《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 30


Tae - " Who is he?"

I asked with a little anger in my voice.

Dahyun sighed and said

Dahyun - " He is Soobin...Choi Soobin."

I gave her a confused look

Lisa - " He is Soobin, our bestfriend and

y/n's childhood friend."

I nodded a little but I still had many questions.

Tae - " From where he came suddenly, you guys never told me about him, neither I have seen him before.

Why did y/n react like that?

Why she ran away?"

I was questioning non stop.

Dahyun - " Ahh!! Taehyung stop"

She said with an irritated face.

Dahyun - " Lisa"

She gestured her to tell me.

Lisa - " Umm.. actually y/n and Soobin were very close friends..so close that people thought that they are couple."

She paused for a second

Tae's mind - " I didn't liked that information at all."

Lisa - " But after our high school ended, soobin's parents decided to move to France with Soobin due to some buisness stuff I don't know....

She said the last part nonchalantly

" But Soobin didnt told y/n that he is moving to France because she might have cried a lot, which Soobin didn't wanted...so he decided to tell her on his last day in Korea.....but- "

Dahyun - " Shut up! You are speaking so slowly"

Then she turned towards me and said

Dahyun - " let me tell you.....but he didn't told her even on the last day.. in short he informed her after reaching France because he said it would have been difficult for him to leave y/n if he saw her at the airport crying, so when y/n came to know that he moved to france she was hurt and cried a lot but more than that she was angry on him like really angry , she blocked him from all social media accounts and didn't even talked to us for two weeks."

Lisa - " two weeks."

She said showing her two fingers

Dahyun - " After that incident she never talked to Soobin, even didn't let us talk about him infront of her."


Lisa - " She is still angry on him, she is meeting him today after six years."

That was a lot of information to take.

I was lost, should I feel happy that y/n reunited with her friend or should I feel sad because that friend is a male and really close to her.

When I saw Soobin after six years, I froze , I didn't knew how to react

He still looks the same a little more manly maybe.

He said hi to me but I can't even speak anything

I was shocked, I was not expecting him here at all

Then he called me Cherry and my eyes welled, I was about to hug him but then I remembered what he did so I stopped.

I don't wanted to break down here infront of everyone so I ran out of cafe.

Just as I exited the cafe, a strong pull on my wrist stopped me.

I turned around to see Soobin standing.

Soobin - " Will you not talk to me, cherry?"

He said in a sad tone.

And I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

He quickly came towards me cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumb

Soobin - "Please don't cry cherry......I am sorry....look, this is the reason I went away without telling you.....your tears wouldn't have let me go

It was difficult cherry

I am sorry."

He said and his tears also started flowing.

Soobin - " Haven't you punished me enough, you didn't talked to me for six years now.....please forgive me cherry."

I wanted to forgive, I just wanted him to come back and apologize.

It took him six years but he did

I quickly hugged him.

Y/n - " I missed you."

I said between my tears

Soobin - " I missed you too."

He said and kissed my hair.

After crying for like few minutes in his embrace he said

Soobin - " I wasn't even able to attend Hyuniee and yours wedding.

You both didn't even invited me."

I hugged him even more tightly.


Y/n - " Don't lie, I know you were at hyunie's wedding..they thought I didn't knew...but I heard them talking about you.....you didn't even met me."

I said with fake anger

He giggled and said

Soobin - " I didn't wanted to meet you and leave again."

I quickly broke the hug and looked at him raising my eyebrow

Y/n - " It means"

Soobin - " It means I am back in Korea permanently."

He smiled

I also gave back a wide smile 😊

Soobin - " Come,let's go inside...they must be waiting."

Y/n - " oh yeah!! "

I said wiping my remaining tears.

We went inside where everyone was sitting.

I looked at tae and his expressions showed that he is been told everything.

Well, It's good, now I don't have to do explaining.

We came towards them and took a seat

Y/n - " Taehyung,this is Choi Soobin my best friend.....and Soobin he is Kim Taehyung, my husband.

I felt really happy when she said 'my husband'.

So I smilingly shook hands with him.

Lisa - " Is everything sorted?"

She asked y/n and Soobin

Both of them nodded happily.

Dahyun - " Thank God, now guys please order something because me and my baby is hungry."

She said with a pout

We all ordered some food

Soobin - " I can't believe this....that crazy girl who used you snatch food of small kids in school, is going to be a mother in few months."

Everyone laughed but Jin hyung laughed a little extra.

Jin - " She used to snatch food of kids?"

He said still laughing.

Dahyun - " Yahhh!! I don't used to snatch, I-I used to politely ask them."

Lisa,Soobin, y/n - " Politely?"

They started laughing again

Soobin - " Ah! We have come a long way."

He said and sighed

Lisa - " Yah! Don't make me cry, the mascara I used today is not waterproof."

She said being a little emotional and correcting her eye makeup

Y/n - " yes!!..... I have already cried a lot today."

We started talking and joking again

I looked at y/n and she had the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face

She was laughing so heartily.

It made me feel so peaceful seeing her enjoying.

I was in my thoughts when y/n said

Y/n - " Tae!"

I looked at her

Y/n - " You were asking me right? Who taught me riding a motorbike."

I nodded

Y/n - " Its Soobin."

She said and clinged to his arm and my eyes turned dark.

I am fine with him as her friend but I am not liking it when he is touching her or she is touching him.

I don't want to feel like this but I can't control it

We all were done with food and talks, Dahyun and Jin hyung already left and we are also leaving.

Soobin and y/n hugged Lisa goodbye.. and she went

Then Soobin shook hands with me.

After that he turned to y/n and tightly hugged and kissed her hair.

Soobin - " Bye...love you."

Y/n - " Love you too....bye."

And Soobin went away and we also walked towards our car.

I felt a pang in my heart when they said love you to each other.

She is my wife, my love but she never said I love you to me rather she is saying this to her friend.

Tae's mind - " I want to make her fall for me

but why there are soo many obstacles,

first that Mark, whom she used to love,

and when she finally moved on from him and I thought I could try, then this Soobin came.

When will her heart be free for me"

I sighed and sat inside the car.

The whole ride she was telling me about Soobin.

I was irritated now.

Y/n - " And wh-"

Tae - " Y/n, will you stop talking...I can't concentrate"

The irritation was visible in my voice and face.

Y/n - " Oh..ok sorry."

She said sadly and turned to look out of the window

I felt bad for making her sad but I really can't listen to more of Soobin now.

I sighed and concentrated on driving.

Tae's mind - " Why am I sighing soo much today?"

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