《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part -31


Yesterday was Sunday, so I thought of spending some time with y/n


She was busy hanging out with her friends, Lisa, Dahyun and Soobin.

So I also made some plans with the boys.

Right now I am in my car heading towards home after work.

I reached home, opened the front door and walked in.

As I walked in I heard y/n's laughter

It instantly made me happy so I briskly walked towards the kitchen to see her.

But as I reached the kitchen my smile faded.

I saw y/n and Soobin in the kitchen trying to cook while laughing and talking.

I hate to admit but they were looking like a sweet couple.

Just then y/n noticed me.

Y/n - " Oh... tae, you are back..go freshen up dinner is almost ready."

She said with a smile

Soobin - " Hi Hyung!"

He greeted with a smile.

Tae's mind - " Hyung? When did he started calling me hyung?"

Tae - " Hi."

I also smiled in return trying not to be rude.

After sometime I came back downstairs.

I saw them arranging the table.

Tae's mind - " Why is this Soobin behaving as if it's his house."

We all get seated and started the dinner.

Y/n - " Tae, try this binnie made this."

She said serving me a dish.

Tae's mind - " Binnie? Ah it must be this Soobin."

Tae - " You know cooking?"

I asked ' Binnie🙄'

Soobin - " yes, I know...what about you?"

Just then y/n cleared her throat.

Y/n - " Let's not talk about tae's cooking skills."

She said and then started laughing, soon joined by Soobin.

I was eating quitely.

Soobin - " Ok, I got it!😂"

Tae's mind - " So what if I can't cook....... wait, does y/n like men who can cook?"

They noticed my mood and stopped laughing.

Y/n - " Btw, binnie have you found a girlfriend?"

Ok, this question caught my interest.

Soobin - "No, I am still single."

He said and sadly pouted

Tae's mind - " obviously you are.....leave my wife and go find yourself a girlfriend."


Y/n - " I knew it, who would date a chipmunk like you."

She said and started laughing and this time followed by me.

Soobin - " Yahhh! Who are you calling chipmunk....you potato...I wonder why hyung agreed to marry you."

During the whole dinner they were just bickering and talking occasionally asking questions from me.

Now we were done with dinner and finally this Soobin will go

Soobin - " Ok, cherry I'll leave."

He said getting up from the chair.

Y/n - " Wait, binnie....let's all three of us have a movie night....what you say tae?'

Tae's mind- " Just when I thought"

Tae - " Yes, we can."

I agreed

Soobin - " ok, then"

We all made our way towards the living room.

Y/n was sitting in the middle and she selected some mystery movie.

And we started watching the movie.

Throughout the movie both of them were acting as detectives trying to solve the mystery.

Tae's mind - " Guys let the actors do their job, they were paid for it🙄"

The movie was interesting...it was about to finish.

I looked at my side and saw y/n sleeping on soobin's shoulder.

Tae's mind - "What the hell!!"

I was about to wake her up but Soobin stopped me.

Soobin - " Don't....she will be cranky."

I secretly rolled my eyes.

Tae - " But she can't sleep here, she needs to go to the room."

Soobin - "Don't worry, I'll take her to the room."

Tae's mind - " You wish!!"

Tae - " No, it's ok, I"ll take my wife myself."

I replied with a slight annoyance and picked up y/n bridal style.

Soobin - " ok,I'll be leaving then, good night."

He said standing up.

Tae - " Good night."

I said politely.

He walked out of the house.

Tae's mind - " Finally he is gone."

I took y/n to the room and layed her down on the bed and slept beside her while backhugging her."

We were having dinner and talking.

When a y/n's phone rang.

Y/n - " Oh! It's binnie"😁

Tae's mind - " Again that guy.....why can't he leave her alone."


For the last few days, I can hardly interact with y/n, because she is always busy with her friends especially Soobin.

It seems as if her world revolves around him.

Right now it's 11:15pm...and y/n is still not home.

I am standing here at the balcony waiting for her.

Just then I saw a car coming in front of our building.

Y/n exited the car followed by Soobin.

They both hugged each other and that Soobin kissed her CHEEKS.

Ok..now this was my limit, I cannot tolerate this anymore...why they both are so touchy... why?

I don't know if I am being possessive or not but I don't care now.

I was irritated, angry and annoyed.

I entered the room with a dark expression on my face.

I came back home after watching a movie with soobin.

I entered our room and closed the door as I turned around I saw Taehyung standing in the room with his arms crossed and not so good expression on his face.

Y/n - " you are not sleeping yet?"

I said removing my sling bag

Tae - " Where were you?"

Y/n - " I was with Soobin."

His face suddenly turned furious.

Tae - " Do you know what is the time?"

He said coming towards me

Y/n - " Didn't I texted you that I'll be late."

He was still coming towards me.

I was standing near the door so I can't go anywhere but I just took a step back.

He trapped me between him and the door .

His eyes were dark.

Tae - " Do you even know there are other people in the world too except Soobin?"

He was still leaning his face forward.

I put my hands on his shoulder to push him back a little.

But he held my wrists tightly stopping me.

Tae - " Huh? Tell me."

At this moment I was getting scared of him.

Y/n - " T-tae please move back a-a little."

Tae - "Why are you pushing me away, you don't push Soobin when he comes close to you......then why are you pushing your HUSBAND."

His grip on my wrist tightened.

I was more scared, I have never experienced such thing ever in my life.

Y/n - " T-tae l-leave my wrist it's p-paining."

When I came close to her she tried to push me...why doesn't she like me being close.

I held her wrist tightly to stop her attempts and asked the question which was bothering me.

Unknowingly my grip on her wrist tightened.

I could see the fear and pain in her eyes.

She asked me to leave her wrist.

So I left her wrist and moved back a little.

I was frustrated with my emotions....I don't want to hurt her ,I just want her to stay away from that Soobin.

I raised my hand to push my hair back


What y/n did shattered my heart.

She flinched, she kept her hand on her cheek, faced sidewards and shut her eyes tight.

She thought I raised my hand to slap her.

That hurted me, that hurted me to think that she is scared of me now.

Last time when I slapped her.. it induced a fear in her that I could hit her anytime.

And this thought broke my heart.

When she didn't felt anything she slowly opened her eyes.

Y/n - " I am sorry."

Her eyes were teary and her voice was really low.

I have never seen her like this, she was always strong, even when she cries she is not scared of anything..but I-I made her like this.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and carefully held her hands.

Tae - " I was not going to hit you y/n....I would never hit you again, never ever...p-please don't be scared of me."

My voice broke at the end.

I could see she relaxed a little.

Tae - " I was pushing m-my hair back.....I-I am sorry for this behavior...I was just s-stressed.......please don't be scared....I would never hit you again."

My eyes became teary too.

I was feeling so pathetic right now.

Seeing her scared of me was not even the last thing I would wish for.

How should I remove that fear from her mind, how should I make her believe that I would never hit her again.

How should I make her believe that she could argue and fight back with me like before without any fear.

I like that bold y/n, who is not scared of anything.

I didn't liked that fear she had in her eyes.

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