《Komahina Angstpril》Amnesia


"Hinata-san, you've come to visit again? Wow, I'm so happy I'm getting goosebumps!" The boy in the hospital bed gushes, ". . .Wait, you are Hinata-san right? I've been told I could be quite forgetful and I remember you specifically since we share the same last name! Isn't that strange?"

The brunet swallows back the pain brewing in his hear as he goes and takes his usual spot next to the shell that used to be his husband, who appeared to be having one of his better days.

"Hey, how are you doing today?" He asks carefully.

The boy sighs. "Ah. . .A good question," He beams, "Okay, I guess! How are you, Hinata-san?"

"Oh, you know, same old, same old. . ."

He stares at the other Hinata for a second, from his light-blue robes to the scratches littering his hands, to the big bandage wrapped around his head several times. He had got quite injured in the process, including a giant, intense blow to the head resulting in (hopefully) temporary memory loss and currently recovering from a concussion. Hajime however wasn't that confident. That combined with the Dementia he already has can't lead to anything good.

All Hajime wanted to do was bring him home and start helping him try to remember things but the doctors wanted to monitor his condition for a little while longer.

"I'm thirsty," Nagito sighs, interrupting Hajime's train of thought, "Why do I have to be thirsty? It's just so despairing. . ."

Hajime grabs the glass of water by his bedside and handing it to him. "Here," He responds, "Drink up, you'll feel better."

"Thank you Hinata-san!" He chirps back, "You know, you look like someone I used to know. They were really kind and bright and full of the most amazing hope. . .ah, but I can barely remember them nowadays."


Hajime forces a smile. "I'm sure they were wonderful. I hope you can see them again one day. I can help you look them up once you get out of here, if you want."

Nagito's eyes widen. "Y-You would?"

"I-I mean sure. . .We. . .We are f-friends after all."

Nagito smiles, leaning back in his bed. "Hinata-san is so kind. . .Say, you never told me why you keep coming back to visit me since you were lead here by mistake. Almost makes me think it wasn't a mistake, ahaha! So, why?"

". . .You fascinate me. I guess. I like being friends with you, uh, Hinata." Hajime answers awkwardly, staring at his lap.

Nagito is oddly silent for an odd moment, staring at the wall in quiet contemplation before turning to look at Hajime again.

"Call me crazy, Hinata-san, but I feel like you're lying. I was told I lost some memories in an accident. . .perhaps we knew each other beforehand?"

Hajime says nothing in response, confirming Nagito's suspicious.

". . .Ah. Were we close?"

Hajime presses his lips together in a thin line. Yeah, he'd say three years of marriage and considering adopting a child was very close of them. But Nagito didn't really need to know about all of that right now.

". . .Not really. We were just, uh. . .friends that met for coffee every once in a while," He lies, "But that doesn't stop me from worrying about you."

"Oh. . .You seem like a really kind person, Hinata-san. I'm sorry I've forgotten you."

Hajime stiffens, brushing a hand over his heart.

"Yeah. . .me too."

Just then, Nagito's nurse knocks on the door, popping her head in.

"I-I'm terribly s-sorry, but, visiting hours a-are over." She stammers nervously.

Hajime nods in acknowledgement, moving to his feet and smiling down at Nagito.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He tells him, "I promise."

Nagito nods. "Yes, of course, see you then Hinata-san!"

Hajime nods back, heading towards the door where the nurse was waiting.

"I love you." He mutters, eyeing the wedding band on his finger.

"Ah, did you say something, Hinata-san?"

". . .N-No. I said nothing. See you tomorrow."

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