind of stress... please take good care of him and keep him happy and stress free."

We nodded

Dr.Shin - " I'll take my leave."

We thanked him and I escorted him out.

I came back and y/n and mom were in the living room

Mom - " Thank you y/n and Taehyung for coming."

Tae - " Mom, why are you thanking us, it was our responsibility to come...we care for dad too"

She came near me and hugged me

Mom - " I am glad to get a son like you."

She broke the hug and said

Mom - " Y/n, you both can sleep here tonight in your room.... you must be tired."

Y/n nodded and took me towards her room

I entered the room and I could say this room perfectly depicts her.

It was not too much of a girly room but very classy and modern, with little bit of bold colours where needed.

Just like y/n

Y/n went to the bathroom.

I looked at one of the wall which had so many pictures on it.

That wall had nothing but photoframes.

This wall is the the most soft area of the room just like the soft part of y/n's character.

I giggled

I could see a lot of pictures of little y/n, her pictures with her parents and her friends she had all sorts of pictures here, some cool, some goofy some cute , some beautiful and some hot.

There was also one baby picture of her.

Tae's mind - " Soo cute."

I was smiling while looking at those pictures.

Tae - " She definitely love clicking pictures."

Y/n - " Aren't you going to sleep."

She said coming out of the bathroom.

Tae - " yeah....was just waiting for you."

Y/n - " How did you find my room."

Tae - " It's just like you."

I said looking around.

She giggled.

Y/n - " I don't why....but everyone says that."

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