《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 32


When Taehyung suddenly raised his hand I thought he is going to slap me

So due to reflex I covered my cheek and shut my eyes.

But I didn't felt anything I slowly opened my eyes and saw Taehyung just staring at me with guilt in his eyes.

He held my hands and told me not to be scared because he will not hit me.

I know he was feeling guilty because I flinched.

But that was a reflex I didn't wanted to make him guilty.

And his today's behavior...I know why he was behaving like this.

I took him towards the bed made him sit there and handed him a glass of water because he seemed restless.

After drinking water he looked better.

I squatted in front of him and held his hand.

He was just looking at me.

Y/n - " Tae, I understand you.....I know why you behaved like this."

His face showed that he was curious to know what I think.

Y/n - " I know Taehyung, we are not a normal couple....and I can understand your insecurity....but you don't have to be insecure around Soobin."

Yeah, I was right, this was the reason....his faced showed that I am correct.

He looked down

Y/n - " Tae, I 'll be honest.......Soobin is very special to me...he was the first ever friend of mine....he became my friend when I didn't even knew what friend means....we were apart for six years without any contact....and we both missed each other...we want to catch up...we want to make up for the lost time tae."

He raised his head and nodded a little while biting his lower lip

Y/n - " We are just friends..there is nothing fishy between us...you should trust me...I'll never cheat on you....I promise."


Tae - " I trust you y/n....but I want to ask something."

I nodded

Tae - " Is he just like a brother to you?"

I heavily sighed.

Y/n - " I don't know why a girl has to say he is like a brother or a boy has to say she is like a sister to prove that their relationship is pure."

I paused for a second and continued.

Y/n - " why isn't the word friend enough...friend itself is such a pure and big word why do we need to add brother or sister to it?"

I looked at him and I guess he is understanding.

Y/n - " Tae, Soobin is not my brother and also not 'like a brother'....he is a friend, best friend.

I treat him the same as I treat Dahyun and Lisa.

Both the girls would kill me for this but I admit I am more emotionally dependent on Soobin than them.

I sometimes used to tell him things that I can't tell them,because he is a very good listener....he would not react immediately unlike Lisa and hyunie."

I took a deep breath and looked at him

Tae - " I am sorry"

Y/n - " No, it's fine I can completely understand......but now I have told you each and everything I hope you understand me."

He gave me a smile and nodded.

I smiled back

I was thinking of doing something to assure him but I was a little hesitant.

But still I mustered all the courage and did it.

I pecked his lips.

Then I immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Y/n was explaining me everything and I understood.

I know she would not cheat but I just can't control my jealousy.

But now knowing all about their relation...I am quite relieved and I would try to improve on my possessive side.


I was thinking about these

When y/n suddenly pecked my lips.


She pecked my lips?

My cheeks heated up, my heart felt like it would come out my chest and the butterflies in my stomach went wild.

She quickly ran to the bathroom

I stood up and froze looking at the closed bathroom door.

I couldn't stop smiling☺️

When I snapped back I started jumping.

Tae's mind - " oh God! I'll remember this day forever...she literally gave me a peck."

After sometime y/n came out of the bathroom in her pyjamas,I was laying on the bed thinking about that peck.

She didn't made an eye contact with me.

So I guessed she is embarrassed.

She came and lied down backfacing me.

I went close to her and backhugged her.

Her peck has given me soo much confidence in this relationship and in making her fall for me.

Tae - " Y/n?"

Y/n - " Y-yes."

Tae - " I have one more question about Soobin"

Y/n - " Hmmm?"

Tae - " Why does he call you cherry?"

She giggled

Y/n - " When I first met him in a park when I was around I think two I was eating cherries...he didn't knew my name for quite long but we used to play together so he started calling me cherry girl"

She giggled

Y/n - "As we grow up he didn't stop he still used to call me cherry so yeah!"

Tae - " When I met you first time in the family dinner, u ordered carbonara....soooo should I call you carbonara?"

We both started laughing.

Y/n -" Good night!"

I kissed near her earlobe and said good night.

It was lunch break right now..but I already had lunch.

So I thought of calling joonie hyung to tell and ask for something.

Namjoon - " Hello"

Tae - " Hello, hyung....how are you?"

Namjoon - " I am good, what about you?"

Tae - " I am good too.... actually hyung I want to tell you something."

Namjoon - " hmmm"

Tae - " Hyung, I realized my feelings.... I realized that I am in love with her."

Namjoon - " What?......wait a minute, you realize that you are in love?"

Tae - " Yes!!"

Namjoon - " when did this magic happened?"

Tae - " it's been few weeks now, but I didn't actually got alone time with you to tell."

Namjoon - " wahh!! Daebak!!......I never thought you would realize this early."

Tae - " I did.....but hyung, she doesn't love me......I want to make her fall for me...I need your advice hyung.

How should I make her fall for me.?"

Namjoon - " Look, tae there are two types of couple...one who are meant to be and the other who aren't.

And if you aren't then no matter whatever you do you can't make the other person fall for you."

Tae - " Hyung, are you trying to say she will n-not fall for me."

Namjoon - " Noo..... looking at you and y/n I feel that you guys are meant to be"

Tae - " Really?😀"

Namjoon - " Yes....so try to be yourself around her....try to show that you love her through your actions...and I am sure she will fall for you."

Tae - " okk😁"

Namjoon - " But tae, don't try to rush things, she is already yours, she is your wife...nobody would take her away...so be patient take your time...don't force things on her and take things slowly...

try to understand her and try to make her understand you."

Tae - " I got it hyung"

Namjoon - " all the best dongsaeng"

Tae - " Thank you "

Namjoon - " Welcome..... bye"

Tae - " bye"

Tae - " Take things slow"

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